Page 69 - World Airnews February Magazine Edition 2021
P. 69


                                    INDONESIA CRASH: WHAT

                                    TO KNOW ABOUT THE

                                    BOEING PLANE

                                                  By Austin Ramzy. Photographs by Associated Press

                                             in the 1980s, and not the troubled 737 Max   Before they are permitted to fly again,

                                             airliner, which was grounded after deadly   each 737 Max aircraft must have its wiring

                he 737-500 that crashed last month   crashes in 2018 and 2019.  and software modified.

          Tnear Jakarta was a 26-year-old
          workhorse without the new technology   HOW IS THE 737-500 DIFFERENT   WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF THE
          that plagued the 737 Max.          FROM THE 737 MAX?                  BOEING 737-500?
            The crash of a plane in Indonesia carrying   The plane involved in the crash on Saturday   The 737-500 was introduced with the

          more than 60 people comes at a difficult   is an earlier model of the 737, and it had   purchase of 20 planes in 1987 by Southwest

          time for the aviation giant Boeing, which   been in operation for 26 years. It was   Airlines. The airline used the model, with a

          has seen its reputation battered by years of   previously flown by Continental Airlines   capacity of 122, to more efficiently handle

          investigations over deadly crashes.  and United Airlines before it was delivered   longer routes with a smaller number

            The plane that crashed last month near   to Sriwijaya Air in 2012, according to the   of passengers, Southwest’s corporate

          Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, was a   Airfleets online database.   historian, Richard West, wrote in 2016.
          workhorse model with a good safety record   The 737-500 does not share the same   That need dropped as its long-haul travel
          whereas the plane at the centre of the Boe-  anti stall system as the 737 Max, which   business increased and Southwest’s last

          ing crisis was the 737 Max, a later version   was triggered in the 2018 crash of another   737-500 flew in September 2016.

          with faulty anti stall software that led to   Indonesian flight, Lion Air Flight 610, killing   Historically, the 737-500 has been a safe

          two deadly crashes.                all 189 people aboard. The same system   plane to fly.

                                             was blamed in the crash of a 737 Max in   The series it belongs to, which includes
           WHAT CAUSED THE BOEING PLANE      Ethiopia in March 2019, which killed 157.  the 737-300 and 737-400, has had 19 fatal
           CRASH IN INDONESIA?                 Those crashes forced the grounding of   accidents over more than three decades in

          It is unclear what caused the crash. Sriwijaya   the Max fleet worldwide and a crisis for   operation, or about one fatal accident for

          Air Flight 182, which was traveling to the   Boeing. The company fired its chief execu-  every four million departures, according to

          city of Pontianak on the island of Borneo,   tive and said last year that the Max ground-  a 2019 Boeing report.

          took off amid a heavy monsoon season rain,   ing would cost it more than $18 billion, a   Four previous fatal accidents have been
          following a bad weather delay. It plunged   sharp blow even before the coronavirus   recorded in the 737-500, including crashes
          more than 10,000 feet in less than a minute,   pandemic pummelled the industry.  in South Korea in 1993, Tunisia in 2002 and
          according to the tracking site Flightradar24.  Last week, the company said it had   in Russia in 2008 and 2013, according to

            Indonesia, an archipelago nation of   agreed to pay $2.5 billion, including $500   the Aviation Safety Network.

          thousands of islands, is heavily dependent   million for a victims fund, to resolve a   WHICH AIRLINES FLY IT?
          on air travel. Though the country has a   criminal conspiracy charge to defraud the

          long history of aviation accidents, Sriwijaya   Federal Aviation Administration over evalu-  Boeing manufactured 389 of the 737-500

          Air had not had a single fatal crash since it   ation of the 737 Max.  before the model was discontinued. As
          began operations in 2003.            The troubled 737 Max resumed flying   many as 100 remain in use by smaller

            The plane involved in the Sriwijaya Air   last month, with American Airlines Flight   airlines around the world in countries

          crash, which lost contact shortly after   718 making the first commercial flight of   including Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Russia

          take-off from Jakarta on Saturday, was a   the plane after the FAA. lifted its grounding   and Ukraine, according to the tracking

          Boeing 737-500, a proven model developed   order in November.         website Q
                                                   World Airnews | February 2021
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