Page 63 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 63


                                    TRANSPORT CANADA TO

                                    UNGROUND BOEING 737 MAX

                                                              event and that they should use all other sources to determine
              ransport Canada (TC)  has lifted a NOTAM banning Boeing   airspeed.
         T737 MAX services in the country after an earlier publication   Wire routing for the horizontal stabiliser trim system to improve
         of an Airworthiness Directive.                       physical separation of the wiring has to be modified.
           The directive details the conditions under which the aircraft is   Importantly, Transport Canada has mandated a provision for the
         allowed back into Canadian revenue operations.       crew to be allowed to disable the stick shaker if it is identified as a
           The Canadian regulator’s requirements go beyond those defined   nuisance alert.
         by the US FAA and Brazil’s National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC).   “During dedicated simulator testing, Transport Canada test
         Those two regulators had allowed the MAX back in late 2020 and   pilots found that, following the activation of the stick shaker, the
         their conditions are similar but not identical to those expected to   constant noise and vibration was a significant impediment to the
         be published by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)   safe operation of the aeroplane for the remainder of the flight,” TC
         in the coming days.                                  wrote in its directive.
           In its directive and in an interim order issued to operators,   “The disabling of the stick shaker also improves the crew’s
         Transport Canada mandates changes in software, hardware,   recognition of the stall warning and disables an incorrect activation
         displays, crew alerts, procedures and pilot training.  of the elevator feel shift”.
           The 737-8 and -9 were banned from operating in Canadian   To make turning the stick shaker off easier, TC has mandated the
         airspace on March 13, 2019, following two 737-8 accidents within   addition of colored caps on the relevant circuit breakers.
         less than five months involving aircraft operated by Lion Air and   Airworthiness authorities are split as far as how to deal with the
         Ethiopian Airlines in which 346 people were killed.   stick shaker issue.
           Both accidents were linked to the Manoeuvring Characteristics   EASA is expected to mandate the same requirements as TC, but
         Augmentation System (MCAS) flight control law meant to protect   the FAA and ANAC have taken different views.
         the aircraft in high angle-of-attack scenarios. Triggered by faulty   The FAA’s operations experts within Flight Standards backed
         sensor data, MCAS made repeated, forceful nose-down inputs   the disabling idea, but their counterparts in Aircraft Certification
         which the pilots of both aircraft were unable to recover leading to   opposed it, citing the potential of creating more risk by diverting
         loss of control.                                     attention from the instruments or flight path, or possibly pulling
           In addition to the MCAS software updates designed by Boeing,   the wrong breaker.
         Transport Canada made several other measures mandatory. The   The certification argument won, helped in part by backing from
         directive requires implementation of the Boeing Special Attention   FAA Administrator Steve Dickson - a former line pilot with 737
         SB 737-31-1860 which makes the AOA DISAGREE alert a standard   experience.
         function.                                             Dickson based his viewpoint in part on his observations when
           The alert was also missing from the HGS6000 head-up display   he went through a now-required simulator procedure that puts
         (HUD). Revised software for the HUD includes display of that alert   MAX pilots through an AOA failure that “demonstrates flight deck
         that will be implemented in 2021, according to the Canadian   effects (i.e., aural, visual, and tactile) associated with the failure,”
         regulator.                                           according to new MAX training guidance.
           As an interim measure, an operating procedure has been added   Among the aural effects is the affected stick-shaker’s constant
         to the Transport Canada AFM Appendix informing pilots that the   rattling.Q
         alert is not available on the HUD during an unreliable airspeed   Article courtesy:

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