Page 75 - World Airnews Magazine July Edition 2020
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expanded offering. The multi-purpose Zeusch fleet of two King Air C90A types of
aircraft is available for mapping missions which one is outfitted for broadcast relay
Zeusch Aviation, the Netherlands- for private individuals, governmental missions and the other for mapping.
associations and corporations who want
based aerial services provider, has reached to establish the geospatial baseline of an Previously registered in the UK as
a major milestone by recording its first area’s topography, natural landscape, built G-MEDZ, and operated by Zeusch, PH-ZAZ
has been repositioned to Lelystad Airport,
aircraft registration on The Netherlands environment and more. home of Zeusch Aviation. A second,
registry. Following a successful series of mapping recently acquired Beechcraft B200 Super
The Beechcraft B200 Super King Air - flights performed in Denmark earlier King Air is currently being ferried from
new registration PH-ZAZ - was already this year, the aircraft will begin mapping North America to The Netherlands where it
configured to support medevac and operations throughout the whole European will join the trio of King Airs to make a total
charter missions and now the aircraft is continent this summer. of four aircraft in the Zeusch fleet.
also equipped with a brand new AVCON Zeusch is also planning on expanding the “We are delighted to have placed our first
removable mapping window, located in the company’s reach beyond Europe. Managing aircraft on our national registry; it’s a real
aircraft belly, which enables aerial mapping Director Herman van Kranenburg said, achievement for our young company. We’re
capabilities. The modifications support the “Mapping is a seasonal activity requiring also pleased to maintain our loyalty to the
company’s focus on delivering high-stan- clear skies and good weather to support King Airs as there are positive economics
dard mapping and relay services and serves the systematic collection of topographical associated with keeping a consistent fleet
to enhance the aircraft value. data. To minimise aircraft downtime, we type. “
The new window increases terrestrial plan to fly the aircraft in Europe during the The aircraft performance delivers
visibility to ensure accurate data collection spring and summer, and then relocate it to the capabilities needed to support the
to support detailed map creation. It has regions where the weather is more suitable demanding missions we fly, and we look
also undergone a complete overhaul for mapping during our winter months.” forward to adding more to our fleet in the
of both engines in preparation for its PH-ZAZ complements the existing near future,” said van Kranenburg. Q
Emirates has offered scheduled flights
for passengers from seven additional cities
in the month of July.
From 3 July these include Khartoum,
Amman from July 5, Osaka from July 7, This will include the new air travel distribution of complimentary hygiene kits
Narita from July 8, Athens from July 15, protocols that facilitate travel for UAE containing masks, gloves, hand sanitiser
Larnaca and Rome from July 15. citizens, residents and tourists that and antibacterial wipes to all customers.
This takes the total number of destina- safeguard the health and safety of visitors Travel restrictions: Customers are
tions that Emirates is offering to 48. and communities. reminded that travel restrictions remain in
This as well as facilitating additional Customers can book to fly between place, and travellers will only be accepted
travel options through a convenient destinations in the Middle East, Africa, on flights if they comply with the eligibility
connection in Dubai for customers across Asia Pacific and Europe or the Americas, and entry criteria requirements of their
the world, while undertaking extensive through Dubai, as long as they meet travel destination countries.
measures to ensure the health and safety and immigration entry requirements of Visitors to Dubai should hold an inter-
of customers and employees. their destination country. national health insurance policy covering
Customers from Emirates’ network will Emirates has implemented a compre- illness from Covid-19 for the duration of
be able to travel to Dubai following the hensive set of measures at every step their stay.
announcement earlier this week that the of the customer journey to ensure the UAE citizens and residents returning to
city will be open for business and leisure safety of its customers and employees on Dubai can check the latest requirements at
visitors from July 7. the ground and in the air, including the Q
World Airnews | July Extra 2020
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