Page 38 - World Airnews Magazine July Edition 2020
P. 38


                                  UNPRECEDENTED TIMES IN

                                  COMMERCIAL AVIATION

                   Dan Dutton, vice                                            operations, but I foresee e-signatures now
                                                                               hold more value than ever given the current
                 president research              he commercial aviation sector has   circumstances we find ourselves in.

                                                                                Here is why the industry should take full
              and development for          Tfelt the full force of the coronavi-  advantage of e-signature capability both
                                           rus pandemic, with airlines dramatically

             Aerospace & Defence           reducing their operations and some even   during and after the coronavirus pandemic.

                                                                                The core purpose of e-signature technol-

                IFS, explains how a        stopping flying completely. Carriers, OEMs   ogy is to ultimately eliminate the amount

                                           and MROs alike have had to adapt to meet
        combination of increased           social distancing measures as they try to   of paper in the maintenance process and

                                                                               help streamline critical processes inside

            remote working, social         continue business operations.       maintenance operations. Organisations

                                             The desire for remote technology to play

        distancing and regulatory          a greater role in aviation maintenance is   can enhance their overall efficiency when
                                                                               paper is removed from the equation and

                                           something inspectors have supported for
        measures could kick-start          several years. So the news was well received   work is managed electronically. Typical
                                                                               uses for electronic documents in main-

         the use of e-signatures in        when the Federal Aviation Administration   tenance include airworthiness releases,
                                           (FAA) announced policy at the end of March
          maintenance operations           which will allow video links and other remote   maintenance releases and documents that

                                                                               support getting aircraft ready for release,

                                           technology to help conduct inspections and
            in commercial aviation         validate regulatory compliance moving for-  such as job cards and technical logbooks.
                                           ward. The policy is in addition to an increas-  Here e-signature capability takes away

                                           ing set of procedural changes that have been   the time-consuming activities associated
                                           implemented to accommodate social distanc-  with paper in terms of data entry, the

                                           ing during the coronavirus pandemic, but the   re-keying of inaccurate information into

                                           aviation industry will be thinking longer term,   the Management Information System

                                           hoping that this change of direction is a sign   (MIS), and inefficient search and retrieval.

                                           of things to come.                   Paper-free maintenance planning, labour,
                                             With digital and mobile maintenance   part and tool scheduling and work assign-
                                           very much top of mind for the FAA, inspec-  ment mean that if changes occur, there is

                                           tors and airlines, the use of the already ex-  nothing to print, shuffle or distribute. All
                                           isting technology of e-signatures is perhaps   stakeholders can immediately see their

                                           something that has gone under the radar in   new assignments as planners push elec-

                                           recent times.                       tronic job cards out to a mechanic’s device.

                                                                                It is this level of functionality that is
                                           A LOGICAL STEP ON THE JOURNEY       helping organisations make great strides to

                                           TO PAPERLESS OPERATIONS             achieving paperless maintenance operations

                                           A number of IFS customers have indeed been   in the future - while limiting the social inter-

                                           using the technology in their maintenance   action between workers in the short term.
                                                   World Airnews | July 2020
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