Page 36 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 36


                                  THOSE CURVED BOEING 787


                                                                                        By Jake Hardiman

                                                    Folding wingtips are among the new technological innovations set to

                                                          be featured on Boeing’s upcoming 777X. Photo: Getty Images

                                           American manufacturer, which resulted in   abundance of technology, it can fly faster
                                           numerous fuel-saving factors. One of these   than its predecessors, while consuming less
                                           is the aircraft’s striking, curved wing design.  fuel.

              he curved wings of the Boeing 787
        Tare one of the type’s most iconic   DESIGNED FOR OPTIMISED FUEL       REMOVAL OF THE NEED FOR
        features. They render the ‘Dreamliner’   EFFICIENCY                    WINGLETS
        easily recognizable compared to Boeing’s   The Boeing 787’s curved wings mean that   The swept-back nature of the Boeing 787’s
        older single-deck widebody aircraft, such   wing flex is a clearly visible phenomenon.   curved wings results in the aircraft having

        as the 767 and 777. But what are the   While it may look unusual or even   what are known as ‘raked wingtips.’ This also

        reasons for this striking design?  disconcerting to see so much vertical wing   functions as an alternative option to winglets.
                                                                                Once again, this feature also contributes
        WORKING TOWARDS A GREATER          movement, there is a good reason for   to increases in both fuel efficiency and,
                                           allowing this to occur.

        OPERATIONAL RANGE                    Boeing states that the Dreamliner’s fly-  consequently, operational range. This to

        One of the Boeing 787’s greatest selling   by-wire technology “…optimises the shape   the subsequent reduction in aerodynamic

        points for its operators is its very long   (or ‘camber’) of the wing automatically to   drag caused by vortices that develop as the

        operational range.                 save the most fuel. During cruise, the wing   wingtips cut through the air. Boeing’s next

        Indeed, earlier this week, Australian flag   trailing edge automatically adjusts upward   widebody project, the next-generation 777X

        carrier used one of its 11 787-9 aircraft   and downward to continually optimise the   (which will also boast folding wingtips), is

        to operate multiple non-stop flights   camber for maximum efficiency.”  also set to have its wings swept back in such

        from London Heathrow to Darwin, in the   This technology also minimises the effect   a manner, albeit at a lesser angle.

        country’s Northern Territory.      of turbulence that may otherwise cause a   The Airbus A350 is another airliner whose
         The airline‘s London-Australia flights   disturbance to passengers. It is not just the   wings boast a similar sweep angle to the

        typically have to make a stop in Singapore.  shape of the wing that optimises the 787’s   Dreamliner that it was designed by the
         The Dreamliner’s range is slightly   performance, but also the materials from   European manufacturer to compete with.
        different among its three variants.   which they are constructed.       The future of wing design seems set

         According to Boeing, the figures are as   “The use of composite materials in the   to continue to develop in a fascinating

        follows:                           wing structure allows the 787 wing to have   manner, as manufacturers continue to

         •  787-8 - 7,305 NM (13,530 km)   a higher aspect ratio (the square of the   strive for optimized fuel efficiency.
         •  787-9 - 7,530 NM (13,950 km)   wing span divided by the wing area) than   Boeing is even looking to re-write the

                                           previous aircraft,” Boeing said.
         •  787-10 - 6,345 NM (11,750 km)    The result of these various features is   rulebook with its Transonic Truss-Braced
                                                                               Wing (TTBW) airliner. It will certainly be

         These statistics are the culmination of   something of a perfect combination for   interesting to see how wing technology will

        extensive research and development by the   the Dreamliner’s operators. Due to its   evolve in years to come. Q
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020
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