Page 58 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 58


                                   BOEING RUSH FOR MORE THAN

                                   150 CONVERTED 737S

                                                                                           By Pranjal Pande

                                            Boeing Senior vice president for commer-  and Amazon Prime Air.
                                            cial sales and marketing said, “We are   As more airlines globally retire hundreds
         While the last year has been a     honoured that BBAM has selected more   of planes, including 737s, the market for
                                            737-800BCFs, based on the success of our
          difficult year for passenger aircraft orders,   standard body freighters in their portfo-  converted freighters is heating up. The
                                                                               coming years could see more airlines
          Boeing did see one bright spot in freight-  lio….The continued strong demand for   striking deals to sell their planes to cargo
          ers. The carrier now has firm commitments   the 737-800BCF demonstrates the critical   operators for conversion.
          (which consists of orders and options) for   role these converted freighters play in the
          150 737-800BCFs, its smallest freighter on   growing express and e-commerce market.”  BOEING DOMINATES
          offer. As the name suggests, Boeing has
          created conversion lines to modify existing   WHY THE 737?           While Airbus is swiftly catching up with
          passenger 737-800s into cargo aircraft.  Boeing highlights that the 737-800BCF   Boeing on passenger orders, the American
                                                                               giant dominates the cargo market. From
           The latest customer for the 737 has   offers a variety of benefits to airlines   the smallest 737, popular 767 and 777Fs,
          been aircraft lessor BBAM, which upped   looking to operate the jet. The conversion   to the largest 747-8Fs, Boeing has a highly
          its commitments from three planes to 15   process allows airlines to double the   diverse range of freighter offerings to
          (nine orders and six options). Boeing has   lifespan of their passenger jets with a quick   airlines. Meanwhile, Airbus only offers
          also secured commitments from leasing   turnaround time of little as 90 days.   the one A330-200F (not including a small
          giant GECAS, which agreed to take on 50   Additionally, the new BCFs are 20%   number of conversions).
          737-800BCFs.                      more efficient than the aging 737 Classic   The growing 737 programme only
           To meet this growing demand, Boeing   freighters.                   cements Boeing’s market leadership in
          has added new conversion lines in Asia.   The 737-800BCF is usually found on   cargo planes while its passenger business
          The manufacturer will open two lines in   domestic or short-haul routes globally, with   struggles.
          Guangzhou and Singapore, alongside its   the capacity to carry up to 52,800 pounds   While Airbus has not announced any new
          current line in Shanghai. The Singapore   of cargo over 2,025 nautical miles. The   plans for a freighter, both the A350 and
          facility will handle conversions for the 767s.   capacity and range make the 737 a suitable   A330neo could be strong favourites for a
           In a statement after the latest order,   choice for large cargo airlines like FedEx   new model. Q

                  NEWS DIGITAL

                                    EASA APPROVAL FOR GARMIN

                                    GI 275

                                     primary flight instruments   Carl Wolf, vice president of   installation time and preserv-
                                     in the cockpit such as the   aviation sales and marketing.   ing the existing aircraft panel.
            The popular Garmin GI    attitude indicator, attitude-di-  “With this approval, the   It has a bright, high-reso-
            275 electronic flight instru-  rection indicator (ADI), course   modern GI 275 electronic   lution touchscreen display
            ment has received European   deviation indicator (CDI),   flight instrument gives pilots   with wide viewing angle. A
            Union Aviation Safety Agency   horizontal situation indicator   the opportunity to take an   dual concentric knob allows
            (EASA) approval.         (HSI), multi-function display   economical and scalable   pilots to access a variety of
                                                              approach to their avionics
                                     (MFD), and engine indication
             This will allow installation in   system (EIS).   upgrade while realizing   key functions within the flight
            over 1,000 single-engine and   In addition, the GI 275 can   tremendous potential with   instrument, such as adjust-
                                                                                       ments to the baro setting or
            multi-engine aircraft models.   also be installed as a standby   the extraordinary capability   the airspeed bug.
            Several variants of the GI   attitude indicator when paired   of the versatile touchscreen
            275 are available to meet the   with large format electronic   GI 275.”      Highly scalable, aircraft
            needs of business and general   flight displays.    Lightweight and compact,   owners can start with a
            aviation aircraft.                                the GI 275 is a flight instru-  single GI 275 and add up
             A powerful electronic flight   “Garmin worked closely   ment intentionally designed   to a total of six in a single
            instrument, the GI 275 is   with EASA to bring the   to take advantage of the   panel, paving the way for
            suitable as a direct replace-  popular GI 275 to thousands   common 3.125-inch flight   incremental upgrades and an
            ment for a variety of legacy   more cockpits with aging                    array of individualised panel
                                     flight instruments,” said   instrument size, reducing   configurations. Q

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