Page 49 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 49


                                   CHAPMAN FREEBORN RESPONDS

                                   TO HEAVY DEMAND

                                            500% since the beginning of the pandemic).   20,000 masks and 240,000 gloves from
                                            These masks are being transported around   China to Lithuania, onboard one of its
         Recently global charter broker     the world to support the medical response.  VIP-config B737s.
          company, Chapman Freeborn has experi-  Pierre Vanders, Chapman Freeborn cargo
          enced a surge in cargo charter requests for   director, comments:    ABOUT CHAPMAN FREEBORN
          humanitarian cargo and medical supplies   “We are all extremely busy with requests   The Chapman Freeborn group was
          (typically N95 respirators) from China into   for urgent cargo leaving China. Not only our   established in the UK in 1973.
          Europe and Africa.                European and African offices but our offices   The company has offices worldwide.
           This comes after an extremely busy week   in North America also.      In the cargo market, Chapman Freeborn
          of EU-USA rotations to counter the demand   “The biggest issue that we’re facing is   Airchartering specialises in the charter
          created by President Trump’s passenger   capacity - there is a real shortage. However,   and lease of aircraft for a wide-ranging
          travel ban – utilising in-house assets to   we’ve managed to fix a number of imme-  customer base, including freight
          bring capacity to the market.     diate flights using cancellations (due to   forwarders, multinational corporations,
           Now, the broker teams across Chapman   transit delays within China).”  governments, humanitarian agencies and a
          Freeborn’s European and African offices are   Mr Vanders adds:       host of industries around the globe.
          working with their counterparts in China   “I’m incredibly proud of the team that   In addition to freight services, Chapman
          and Singapore to facilitate hundreds of   we have here – we’ve all been working   Freeborn offers specialist passenger
          tons of critical aid supplies into affected   around the clock to ensure that these   services including private jet charters for
          areas.                            critically-needed supplies get to where they   executive travel and large aircraft for crew
           China is the world’s largest producer of   need to be.”             rotations and international group travel.
          medical face masks, with over 100 million   Across the group, sister company, Klasjet   Chapman Freeborn is a family member of
          manufactured per day (increased by around   has recently completed a shipment of   Avia Solutions Group. Q

                  NEWS DIGITAL                                            THE ALTIUS-900

                                                                                     The drone can also be dropped
                                                                                         out of the back of a cargo
                                                                                            aircraft. Credit: Area-I

                                                              utilizing advanced hybrid technology. The series of hybrid propul-
                                                              sion system provides improved performance, including high-speed
         Area-I from the state of Georgia – an American company   dash capabilities and extended operations.
          working for the military since 2009, is starting trials of its largest   The Altius-900 aims to be one of the many futuristic concepts
          flying drone – the ALTIUS-900. The drone is an agile-launched,   of combat platform in the air-and-land space. The Altius-900 is
          compressed carriage, high endurance UAS capable of carrying a   powered by a hybrid-electric engine that runs on heavy fuel to
                                                              carry out reconnaissance for 15 hours over a distance of 620 miles
          variety of payloads.                                (1,000 km). Weighing 36.3 kg, the drone can also be dropped out
           ALTIUS-900 shares the same technology and framework as the   of the back of a cargo aircraft, so it is equipped with foldable wings
          more TRL mature ALTIUS-600 while providing increased endurance   with a span of 6.1 meters.
          and next-generation power system technology. It will be carried by   Besides, the Altius-900 is equipped with thermal imaging and
          larger UAVs or airplanes on standard under-wing pylons designed   optoelectronic devices to support aircraft – such as the AC-130J
          for bombs weighing up to 1,000-pounds (454 kg). In particular,   Ghostrider or future reconnaissance and combat helicopters. The
          these are used on the MQ-9 Reaper strike drones.    idea is that combat drones or manned aircraft could reconnoiter
           The Integrated Multi-Mode Propulsion UAS Leveraging Speed   their targets without having to expose themselves to fire in the
          and Endurance, or IMPULSE, is a propulsion system for ALTIUS-900   defense zone of a potential enemy. Q

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