Page 43 - World Airnews Magazine July Edition 2020
P. 43
he Ghana Civil Aviation Authority
T(GCAA) and Ghana Airport Company
(GACL) have waived landing charges indefi-
nitely for all flights that use Ghana’s airports.
The move is to help alleviate the plight of
airlines and other stakeholders in the avia-
tion space due to the effect of COVID-19 on
their operations.
Managers of the country’s aeronautical
and non-aeronautic space have said after
consideration of the loss of revenue to the
airlines, the decision was a no-brainer.
Director General of the GCAA, Simon to ensure the country’s readiness to open providers can recover as early as possible
from this COVID-19 effect on the industry.”
Allotey, said, “As at now, we do not know its air for full operations.
when the COVID-19will ease so we have Even before this, the GCAL announced a The move, industry players believe, will
taken a decision that until the situation im- three-month waiver for rent, parking, lighting provide some respite for domestic airlines
proves, landing charges have been waived. and also royalty payments from April to June. that have had to cut down their passenger
The important thing is sustainability of the Due to the fact that the Kotoka International numbers and also invest in the implemen-
domestic industry. Airport has been partially closed except for tation of some safety protocols amid the
domestic airlines, tenants of restaurants, gift
COVID-19 outbreak in the country.
a true space civilization and to make at fleet also includes the Falcon Heavy, which “We realise that it is important to oper- shops, forex bureaus and others have also Aviation Minister, Joseph Kofi Adda, said
least some progress in helping to extend enjoyed a rock concert-like maiden launch in ate in a safe and efficient manner, and at had their rent waived for the same period. that his ministry will hold a forum with major
t took two attempts, but SpaceX has life beyond Earth,” Musk said during the 2018 that sent an all-electric vehicle from one the same time abide by the Ghana Health According to Allottey, the move by the two stakeholders in the sector to draft measures
Imade history as the fi rst privately owned interview. “Along the way, the necessary of Musk’s other ventures, Tesla, into orbit. Service’sCOVID-19 protocols so that Gha- agencies came with a great sacrifice as their in the bid to get prepared for the commence-
naians will be transported safely to do their
company ever to launch human beings into thing that needs to be done is to provide SpaceX is supported by Musk and fellow business and go about bringing whatever revenue flow runs into the negatives. “It is ment of full commercial operations.
space. On Saturday afternoon at approx- launching at a much lower cost and make investors, but ultimately enabled by NASA, will lead to sustainable economic develop- a difficult situation for everybody, but as the The current pandemic has pushed the glob-
imately 3:22 p.m. EST, SpaceX sent NASA it much more reliable, but we have to earn its longest and must supportive partner. This ment. So, we cannot give a time limit for agencies involved we need to offer some sup- al aviation industry almost to the wall, with
astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to our way in that direction.” collaboration has been widely recognized as the waiver on landing charges.” port to the service providers and the industry major international airlines cutting thousands
critical not only for U.S. space interests, but
the International Space Station (ISS) aboard Musk returned for a follow-up interview also for U.S. industry and innovation. He added that the situation is being even though we are also hurting so badly. of jobs and asking governments for bailouts.
a Crew Dragon capsule that was mounted 11 years later at the SATELLITE 2020 event “The use of a public-private partnership monitored and decisions will be made per “We have a responsibility as state agen- IATA estimates that the pandemic could
this past March. During the interview, Musk
on a Falcon 9 rocket and launched from the said he was confident in the the Falcon 9’s between NASA and Space-X for today’s Demo- changes that occur in the industry as time cies responsible for the industry to make cost the industry about (US) $250billion
Kennedy Space Center in Florida. ability to fulfill its manned-mission destiny 2 launch allows America to deploy start-up goes on, and as measures are put in place sure airline operators and other service this year. Q
SpaceX also successfully landed the and already knee-deep in work to realize the style technology – from automation to the use
Falcon 9’s first stage engine approximately company’s next dream goal: sending humans of virtual reality in training for this mission –
nine minutes after launch on the drone ship to Mars on its new stainless steel Starship while offering more independence and a rou- NEWS
Of Course I Still Love You. rocket — preferably during Musk’s lifetime. tine foothold in space for the United States,”
The mission, part of NASA’s Commercial “It is great that we are about to launch said Meg King, director of the Science and
Crew Program, represents the first time in people to orbit. It has been a long time — too Technology Innovation Program at The Wilson
nearly a decade that U.S. astronauts have long,” said Musk. “The rate of progress on the Center, a D.C. think tank. “It will certainly boost BOMBARDIER TO CUT JOBS
launched from U.S. soil. Since the retirement Mars mission needs to accelerate dramati- interest by other nations to adopt similar mod-
of the Space Shuttle, NASA has been paying cally. I hope I am not dead when resettling on els and raises the ante for more investments
Russia for seats on Soyuz rockets in order to Mars happens. But, if we don’t improve our and missions beyond the ISS.” 2020 briefing that Canadian operations - forecast demand, with a view to adjusting
send astronauts to the ISS. The launch was rate of progress, I will be. Unless we improve While continuing its mission to explore where its Global and Challenger jets are production as necessary. The company
originally scheduled for Wednesday, but our rate of innovation, we won’t be able to space, SpaceX will continue with plans to de- ombardier Aviation is cu�ng assembled - were suspended in the last employs 60,000 staff across its two busi-
delayed due to inclement weather, as a tor- have a base on the moon or a city on Mars.” ploy thousands of Low-Earth Orbit satellites Bits workforce by around 2,500 week of March, along with aero structures ness sectors, aviation and transportation.
nado and storm warning was issued around Musk founded SpaceX in 2002 and almost as part of its Starlink constellation. Musk personnel, particularly at its Canadian work in Mexico and Belfast, affecting It said the ‘difficult’ decision to cut
2:00 p.m. EST and storm cells lingered. immediately faced derision for attempting said the constellation will bring broadband manufacturing divisions. 15,000 employees - with most aviation the workforce will lead to an exception-
Astronauts Behnken and Hurley docked to change an industry steeped in legacy. It connectivity to world populations that live The airframer, that has withdrawn from employees starting to return from 4 May. al charge of (US) $40 million for 2020.
with the ISS on Sunday morning. They will took four years for Musk to roll out SpaceX’s in remote and unserved regions around commercial aviation operations to focus Aircraft deliveries due in the first quar- The company expects to provide more
spend one to four months on the station first Falcon 1 rocket to the launch pad and the world. With OneWeb‘s recent Chapter on executive jets, said business jet deliver- ter were delayed and cash flow negative- detail on the market outlook in its sec-
before returning to Earth. another two years before it finally achieved 11 bankruptcy, SES‘s O3b and Iridium‘s ies are forecast to be down 30% this year. ly affected as a result of the economic ond-quarter briefing on 6 August.
SpaceX’s long and winding road to successful success. The company sent its first satellite constellations largely dedicated to mobile Bombardier said it “must adjust” its uncertainty and reduced order intake. Bombardier’s Belfast division has not
crewed spaceflight hasn’t been easy, though RazakSAT — a Malaysian Earth Observation enterprise and government customers, and operations and staffing to enable it to It added that it expected a ‘significant given any insight into the specific impact
it has always been considered the company’s (EO) satellite — into space one year later in dozens of satellites already launched, Star- emerge from the corona virus crisis “on reduction’ in business aircraft demand of the cuts on its facilities.
first and most important milestone. SpaceX July 2009. RazakSAT was the only satellite link maintains a comfortable position among solid footing”. and lower business jet utilisation this “We are reviewing our requirements
Founder and Chief Engineer Elon Musk con- ever to be launched on the Falcon 1. The first leading LEO constellation contenders. Q The personnel reductions will be year, partly resulting from government for our Northern Ireland operations
firmed as much during an interview with Via successful Falcon 9 launch would occur the carried out progressively through the re- lockdown measures. for all our aircraft programmes and will
Satellite in 2009. He said that the Falcon 9 was following year in 2010. The Falcon 9 would This article was originally published in Via mainder of this year, the statement said. Bombardier has been analysing various communicate any impact in due course,”
designed from the start to carry people. also go on to become the first reusable rocket Satellite, a sister publication to Avionics. It Bombardier had noted in its first-quarter scenarios based on its backlog and the division stated. Q
“My long-term objective is to make us in history. Other than Starship, the SpaceX has been edited.
World Airnews | July 2020 World Airnews | July 2020
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