Page 48 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 48


                                       BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 360

                                       ENTERS INTO SERVICE

                                            senior vice president, sales and flight oper-  tise in the industry - and we found that in
                                            ations, Textron Aviation. “We are privileged   the King Air 360 and Textron Aviation.”
         Textron Aviation has rated the     to welcome Stamoules Produce Company   The King Air 360 cockpit features the
         entry into service and first delivery of its   to the Beechcraft family. This upgraded   addition of the Innovative Solutions
         Beechcraft King Air 360 turboprop aircraft   aircraft features innovative technology   & Support ThrustSense Autothrottle,
                                            and next generation capabilities, and it will
         to launch customer Stamoules Produce   allow this launch customer an opportunity   designed to automatically manage engine
                                                                               power from the takeoff roll through the
         Company of California.             to transform the way they do business.”  climb, cruise, descent, and go-around
           The King Air 360, Textron Aviation’s new   Founded in 1927, Stamoules is a   phases of flight.
         flagship turboprop, is the first-ever aircraft   family-owned business based in the San   Another key update in the cockpit,
         purchase by Stamoules.             Joaquin Valley of central California, which   explained Textron, is the new digital
           Textron notes the delivery marks another   is referred to as the cantaloupe centre of   pressurization controller, which automati-
         milestone for the Beechcraft King Air   the world.                    cally schedules cabin pressurization during
         turboprop lineup.                    “We’re very proud to be the launch   both climb and descent.
           Nearly 7,600 King Air turboprops have   customer of the new Beechcraft King Air   The King Air 360 also features a
         been delivered to customers around the   360,” said Katie Stefanopoulos, a family   redesigned cabin with craftsman-built
         world since 1964, making it the best-selling   member, who will also serve as corporate   cabinetry, partitions and side ledges,
         business turboprop family in the world. The   pilot for the new aircraft.   upgraded materials and finishes, along with
         worldwide fleet has surpassed 62 million   “When selecting our first aircraft, we   all new interior schemes.
         flight hours in its 56 years.      looked for a product that would not only   Other amenities that come standard on
           “This is a special day for Beechcraft King   give us the performance and flexibility we   the entire King Air lineup include pull-out
         Air turboprops as we begin a new era for   need to grow our business, but also by a   work tables, power outlets, USB charging
         such a beloved aircraft,” said Rob Scholl,   company with a trusted name and exper-  stations and a private aft lavatory. Q

                  NEWS DIGITAL

                                     LAGOS/DUBAI DAILY FLIGHTS

                                                              dence because of the  free cover on COVID-19 related medical
                                                              expenses should they be diagnosed with COVID-19 during their
         Emirates Airlines said it has increased its flight frequency on   travel.
          the Lagos / Dubai route from four times weekly to daily service   The insurance cover, the UAE carrier said, will be effective for
          effective immediately.                              passengers travelling from December 31 and will remain valid for
           The expanded schedule, the carrier said, offers enhanced   31 days in the first sector of their journey.
          connectivity for customers to Emirates’ destination network via   ”This means Emirates passengers  can continue to benefit from
          Dubai to over 100 destinations.                     the added assurance of this cover, even if they travel onwards to
           Emirates operates its modern Boeing 777-300ERs between Lagos   another city after arriving at their Emirates destination.
          and Dubai.                                           “The free, global cover for COVID-19 related costs is further
           To ensure the safety of travellers,  the carrier said visitors and   complimented by the comprehensive set of measures that
          the community, COVID-19 PCR tests can be  taken within 96 hours   Emirates has put in place at every step of the customer journey to
          of travel, which is mandatory for passengers arriving to Dubai and   ensure the safety of its passengers and employees on the ground
          the entire United Arab Emirates (UAE).              and in the air, including the distribution of complimentary hygiene
           The airline said Nigerian travellers can now travel with confi-  kits to all passengers.” Q

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