Page 35 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 35

NEWS             AIR CARGO

                                   UNMANNED SYSTEM

 By Heidi Gibson
 A leading African aviation sales and acquisition company had
 the rare experience of being part of the sale of the oldest Cessna
 on the South African register. Nigel Forrester from Money   t’s not every day you get involved in the
 Aviation spoke to World Airnews about the transaction  Isale of the oldest Cessna on the South
 African register - let alone get the chance
 to fly this iconic 1946 single engine classic   outh Korea's Hyundai auto group

 aircraft.   Swill receive applicati ons from

 But this is exactly what happened at   domestic firms to commercialise an un-

 Money Aviation to CEO Nigel Forrester.   manned air cargo system in 2026. A vertical

 “It’s certainly unique in my sales career   take-off and landing method will be adopt-

 and the aircraft has an interesting history.   ed to carry medium-sized cargo to innovate

 It was imported into SA on 16 Jan 2004   urban logistics services.
 and was owned by a Durban enthusiast,   An unmanned aerial system (UAS) can
 Dave Pike, but , with a heavy heart he put   deliver cargo more quickly and securely
 it up for sale since it was not being used   than ground transport. Hyundai will receive
 that much. An engineer and friend of   applications from domestic companies to

 mine Hew Hodgson who lives in Margate,   participate in the development of airframes

 maintained the aircraft and made me   and control and aviation electronics. A

 aware that it was up for sale” said Nigel.  technology concept would be unveiled
 This classic1946 Cessna 140, bearing   during the first half of 2021.

 Oldest Cessna on SA register going to a new home   the registration ZS PEJ, is a single-engine,   Hyundai aims to pro-actively lead the Ur-

 two-seater with conventional landing   ban Air Mobility (UAM) market by accumu-
 gear (tailwheel). It’s a light general   lating know-how for an unmanned air cargo

 aviation aircraft and was first produced    system. UAM is an ecosystem covering
 following the end of World War II . The   personal air vehicles (PAVs) and infrastruc-  step average speed for cars is predicted to   in June to commercialize drone taxis in 2025.

 production of this model ended in 1951.  ture. PAVs or flying cars are emerging as a   degrade further.  Chairman Chung Eui-sun has called for a

 Still with its original Continental C-85 en-  future system of travel to avoid traffic jams   Hyundai is a member of UAM Team Korea,   drastic structural change to become a key

 gine, and the paintwork in pretty good nick,   on urban roads as the doorstep-to-door-  a public-private consultative body launched   player in the production of PAVs. Q

 the aircraft made a pretty sight on display.
 “It  was ready for its MPI (major

 periodic inspection). This was done and   SAF

 she passed with flying colours”, said Nigel

 Negotiating the recent change of hands

 from Dave Pike to the new buyers went   AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY
 The new owners are Koos Liebenberg
 and partner Michael Meiring and they           IN AFRICA

 will be relocating their new acquisition to
 Robertson in the Cape. Koos is Instructor
 rated and looks forward to passing on the                                            By Wallace Mawire
 The proud new owners   tail wheel training to his students   our part in ensuring that the fuelling   bil Oil Nigeria plc) Air bp is providing fueling
 of ZS PEJ Michael   But before the official hand over took   process is fast, efficient and safe. Misfu-  services at both the main terminal and the

 Meiring and Koos   place Nigel and Warren Anderson had a   elling is one of the biggest risks we face in   general aviation terminal.

 Liebenberg seen with   chance to take her up.  ir bp has rolled out its airfield   our industry. Our global solution provides   The company is also providing technical

 Nigel Forrester (centre)  Describing the experience, Warren said   Aautomati on digital technology   an engineering barrier to help prevent   support and risk management expertise

 it’s not like flying the modern Cessnas. “You   to nine locations in Africa. Designed to   misfuelling, which is good news for Africa   to the airport and have supported 11PLC

 are sitting shoulder to shoulder and using   enhance safety, reliability and compliance   and good news for our industry.”  in the construction and commissioning

 instrumentation of that era! The noise fac-  in airport fuelling operations, it has been   In November last year Air bp signed   of a new 20-million litre aviation jet fuel

 tor is not unbearable with headsets on but   well received by operators in Africa who   a technical services agreement with   import tank including the laying of new

 is a delight to fly! The take-off and landing   have reported increased speed and effi-  Sonangol, the state-owned oil company in   jet fuel pipelines both of which were

 were smooth despite a cross wind.”  ciency in fuelling.   Angola marking its entry into the country.   completed in 2019.
 “What most people don’t realise is that   Airline customers in the southern   “Air bp will support Sonangol in   Currently Air bp supplies commercial,

 this aircraft is very light - it only has a 1   African such as Airlink have reported im-  assuring its operations to international   general and military aviation customers

 450 lb MTOW, and her total fuel capacity   proved turnaround times and enhanced   standards, providing advice on product   at nine locations in Africa, five in South

 is 25 US gallons. (94.6litres) In cruise it   accuracy in fuelling.   quality, operations and engineering,” the   Africa, 10 in Egypt, seven in Tunisia, sev-

 only uses 17 litres per hour!”  Anthony Leon, Air bp general manager,   statement said.  en in Mozambique, two in Morocco, two
 So for now this little beauty will make   southern Africa said, “We are delighted to   Air bp further extended its reach with its   in Cape Verde and one each in Nigeria,

 her way down to the small town in the   receive such positive feedback from the   first location in Nigeria at Murtala Moham-  Mauritius and Ivory Coast.

 Cape where she will spend her time in   installation of airfield automation in Africa.   med International Airport, Lagos. Working   The company’s operations in Africa are

 How the times have changed !!! Original   the skies training other general aviation   With this new technology, we are playing   in collaboration with 11PLC (formerly Mo-  supported by around 180 employees. Q

 instrumentation of the 1946 era   enthusiasts in the art of tail wheeling. Q

 World Airnews | December 2020                    World Airnews | December 2020
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