Page 32 - World Airnews Magazine January 2021 Edition
P. 32
The photograph ABOVE was taken at AFB Swartkop, South Africa’s, and possibly the world’s
oldest still operating military air base, which will be celebrating its centenary in 2021.
In the background are hangars which formed part of the Imperial Gift to South Africa after
the First World War, and which included the aircraft that formed the original SAAF
kop limited, the project has required the
World Airnews editor building of a new hangar, which the SAAF
he effects of the Covid-19 virus
Heidi Gibson spoke Tacross the aviati on industry have Museum has given the green light to.
“The airframe needs to be placed into
to Ian Grace, chair- been far-reaching and now a South African jigs so that we can continue with the work.
man of the Friends of aviation non-profit organisation - the To do this we need space and to do this
we need to build a hangar. We need all the
Friends of the South African Air Force Mu-
the South African Air seum (FSAAFM) - is also feeling the pinch. help we can get to build it and restore this
beauty to her former glory,” he said.
The NPO, started in 2015, has been
Force Museum and focused on the restoration of a Superma- “We have four quotes for the supply and
Performance Centre rine Spitfire, registration TE213, with SAAF erection of this new hangar. Once complet-
ed, relevant components of the airframe
number 5518. Delivered to South Africa in
CEO Grant Askham 1947, the aircraft is believed to be the last will be moved to this facility in order of
about a unique aircraft remaining example in the world of a Mark priority, as and when they are ready to be
restored. The hangar - once complete - will
IXe with clipped wings and the bubble type
and car collaboration canopy. also be the long term dedicated space for
any other future upgrade and restoration
The FSAAFM organisation supports all
three branches of the SAAF Museum in work undertaken by the organisation.
Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and at the Swart- So Covid-19 might have put a stop to their
kop air force base in Valhalla. fund-raising efforts, but this is only tem-
“Covid-19 effectively brought to a halt porary as the volunteer run organisation is
all planned air shows and special avia- not put off and instead has intensified their
tion events in the country. It also meant efforts to keep the project alive.
the postponement of the SAAF century Enter the Performance Centre - a Preto-
celebrations and as a result of this we have ria based high performance motor compa-
not been able to continue to raise funds ny that upgrades Ford Mustangs and SUVs.
or even awareness, ” Ian Grace, of the “In the past I worked for the camera giant
FSAAFM told World Airnews. Nikon and we would attend airshows as
TE213 was restored to flying in the 1990s part of our marketing and promotions – so
and was used as major attraction at air I knew all about the Spitfire Restoration
shows until an emergency landing in April Project at Swartkop. It seemed an obvious
2000 took place and it was extensively and easy next step for us. We pitched the
damaged. With workshop space at Swart- idea of building a custom designed 5L Ford
World Airnews | January 2021
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