Page 72 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 72


                                  THE COMMERCIALISATION

                                  OF DRONES

                                                                                 By Robert R. Ackerman Jr

                                            overly conservative.                can then fly to the location of the event

                                              “Almost anyone you talk to will probably   using pre-defined flight routes, locking the
             or years, there has been optimistic   agree that drones will be commonly used   camera on intend targets and waiting for

       Ftalk that drones - the popular name   in almost all industries across the board,”   further instructions.
        for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) -   said Dino Boukouris, a strategic and M&A   Security is the bigger issue and needs
        would become ubiquitous and used for se-  advisor at Momentum Cyber which coun-  more work. Once a drone has been located,
        curity purposes. Instead, drones have been   sels the cybersecurity ecosystem and is an   it can be hacked and video and other im-

        popular among hobbyists but much less so   expert on drones and drone security.   ages the drone is broadcasting to its base

        in the commercial sector, undermined by   “Look for the drone industry to be   station can be downloaded.

        strict federal government restrictions.  opening up hundreds of thousands of jobs   Drones are already being used to target
                                            in coming years,” said Brett Velicovich, an

          But it’s changing. The drone-industry   independent, Washington-based consul-  Wi-Fi connections, many of which are not

        is becoming an increasingly promising   tant known as “drone warrior,” with four   well secured. Too often, they rely solely

        technology-intensive industry, one that   Fortune 500 clients.          on single-factor authentication and the
        will employ far more workers than it does                               use of typical passwords that can be easily

        today while enhancing the efficiency and   Major players will include the agricultural   cracked, especially with the absence of an

        security of a variety of businesses.  and utility industries, construction, oil and   encrypted connection.
                                            gas, and first responders. And, arguably, the

          Just after Christmas, US regulators after                              It’s also a concern that drones are com-

        a long delay finally established industry-  biggest of all could be the security industry.  monly manufactured in China or assem-
        wide requirements for remote identifica-  “Today, security guards do rounds once   bled from Chinese components and could

        tion of drones.                     an hour,” Boukouris said. “How efficient is   contain a hidden backdoor for the Chinese
                                            that?  Drones could solve that need easily.”
                                                                                government. Fortunately, there is some
          This means that the Federal Aviation

        Administration (FAA), which heretofore had   In coming years, companies are high-  good news on the drone front as well.

        to approve drone use beyond the line-of-sight   ly likely to adopt UAVs to monitor their   Drones, like other electronic devices, can be

        on a case-by-case basis, has now instead   perimeters, to the point where it will likely   better protected. Major drone manufactur-
        established broad safety standards. These are   thin the ranks of guards. This is predictable   ers issue patches when new security threats
        intended to promote eventual widespread   because the key to security events is the   emerge and these should always be installed.

        home delivery of small packages and a num-  timely, efficient understanding of pertinent   Also helpful is a virtual private network (VPN),

        ber of other previously restricted applications.  details and the assignment of actions in   which stops hackers from accessing communi-

          Among other things, the FAA has mandated   response to the event.     cations when connected to the internet.

        the use of onboard radio transmitters for   Drones have the edge because details   In coming years, storage in the cloud and,

        drones to transmit their positions, substantial-  of the event and assigned actions are   in particular, encryption, will be the best

        ly enhancing drone safety. Existing models will   uploaded directly via software to the drone   answer to security concerns. The latter will

        have to be retrofitted with the technology.  for immediate deployment. In the case of   become common as prices recede.

          These new steps open the door in 2021 to   a human intrusion, a geospatially-enabled   Significant growth in commercial drones is
                                            video management system can automati-

        the natural business appetite to jump on a   cally inform the drone of the intrusion and   a matter of dollars and cents and funda-

        profitable opportunity. The FAA estimates   the exact location of the event. The drone   mentally inevitable. Risk alone will not stop

        that there are 1.25 million person-                                        industries from embracing drones,

        al drones in the United States and                                         especially as they are continually out-

        385,000 commercial drones. Now the                                         fitted with better camera systems and

        FAA predicts by 2023 there will be                                         batteries. This is a good thing.

        835,000 commercial drones - more                                             No question, the widespread use of

        than double the current number -                                           drones will create significant new op-

        largely because more businesses will                                       portunities for the security industry and
        adopt UAV programmes for deliver-                                          also help juice the overall economy. Q

        ies, inspections and other uses.

          With the new regulations, this                                           Article shortened - courtesy: https://

        forecast could easily turn out to be                             
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