Page 6 - World Airnews Magazine July Edition 2020
P. 6


                                       SLOWLY, SLOWLY

                                                                                           By Heidi Gibson

                                                                               at worse levels might rise three times more
                                           levels and losses were placed at about (US)   in 2021.
                                           $6 billion in revenue.

             ome three months after lockdown   It took more than six months to recover.   One solution would be for governments

       Shit South Africa grounding fl eets   Remember Hong Kong suffered the sec-  to step in and offer airlines the options to

        and closing airports indications are the   ond-highest death toll from SARS world-  swop their debt for ownership.

        barriers are starting to lift.     wide; its officials used what they learned   In the meantime the International Civil

         The country has seen the start of limited   during SARS about the need for early test-  Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has issued
        domestic air travel.               ing and social distancing to limit the impact   guidelines for the return to travel produced

         FlySafair, Airlink, Mango and Cemair have   of COVID-19.              by the Council’s Aviation Recovery Task

        returned to our skies for business travellers   It will be some time before the almost   Force or CART which it wants airlines to
                                                                               use as a uniform approach. If you missed
        but SAA and Comair remain grounded.   28,000-aircraft fleet that existed at the   this article please go to our digital emag for

        Smaller regional airports remain closed.   beginning of 2020, will again be in service.  June and read Hilka Birns story.

         Let’s face it for the near future flying   And that leads me to think what is going   Meanwhile back to our beleagued
        will not be the same. Only passengers are   to happen to the two giants Boeing and   national carrier. A recent news article has

        allowed in the terminals. There will be no   Airbus and their production schedules?   emerged of a chaotic repatriation flight

        tearful goodbyes or group hugs neither will   Which model will be sacrificed as a result   that left 45 SA passengers stranded in

        there be any last wave goodbyes.   of the CoVid-19 crisis? Debate rages in   Frankfurt when delayed Flight SA 2691

         Once you are in there it will be a case   aviation circles about the future of the   eventually took off on Saturday evening.

        of your temperature being checked, hand   widebody A380. Others believe that with   Apparently passengers were first told the

        sanitizing, not touching any surfaces, masks   a bit of tweaking this one might be able to   flight had been overbooked and they would

        and social distancing while waiting for your   re-invent itself.  Read our piece on page   have to find and pay for their hotels and

        flight. On board there will be no nicely pack-  48 that addresses this topic. Why don’t   transport. A jammed emergency evacua-
        aged meals and the serving of drinks. The   you send us an email and let us know what   tion slide added to the complications and

        pleasure of flying has been taken away. But   you think? Use this email address: info@  more passengers had to get off the plane.

        hey at least you will still be able to look out       Several of these were told they were to be
        the window and watch the ground fall away.  One aspect we can’t get away from is that   rerouted via Amsterdam to catch a KLM re-
         By the end of the year, South Africa might   airline companies are now facing huge debt   patriation flight to South Africa from there.

        see international carriers landing again at   and they are going to be cash strapped   Both the SAA flight from Frankfurt via

        our airports.                      which is going to make paying off this debt   Moscow and the KLM flight landed safely at

         Being an optimistic by nature I refuse to   even harder. Fare prices are definitely going   OR Tambo International Airport, Johannes-

        be negative. Rest assured aviation is by its   to rise as they try to make up for losses.  burg on Sunday morning and the passen-

        nature is resilient and will bounce back.  IATA has estimated levels of debt could   gers were moved into the standard 14 days

         It’s the lifeblood of every country’s   top (US) $120 billion with predications that   of quarantine.

        economy.                                                                But the 45 left behind were left still

         On the other hand, negative sentiment                                 scrambling to try to find their way home.

        labels this as the worst crisis in aviation histo-                     Late on Sunday one said it seemed that

        ry. Worse than any other crisis faced by avi-                          SAA had at last arranged for them to fly to

        ation, worse than the SARS epidemic, worse                             Amsterdam to catch another KLM flight to

        than the 2001 September 11 attacks when                                Cape Town on Monday.

        airline industry saw sharp dips in travel.                              Oh boy!  Here is wishing that other
         At the height of the SARS outbreak in                                 repatriation flights roll out in a much more

        May 2003, monthly RPKs of Asia-Pacific air-                            ordered fashion and bring our citizens

        lines were 35% lower than their pre-crisis                             home safely. Q
                                                   World Airnews | July 2020
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