Page 59 - World Airnews Magazine January 2021 Edition
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need to be transported in a safe environment and at the correct
temperatures. We have demonstrated our ability to transport
such products,” he said.
The airline is banking on its stature as a well connected “We are working closely with governments around the world
airline in Africa to take the vaccines to every region on the and that of Kenya to distribute the cargo. We will look for
continent using its networks and cargo routes. opportunities and ensure we are the pride of Africa. We are
Kenya Airways chief executive officer Allan Kilavuka said cargo moving a lot of cargo on a weekly basis.”
business is now the airline’s lifeline. The airline has been relying He said the 787 Dreamliner which started ferrying goods from
on cargo flights to stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic Mombasa to UAE two weeks ago was repurposed for cargo.
that has paralysed the global travel, tourism and aviation “We have seen opportunities in cargo and we want to invest
sectors. more. We have 30 tonnes of cargo but the flight can carry 42
Mr Kilavuka said the national carrier prepared early for a role tonnes so there's more space. We want to fly products out of
in taking the vaccines to various countries. here to different parts of the world,” he said.
“Even before the vaccine was announced, we had set up a Recently, Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary, Najib Balala
cold room in Nairobi at our cargo centre which can store heat said cargo is the only segment that can sustain aviation during
sensitive products like medicines,” he said. the pandemic.
“Our plan is to see how we can support the distribution of However, he decried how air transport in Africa is perceived to
these vaccinations across Africa because we fly to 46 destina- be a luxury to be enjoyed by the elite.
tions worldwide but majority are in Africa.” “The pandemic has exposed the importance of air connectivi-
“When we stopped flying during the Covid-19 pandemic, the ty. It should be a public requirement like the train and buses. It’s
only business line that was giving us a lifeline was cargo and time for us to seriously give support air travel,” Mr Balala said.
it has continued to do so. We have seen opportunities and we “Tourism will not recover without air travel. We need to make
want to invest more,” he added. sure things are done properly. With international arrivals 65
In an interview in Mombasa, he said cargo is a viable business percent down, cargo is the only opportunity.”
opportunity for the airline. Currently, KQ is repurposing two The CS said global airlines such as Lufthansa are gearing up to
of its Dreamliners to create space for cargo, with Mr Kilavuka start transporting vaccines.
saying globally, there is a shortage of aircraft to transport the “Has Africa started making plans such as that? How do we
vaccines. build capacity to ensure our local airlines seize the opportunities
“There will never be too many aircrafts or vessels to transport instead of allowing the foreign airlines?” he asked on a webinar
these vaccinations because they are needed speedily. They on tourism recovery for the continent. Q
World Airnews | January Extra 2021
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