Page 31 - World Airnews Magazine February 2020 Edition
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among Saturday’s attractions. stop.’
He reported that from his vantage point on the last pass when
turning from base leg of the airport traffic pattern onto final leg BOEING AND ETHIOPIAN
of the airport traffic pattern, it appeared the bank angle exceeded
90°. The airplane then did a rapid right roll to an inverted position,
and the nose dropped to what appeared to be 45° nose down AIRLINES DELIVER AID
followed by impact and fireball.
A pilot-rated witness who was on the Air Boss stand located
about 3,700 ft northwest of the accident site, reported hearing
the pilot announce on the radio he would do a ‘low show’. At
that time the ceiling was ragged and moving to scattered at 1,600 the books and school supplies to its librar- 1.6 million pounds of humanitarian supplies
ft agl. The pilot was setting up for his last pass and flew parallel ies across Ethiopia which serves 100,000 on more than 200 flights worldwide since
to the Runway 12 show line and then initiated a climb achieving thiopian Airlines and Boeing have children each year. the inaugural flight in 1992.
about 15° of pitch, which he held for a few seconds, then the Epartnered to deliver much-needed aid Medical supplies, clothing and hygiene To date, Boeing has partnered with
pitch increased to 35°. products will be delivered to the Mary Ethiopian Airlines on 39 humanitarian
While at 1,000 to 1,300 ft agl, he noted a ‘crisp’ right roll to 135° supplies to organisations across Ethiopia. Joy Development association, which helps delivery flights, delivering more than
The airline took delivery of a new 787
1 SEPTEMBER 2019: PARACHUTIST (PRETORIA, of bank which was stabilized. The airplane continued the brisk Dreamliner from North Charleston, South women and youth gain the skills they need 266,000 pounds of supplies to organisa-
SOUTH AFRICA) pull as it approached 180° of bank; the speed increased and the Carolina in December and loaded the jet with to rise out of poverty. tions in Ethiopia.
A 4x4 Outdoor Expo held at the Zwartkops racetrack included an turn radius decreased. After completing 170° of heading change, 34,000 pounds of books and 5,800 pounds of The December flight follows another “Through Boeing’s humanitarian delivery
aerial display and parachutists but ended catastrophically for a while at 500 ft agl, the witness did not notice any wing rock or school supplies, clothing and medical supplies flight in November when an Ethiopian flight programme, and in close collabora-
South African Special Forces parachutist when he impacted the longitudinal change. He did not see any attempt to unload the for the flight home to Addis Ababa. Airlines 787 Dreamliner carried more tion with customers like Ethiopian Airlines
track after losing control of the parachute from approximately 30 wings and during the last 200 ft of descent, the rotation rate than 11,000 pounds of clothing, personal and charitable organisations around the
ft agl. He was seriously injured and hospitalised. increased slightly. “We are happy to partner with Boeing to hygiene items and medical supplies from world, we are providing important and
Immediately before impact, the airplane was in about a 60° nose carry humanitarian goods on our delivery South Carolina bound for the Mekedonia oftentimes lifesaving resources to those in
low, right-wing low attitude. The airplane impacted onto the flights from the US,” said Ethiopian Airlines Home for the Elderly and Mentally Disabled need,” said Cheri Carter, vice president of
arresting system (EMAS) at the approach end of runway 30. Group CEO Tewolde GebreMariam. and St. Paul’s Hospital. Boeing Global Engagement.
“As a responsible corporate citizen, we The flights are part of Boeing’s humani- “We can do so much more when we work
take our responsibility to society seriously tarian delivery flight programme, collabo- together and Boeing is committed to con-
and always endeavour to contribute our ration between Boeing, its customers and tinuing partnerships like this.” Q
share to the socio-economic development nongovernmental organisations, which de-
of countries around the globe.” livers humanitarian aid around the world. Article courtesy:
The organisation Ethiopia Reads will send The programme has delivered more than
The military parade dedicated to the 74th Anniversary of the For-
mation of the National Armed Forces in Indonesia was marked by Based on statistical evidence, as an international airshow com-
an unexpected incident. Mi-35P ‘flying chariot’ combat helicopter munity, we seem rather limited in our ability to reduce airshow GLOBALLY RECOGNISED, FULLY CERTIFIED
demonstrated its destructive power in unusual ways. Flying in accidents and incidents and we have not been able to arrest the
time and information at approximately 25 ft agl with the advancing decline effectively which raises the question: “can we afford then AVIATION AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT COMPANY
marching troops, the rotor downwash ravaged the posters and to just continue and accept an average of 27 accidents/incidents
awnings attached to the main stage housing the dignitaries and per annum over the past twenty years?
spectator stand as the parade passed by the dignitary’s stand. We continue to lose approximately 13 display pilots per year UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY
on average and have not yet managed to consistently prevent SUBCLASS 890 BUSINESS OWNER VISA • live / work / study in Australia
13 OCTOBER 2019: CF-114 TUTOR, (ATLANTA, USA) any passenger or spectator deaths or injuries. It is pointless to • enrol in Australia's public health care scheme, Medicare
Snowbird 5, Capt Kevin Domon-Grenier of the Snowbird Military introduce additional regulations, there are already enough in Allowing indefinite stay in Australia for • sponsor relatives to come to Australia
Jet Demonstration Team, ejected successfully from the Tutor just place; what is required, however, is to zero in on human factors business owner and their family! • if eligible, become an Australian citizen
prior to the start of a performance at the 3rd Atlanta Air Show. across the entire airshow community, from first responders,
Officials cancelled the remainder of the events. The aircraft through vendors, safety officers and display pilots alike, through
impacted an unpopulated area near Brooks, Georgia, and no one a continuous ‘in your face’ safety programme, which includes • 20 years of operations in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
was injured. occupational health and safety.
Considering the fact that airshow accidents is a worldwide phe- • Long-term customer base and profitable contracts in place
01 NOVEMBER 2019; GRUMMAN OV-1 MOHAWK nomenon, there is an urgent need to preach, implement and share • 2 year handover phase for seamless transition
(FLORIDA, USA) the ‘airshow gospel’ and ‘lessons learned’ across all countries in an
A Mohawk crashed at Witham Field on the first of three days of attempt to reduce airshow accidents.
the Audi Stuart Air Show. The Friday's activities were cancelled and The purpose of this report is not for shock value; it is not to
the air show programme continued on Saturday. preach. It is so that we all may learn. Airshow flying is hazard-
The pilot was scheduled to perform a 12-minute routine but stated ous and despite all our preparations, our skills, and our training,
that no acrobatic manoeuvres were to be performed due to the something may still go wrong. And if something should go wrong, +61 (0) 439 031 654
broken 1,500 ft ceiling and 10 to 16 kts gusting wind conditions. we only hope that others may learn from our experience, so that it ISO 9001:2015
The crew-chief stated that the pilot's ‘only reason to fly was to won’t happen again. Based on the fickleness of human judgement
visually locate the acrobatic box so he would be ready for the show in the low-level display environment, we need to understand that Certified +27 (0) 83 263 4439
on Saturday. His intent was to make a slow speed followed by a we are the weakest link in the safety chain. Q
high-speed pass along the show line and a normal landing to a full
World Airnews | February 2020 World Airnews | February 2020
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