Page 44 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 44
rones in Malta will now be regu-
Dlated via a new portal that Trans-
port Malta aviation specialists developed
together IDRONECT.
The portal aims to regulate a sector
that is growing very fast and has created
some headaches for the local authorities in
recent months.
In a presentation by Transport Malta -
civil aviation directorate official Dr Analiza
Abdilla it was revealed how the authority
divided operators into three categories : a.)
on the risk they pose.
For enforcement purposes, each operator
will have a QR code affixed to each drone. ers, updated weather information, as well as above ground level. Besides traffic decon-
Dr Abdilla was asked about how the no fly zones which besides the airport include fliction, the TM IDRONECT system will also
authority intends to enforce the limitations a number of other sensitive zones, including allow for real-time monitoring by operator
imposed. She was quick to quip that TM-CAD the prison, embassies and also military areas. and authority. The flight parametres will be
is adopting EASA standards in this regard and Each flight will be issued with a flight plan. recorded and can be replayed at any time.
wants to make sure there is no cowboy flying. Dr Analiza Abdilla explained during her More so if a breach is detected a notifica-
The system has been divided into three presentation that in the OPEN category, tion in-app and by SMS will be sent.
simple steps - PREPARE - APPROVE - FLY. The the issuance of a flight plan is automatic, The website to register your drone is
new TM-IDRONECT portal will also give its us- as these are restricted to 60 metres height Q
he Russian Tu-160M2 Blackjack,
Ta supersonic variable-sweep
wing heavy strategic bomber, completed
its first flight with new serial NK-32-02
turbofan engines at Kazan Aviation Plant
SP Gorbunov, United Aircraft Corporation
(UAC) announced recently in a tweet.
According to UAC, the flight lasted two
hours and 20 minutes at an altitude of
6,000 metres and was led by Anri Naskidy-
ats, whose crew piloted the mission.
During the flight, the necessary checks
were performed on the updated general
aircraft systems and on-board electron- powerful turbofan jet engines ever fitted It is also the world’s heaviest combat
ic equipment installed as part of a deep on a combat aircraft by The Diplomat aircraft with the highest gross take-off
modernization of the aircraft, as well as in 2017 when the upgrade was first an- weight among bombers. The aircraft first
the performance of the new NK-32 se- nounced. UEC said the engines will allow flew in Dec. 1981. The Russian Ministry
ries 02 engine, developed and manufac- longer-range flights. of Defence announced the full moderni-
tured by the United Engine Corporation The Tu-160, unofficially named the sation of the Tu-160 fleet in 2017 after
[UEC],” the UAC said. White Swan, is historic in military avi- resuming manufacturing in 2015.
The NK-32-02 turbofan engines were ation being the largest supersonic and The Tu-160 is part of Russia’s nuclear
reported to be the largest and most variable geometry-wing aircraft. triad. Q
World Airnews | December 2020
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