Page 63 - World Airnews Magazine January 2021 Edition
P. 63


                        NEW SAFETY-ENHANCING FEATURES

                                            recommended airport for the aircraft to   pressing the dual concentric knob on just
                                            glide to from its current position, the best   one GTN Xi.
         New features are now available for   glide airport indicator1 is selected based   A new radios page displays all Comm and
          the Garmin GTN Xi Series of navigators   upon distance from present location,   Nav frequencies (active and standby) of
          including a glide range ring that helps   runway length at the airport, wind data,   both units, as well as volume levels. The
          safety-minded pilots visualise the estimat-  and airport weather through FIS-B or Sirius   radios page can be quickly accessed from
                                            XM if available on the aircraft.
          ed area an aircraft could reach in the case   If desired, the best glide airport indicator   the frequency keypad page or as a pre-set
          engine power is lost.             can be displayed by itself or with the glide   user field button. From this page, pilots can
           Other new features include the ability to   range ring also shown.  easily flip the respective active and standby
          remotely control the radios of another GTN                           frequencies.
          Xi when dual GTN Xi units are installed in                             Also new, pilots can load a frequency
          an aircraft, quicker page navigation with   NEAREST AIRPORT          to the active or standby position of either
          the addition of customisable dual concen-  The nearest airport list now indicates which   GTN Xi from applicable airport or waypoint
          tric knob functions, and more.    airports are estimated to be reachable   information pages.
                                            on glide by displaying a green check mark
          GLIDE RANGE RING                  indication next to the airport identifier.   DUAL CONCENTRIC KNOB
                                              If the pilot’s criteria for nearest airports
          The new glide range ring helps pilots   would have excluded an airport that is   Similar to other Garmin navigators, the dual
          enhance their situational awareness by   estimated to be within glide range, the   concentric knob can now enable quicker
          depicting the estimated area that the   system will automatically add these   access to select pages.
          aircraft can reach when it’s configured for   airports back to the nearest airport list   The outer knob now allows the pilot to
          best glide range in the case of an engine   and display the glide check, while also   intuitively cycle between pages on their
          failure.                          highlighting the runway length and surface   GTN Xi, while the inner knob can now
           The glide range ring considers terrain   type with a white box if these figures do   support functionality related to the current
          data, as well as wind data when provided   not meet the previous nearest airport   page being displayed, such as scrolling
          by a GDL 69 or FIS-B Source, or calculated   criteria set by the pilot.  through lists or zooming in on maps.
          winds from a compatible Garmin fight   When dual GTN Xi navigators are   A new locator bar works in conjunction
          display2, in order to help pilots continuous-  installed, pilots can now remotely control   with the outer knob and indicates the
          ly plan while flying.             and tune the radio frequencies on both   current page while also displaying which
           Further, G500 TXi or G600 TXi flight   units from a single GTN Xi navigator.   page is next. Pilots can allocate and
          displays can also show the glide range ring   Pilots can control both the Comm and   customise up to nine pages to be controlled
          when paired with the GTN Xi while using   Nav radio tuning, in addition to volume   by the outer knob including Map, Nav,
          the GTN Xi GPS guidance as the horizontal   level, which is an especially useful function   Flight Plan, Traffic, Weather, Fuel Planning,
          situational indicator (HSI) source.                                  and many more.
                                            for quick radio tuning in a busy flight
                                            environment.                         There are other GTN Xi series improve-
          BEST GLIDE AIRPORT INDICATOR        Additionally, pilots can cycle through   ments and updates. For more information
          Depicted as cyan chevrons pointing to the   radios of both GTN Xi navigators by   go to Q

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