Page 28 - World Airnews Magazine July Edition 2020
P. 28

MILITARY                                                                                                                 AFRICA

                                  LORA BALLISTIC MISSILE TRIAL                                                                                            A SOULTION FOR AFRICAN

                                  COMPLETED                                                                                                               AIRLINE OWNERSHHIP

                                                                                                                                                                                                 By James Geldenhuys, head of

          srael Aerospace Industries (IAI) has                                                                                                                                                      aircraft finance Nedbank CIB
       Icompleted a dual operati onal fi ring trial
        with LORA (Long-Range Artillery Weapon                                                                                                                      SUCH AS ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES AND

        System), a precise ballistic strike missile.                                                                                                                UNTIL RECENTLY KENYAN AIRWAYS.
         The trial was designed and performed                                                                                              orld Airnews Editor Heidi   IN MOST CASES IT IS BECAUSE
        under COVID-19 restrictions as part of IAI’s                                                                            WGibson had the chance to           GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IS

        work plan, which includes demonstrating                                                                                 engage with James Geldenhuys and sound   KEPT AT A MINIMUM – WOULD
        the capabilities of the advanced system to                                                                              him out on the state of the airline industry   YOU AGREE WITH THIS BUSINESS

        customers.                                                                                                              in Africa with special focus on what the   MODEL? WHAT IN YOUR OPINION
         Held in the open sea, the trial included                                                                               potential scenarios could be for SAA and   IS THE RIGHT BUSINESS MODEL

        the launch of two long-range LORA missiles                                                                              other African airlines.             FOR A SUCCESSFUL AIRLINE
                                                                                                                                                                    OWNERSHIP AND PLEASE PROVIDE
        to a pre-defined hit point at sea.                                                                                                                          REASONS?

         The complex trial included two scenarios   is a sea-to-ground and ground-to-ground   globe. The impressive results of the trial   QUESTION: WHEN THE STATE
        to test and demonstrate LORA’s advanced   system which comprises a long-range ballistic   prove the system’s maturity and state-of-  COULD NOT BAIL OUT THE   Answer: I do think that Ethiopian Airlines

        capabilities. The first scenario involved a   missile, a unique launcher, a command and   the-art capabilities.”        ENTERPRISE, IT WAS PLACED IN        is a true success story for Africa and

        short-range launch to 90 km and the sec-  control system, and a ground/marine support   “I would like to thank Israel's navy, air   BUSINESS RESCUE AND THEY   it has grown steadily and sustainably
        ond to a long range of 400 km.     system. The LORA system provides ballistic   force, and Israeli ministry of defence for   TOLD STAFF THAT IT COULD NOT   over the past couple of years.  The key

                                                                                                                                AFFORD TO PAYS SALARIES. NOW

         In its ground version, the weapon system   assault capabilities for multiple ranges with a   the collaboration and assistance in this                      success factor seem to be minimal, if
        was deployed on a ship in the open sea to   precision level of 10 meters CEP.  trial," he said.                         THERE IS A COURT CHALLENGE          any, shareholder interference. But then
                                                                                                                                ABOUT THE LEGALITY OF SUCH.
        comply with the safety requirements of   Boaz Levy, IAI's EVP and general manager   LORA was developed at IAI’s systems, mis-  AGAINST THIS BACKDROP        again, Ethiopian has been performing
        trials of this type. The missile was launched   of the systems, missiles and space group,   siles and space group. The group boasts a long   BUSINESS RESCUE PRACTITIONERS   very well in line with their clearly com-
                                                                                                                                                                    municated business objectives and plans.

        from an operational system that comprises   said “The complex trial, performed under   record in air-defence systems, such as the   RECENTLY STATED THAT THERE

        a command trailer and a ground launcher.   COVID-19 limitations, demonstrated the   Arrow 2 and 3, the Barak 8, loitering missiles   IS STILL A CHANCE TO SAVE THE   Furthermore, the airline consistently over

                                                                                                                                                                    years had a very strong management team
         Under both scenarios, the missile was   advanced capabilities of both IAI and LORA,   and countless missile and satellite systems,   AIRLINE. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IS   providing the continuity to serve their

        launched to its trajectory, navigated its   our strategic missile system. The trial was   such as observation satellites, nano-satellites,   THE SOLUTION FOR THE NATIONAL   passengers with humility.
        course to the target, and hit it with utmost   executed according to a fully functional   communication satellites (including Dror, the   CARRIER – GIVEN THAT YOU HAVE

        precision. Both the weapon system and   design, which tested the system’s manoeu-  national communication satellite).   SAID – A PRIVATE OWNERSHIP IS        Kenya Airways has tried the private

        the missile successfully met all of the trial’s   vring, strike, and precision, as well as tech-  The group has also co-built the Beresheet   NOT THE ANSWER?   ownership route as a listed company.
        objectives. Given the COVID-19 restrictions,   nological developments and enhancements   spacecraft which travelled to the moon on                          This worked to an extent, but what be-

        the trial was executed with a portable trial   introduced by our engineers. Performing   its first mission. IAI is a national and global   Answer: Shareholder objectives are of   came clear is that once again shareholder

        field and a capsule team, which managed   a trial with this level of complexity during   technological hub for air defence, radars,   the utmost importance and will drive   objectives were more important. It fur-
        the trial remotely.                these days is a testament to IAI’s unwaver-  satellites, unmanned vehicles, civilian avia-  the strategy of the airline.  Any business,   thermore needed to be aligned amongst

                                                                                                                                                                    the shareholders. Operating an airline is
         Developed by IAI’s MALAM division, LORA   ing commitment to our clients across the   tion, and cyber. Q                irrespective of the ownership structure,

                                                                                                                                size or market it finds itself in, must   a very complicated business and often

                                                                                                                                abide to the universal laws of business.    links into many industries facilitating   SAY GOODBYE TO A NATIONAL
                                                                                                                                These objectives need to be clear and   trade through movement of people and   CARRIER – THAT HAS SOMETIMES

                NUCLEAR                                                                                                         furthermore supported by the required   goods.  It is therefore a cyclical business   BEEN ACCUSED OF STRONG-ARMED
                                                                                                                                capital, provided by the shareholders.    which needs cash reserves for the diffi-  TACTICS, TAKING UP ALL THE SLOTS
                                                                                                                                The management must be empowered to   cult times, or alternatively support from   AND MAKING IT DIFFICULT FOR
                           NUCLEAR BOMB DESIGN                                                                                  determine the relevant strategies which   shareholders in one form or the other.    PLANES TO LAND CLOSE TO THE
                                                                                                                                                                    When shareholder objectives are not
                                                                                                                                would be required to manage the business
                                                                                                                                                                                                       TERMINAL - CLEAR THE PLAYING
                                                                                                                                in accordance to these clearly stated
                                                                                                                                                                    aligned, it will be more difficult to obtain

                                                                                                                                                                                                       TAKE UP THE SPACE?  WHAT IS YOUR
                                            ment for the weapon,” Steven Samuels,   capability on the F-15E in the coming       objectives.                         support from the various shareholders.    FIELDS AND ALLOW OTHERS TO
                                                                                                                                                                    In the current difficult economic environ-
                                                                                                                                  For government-owned airlines, the ob-
                                            a manager with Sandia’s B61-12 system’s   years,” Brig. Gen. Ty Neuman, NNSA’s      jectives are often more than just profitabil-  ment, the economic facilitation objective   RESPONSE TO THIS POSITION?

                  merica’s newest nuclear bomb   team, said.                  principal assistant deputy administrator          ity, despite the importance of profitability   of the Kenyan Government is of greater   Answer: Competition is generally good

                                              “The flight test is really everything

           Adesign has been successfully    coming together to say we’re good.”  for military application, said in a state-     for any airline to be sustainable. Once   importance and therefore the airline’s   for a fully functioning market.  Airlink and
                                                                              ment. “Once delivered, this capability

           tested on the F-15E, making the Strike                             will underpin our nation’s deterrent and          again, if this is the case, it must always be   strategic importance to the economy is   FlySafair are successful since their first

                                              The B61-12 programme will replace the

           Eagle the first fighter jet to be officially   B61-3, -4, -7 and -10 nuclear gravity bomb   strengthen our NATO partnerships.”  clearly communicated to all stakeholders.   resulting in more willingness to support   priority is safety at all times - they are also

                                                                                                                                                                                                       relentlessly working at being efficient and

           compatible with the B61-12 design.  variants with a new warhead design. The   An NNSA estimate puts the likely cost   Government objectives typically may in-  by the Government.  This objective might   have therefore done well despite it being

            Two test flights were flown twice in   warhead is being developed and produced   of the programme between (US) $8   clude economic growth facilitation, i.e. spe-  not be shared or understood by the other   a difficult task. With these objectives,

                                                                                                                                                                    shareholders and we therefore see the

           March at the Tonopah Test Range in   by the National Nuclear Security Admin-  billion to (US) $9 billion. The upgraded   cific routes supported even though it may   Kenyan Government stepping up to possi-  they will only fly economically viable

           Nevada, according to a release by Sandia   istration, a semi-independent agency   variant will be certified on America’s   be operating at a loss; such as, connectivity   bly become the sole shareholder.  routes, as they should.  Connectivity is a

           Labs. The mock weapon was released on   located within the department of energy,   F-15, F-16 and B-2 aircraft, as well as on   with trade partner countries and support-                   different objective, which clearly might

           one test at about 1,000 feet and at nearly   while the Pentagon is developing new tail   aircraft for NATO member nations. The   ing tourism.  This objective will be further   QUESTION: AS SAA FALTERS A   be more important for a government.  I

           the speed of sound, while a higher-alti-  kit assemblies for the design.  F-35 is expected to go through certifica-  influenced by the country’s geographic   FEW REGIONAL AIRLINES SUCH    think that we have a very competitive

           tude test occurred at around 25,000 feet;   “The success of these tests is a major   tion on the weapon at some point in the   location and in our instance being located   AS FLYSAFAIR AND AIRLINK -   market and therefore domestic airfares

           both tests hit the target as designed.  milestone on the path to full rate pro-  next decade. The weapon passed its final   at the bottom of the continent.  PRIVATELY OWNED OPERATIONS     are very competitive. With SAA capacity

            “It’s representative of the environ-  duction and the B61-12’s initial operation   design review in October 2018. Q  QUESTION: THERE ARE A FEW          - ARE MAKING A SUCCESS OF          disappearing from the market, we will see

                                                                                                                                AFRICAN AIRLINE SUCCESS STORIES     THINGS. PERHAPS IT IS TIME TO      an uptick in airfares. Q

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