Page 41 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
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lobal AVX, a digital auction
Gpla� orm for transparent aircraft QATAR AIRWAYS AT KING
transactions, held its first online aircraft
auction recently. Dedicated to supporting
international aircraft sales and two years SHAKA
in the making, it is the brainchild of corpo-
rate lawyer Robert Bourke.
The concept was conceived to enable
bankruptcy professionals to adequately
address their disposal obligations and
duties by ensuring the distressed aviation
assets were receiving a fair market price.
The platform addresses this critical need by By Clinton Barnard
establishing an independent market-based ership interest as a result of the pandemic. maintenance tags, and technical information
price through a global auction process. about the engines which are supplied by Qatar Airways is now using the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner to Durban for the second time.
Combined with Global AVX’s industry-first Calgary, Alberta and Scottsdale, Arizona the broker. Buyers remain anonymous, the A B787-8 is caught on late finals for landing from the north during its first period of use,
full transparency report, bankruptcy profes- based Hopkinson Aircraft Sales is the debut auction is automated to ensure fair bidding, which lasted from December 17, 2015 to April 14, 2018 . Photo by Clinton Barnard
broker looking to maximise the opportunity
sionals can now deliver complete account- presented by Global AVX, listing a 1997 and lasts for a period of two days to ensure all
ability to all of their transaction stakeholders. Cessna Citation Ultra aircraft for auction. genuine global bidders have the opportunity type to Durban, thereby setting another and at about almost the same time, with its
The Global AVX online mechanism to participate. The sale must complete within local record. former direct route to Durban now punctu-
To eliminate time wasters Global AVX vets
supports aircraft transactions between all potential bidders, while looking to also two months of the auction taking place. ommercial aviation needed On October 23, 2020 the airline com- ated by a stop at Johannesburg, but with a
motivated aircraft brokers, as well as direct deal with qualified acquisition consultants on “We want brokers, owners or operators to CCOVID-19 like I need a hangover. pleted its 164th and last flight, for the time direct return to Dubai. Strange, but true.
sellers, and international purchasers in a behalf of proposed purchasers. see this as a viable medium which extends being in any event, using A350-941 coded Replacing the A350-941 on the new QA
transparent, accountable and trustworthy their global capabilities for aircraft transaction Although most people would probably A7-ALM. The reason? QA was to implement route (and starting from October 26 too)
This pre-qualification is further enhanced
online environment. by anti-money laundering interrogation, and a activity. We are focused on helping them wish 2020 never was, it was this same both a revised route and 'new' equipment was the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, the histor-
cursed year that saw two significant local
With travel restrictions limiting physical achieve the deal no matter where the aircraft records tumble at Durban's King Shaka In- for this route starting from its very next ic example for the first flight in question on
sales negotiations Global AVX noted an validation of adequate funding. Each potential is parked. Our aim is to seamlessly integrate ternational Airport (KSIA). The first, which arrival, scheduled for October 25. this day being completed by aircraft A7-BCQ.
purchaser is also required to place a certain
increased interest in high-value deals being percentage of the minimum reserve price into the business aviation community with does not form part of this narrative, will Significantly, this marked the third sus- This is now the second occasion on
conducted online and is now acting as a in an escrow account prior to becoming a our innovative new technology platform,” said hopefully be detailed in my 2020 annual tained change in aircraft equipment for the which this type has been utilised by QA to
market driver stimulating aircraft sales qualified bidder. global sales director Stephen Kelly. review in the February 2021 issue of World airline on the Durban route and established Durban. It also means that should British
internationally. “Our process also eliminates the tyre-kickers Airnews. a new local record, beating Air Namibia's Airways again commence operations to
The technology aims to complement and Bidders and/or their acquisition consultants, and ensures the aircraft for sale are qualified previous record of two sustained aircraft type King Shaka with its former equipment,
The second record, involves Qatar Air-
enhance traditional broker activity and is are then given access to the Global AVX se- by professional data reports. In essence we ways (not for the first time) and its seeming changes achieved earlier when it started op- then two FBSPOs will operate B787s to
cure data rooms where they are encouraged
already attracting professionals seeking new to examine the aircraft specifications and are a software as a service platform enabling affinity for changing primary aircraft equip- erations to KSIA with the ERJ-135, converted Durban simultaneously for the first time.
and innovative ways to promote, market and relevant documentation including airframe aviation transactions between willing buyers ment more frequently than some people to the A319 and then resorted to the former This would be yet another local first for this
sell aircraft assets to a market which has seen logbooks, flight manuals, interior manuals, and sellers at prices determined by peer to change their underwear! type. It achieved this slightly earlier than QA's type at KSIA.
a spike in business and corporate aircraft own- peer interaction.” Q second aircraft equipment change.
When Qatar Airways (QA) first began The revised route has also brought with
operations to King Shaka on December The long-standing route of Doha, Qatar it revised scheduled arrival and departure
HOW CAN WE ACCELERATE THE ciated with your ticket, and we think these 17, 2015, it employed the Boeing 787-8 - Johannesburg - Durban - Johannesburg - times, which contrast significantly with the
Continued from page 36 GROWTH OF SAF? are really positive initiatives. Dreamliner in a 254-seat configuration Doha was completed for the last time on late afternoon arrival and early evening de-
There is real commitment from the The key to greater acceptance and de- and 484 arrivals occurred. At this time, October 23. This route had remained unal- parture times of previously. These are now
became the first aviation fuel supplier to industry to reduce carbon emissions, but ployment of SAF is reduction in costs. Over QA was the first Foreign-Based Scheduled tered since its inception on December 17, respectively 10H05 and 11H15 at Durban.
be independently certified carbon neutral governments also need to create the right the long term, that will require investment Passenger Operator (FBSPO) to operate 2015 and had been flown by the first three Also changed from the original long-time
for into-plane fuelling operations at 250 policies to accelerate the growth of SAF. in advanced technologies to process feed- this type to Durban, thereby establishing a aircraft types QA had used to Durban. four flights weekly schedule is an initial
locati ons. Increasing production requires long-term stocks more efficiently at greater scale and new local record. Now for the first time in its history, from two flights weekly frequency. Given the
SO WHY AREN’T MORE AIRLINES policy certainty to reduce investment investment in the development of sustain- The B787 was finally replaced on April 14, October 26, 2020, KSIA can claim a direct ar- worldwide economic climate, QA is clearly
playing this new route somewhat cautious-
rival from Doha, but with an interesting twist,
USING SAF? risks, as well as a focus on the research, able and scalable feedstock options. 2018 by the heftier Boeing 777-300ER seat- since the return leg now includes a stop at ly and who can blame them?
ing up to 412 passengers in its maximum
However, in the short-term, interim sup-
Production of SAF is limited as the higher development and commercialization of port from governments and other stake- QA configuration, as the airline answered Maputo, Mozambique, the entire route thus While the new route probably represents
improved production technologies and
cost for SAF is preventing wider uptake. innovative sustainable feedstocks. holders through policy incentives is needed. the demand for greater passenger capacity. being Doha - Durban - Maputo - Doha. a trial run of sorts, should it prove profitable
Air bp is working on helping create more On an individual level, some airlines are This support needs to be part of a After 254 arrivals, the B777 gave way to QA thereby also becomes the first and sustainable, do not be surprised if at
demand in the short-term which will lead now providing passengers and corporate the more modern, but appreciably smaller Durban-bound FBSPO to have permanently some point down the line we get to witness
to more production and hopefully customers with the option to fund the use long-term framework to give investors the 283-seat Airbus A350-941 on July 1, 2019. transitioned from an indirect inbound sector QA A350s and, dare I say it, even B777s,
lower costs. confidence to make the big investments At this time Qatar Airways was again the to a direct sector. Another local record. Iron- once again gracing King Shaka's welcoming
of SAF in order to reduce emissions asso- required to grow supply. Q
first FBSPO to operate this new, modern ically, Emirates has gone the converse way hardstands. Now that would be nice. Q
World Airnews | December 2020 World Airnews | December 2020
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