Page 57 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 57


                                   AEROBOTICS RECEIVES


                                            minimise inputs and maximise production.   on Aeroview, its web-based platform.
                                            We look forward to further co-developing   The platform then allows one to order a
         Aerobotics has raised (US) $17     our products with the agricultural industry   drone flight and the company will arrange
          million in a Series B round with significant   leaders.”             a drone pilot to fly three times throughout
          participation from Naspers, Platform   Founded in Cape Town, South Africa,   the season to track tree health and size,
          Investment Partners, FMO: Entrepreneurial   Aerobotics provides its customers with   using multi-spectral, high-resolution drone
          Development Bank and Cathay AfricInvest   intelligent tools to feed the world.   imagery.
          Innovation.                         Using data collected, Aerobotic’s plat-  With this data, a farmer identifies areas
           The firm late last year announced it had   forms brings security to farming and food   needing attention from and then inspects
          raised (US) $16.5M from FMO and Cathay   security to the world, as global demand on   these in the field using the Aeroview
          AfricInvest to help it gain access to a large,   the agricultural industry increases.  InField mobile app. With the derived data,
          international network of agribusinesses in   Aerobotics has had success in its ability   a farmer can now start making data-driven
          emerging markets. Naspers is said to have   to collect and analyse tree and fruit-level   decisions on their farm, using the AI-based
          invested (US) $5.6M in this round.  information, which are critical to the   analytics platform.
           In May last year, Naspers announced it   agricultural industry.       The reporting tool consolidates all in-field
          invested $5.5 million (R100 million) into   It has seen support from commer-  findings and alerts the user to areas where
          Aerobotics, through Naspers Foundry, to   cial-scale farmers and, more recently, crop   action is needed.
          help sustain food security in South Africa.  insurance companies in the US who require   The Series B investment will further tech-
           James Paterson, CEO at Aerobotics said,   accurate tree-level information about their   nology development and product delivery
          “Thank you to our customers for believing   clients.                 in the United States and Aerobotics other
          in our vision and to our investors for   One of the building blocks of the   core territories.
          backing us. We’re committed to providing   company’s success is the simplicity of the   For more information: please visit https://
          intelligent tools to optimise automation,   platform. A user creates a free account Q

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