Page 27 - World Airnews Magazine March 2020 Edition
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GROWLERS networked and collaborated to drive the the Singapore Airshow also launched the
Astronaut Al Worden Endeavour Space
industry forward,” he said.
he biennial Singapore Airshow, The business forum - “Next Generation Camp Challenge 2020, an initiative aimed at
TAsia’s largest and most infl uenti al MRO in a Digital World” - continued to fostering greater international understand-
international aerospace and defence event, challenge leaders and push the envelope, ing and co-operation, and inspiring the next
returned to the Changi Exhibition Centre and the Singapore Aerospace Technolo- generation of innovators, explorers, and
leaders in the global aerospace community.
last month, with 45,000 trade attendees gy and Leadership Forum (SATLF) 2020
The challenge was open to all secondary
and over 930 participating companies from explored themes of “Digital Aviation and schools in Singapore to students aged be-
more than 45 countries. Aerospace Sustainability”. tween 15 to 18 years old. The winning team
This edition, the Singapore Pavilion, SPECTACULAR AERIAL DISPLAYS of four Singapore students and one teacher
organised by the Association of Aero- chaperone will be fully sponsored to attend
space Industries (Singapore), presented an Visitors to Singapore Airshow 2020 took in a Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama, USA,
total of five flying display performances from
expanded pool of more than 20 aerospace three countries. Participating for the first from 16 to 21 August 2020.
small and medium enterprises. Almost half time were China’s People’s Liberation Army
of these companies participated for the very WELL-BEING AND SAFETY OF
first time, encouraged by the wider range of Air Force (PLAAF) aerobatics team Ba Yi, the ATTENDEES A TOP PRIORITY
space options under a new concept pavilion. United States Marine Corps’ F35B Joint Strike In view of the evolving 2019 novel corona virus
Fighter, and the United States Pacific Air Forces’
The Singapore Pavilion provided a glimpse F-22 Raptor. The line-up also included the (2019-nCoV) situation, Singapore Airshow
of the diverse and comprehensive range of Republic of Singapore Air Force’s aerial display introduced enhanced precautionary measures
competencies across Singapore’s aerospace team of an F-15SG fighter jet and two AH-64D to safeguard the well-being and safety of all
ecosystem. The SMEs profiled the business- attack helicopters, and a flyover by the United attendees. These included enhanced cleaning
es of aerospace maintenance, repair and States Air Force’s B-52 Stratofortress. and refuse management to maintain high
overhaul (MRO) and manufacturing. Capa- standards of hygiene and cleanliness, the
bilities showcased included parts design and BUILDING A PIPELINE OF TALENTS availability of hand sanitisers to attendees, the
advanced manufacturing, surface treatment IN AVIATION deployment of a team of doctors and medics
and special processes, aircraft ground ser- Held in conjunction with the Education to attend to visitors who felt unwell, tempera-
the navy warfare develop- to make investments in future “This technology allows the vices, logistics, digital solutions and others. Days, the third edition of the Singapore ture screening at access points at Singapore
ment command’s annual fleet technologies,” said Tom Brandt, navy to extend the reach of Technology and innovation with advances Airshow Aero Campus (SAAC) returned Expo and Changi Exhibition Centre and seat
oeing and the US navy experiment exercises, proved Boeing manned-unmanned sensors while keeping manned in areas ranging from electric, hybrid and with information booths, workshops and tagging at all seated events. Singapore Airshow
Bsuccessfully fl ew two the effectiveness of technology teaming demonstration lead. aircraft out of harm’s way,” unmanned craft, to data analytics, AI, and career talks, supported by the Association 2020 also adopted a ‘no-contact’ policy and
autonomously controlled allowing F/A-18 Super Hor- “It could provide synergy Brandt said. the digitalisation of MRO services took of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) (AAIS), encouraged attendees to adopt alternative
nets and EA-18G Growlers to
EA-18G Growlers at naval perform combat missions with with other US navy unmanned “It’s a force multiplier that centre-stage. Visitors were challenged with Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore business greetings instead of the conventional
systems in development across
air station Patuxent River as unmanned systems. the spectrum and in other enables a single aircrew to con- new concepts from disruptive technologies (CAAS), Economic Development Board handshake throughout the event.
trol multiple aircraft without
including autonomous flight systems and hy-
unmanned air systems using “This demonstration allows services.” greatly increasing workload. It brid or electric propulsion technologies from (EDB) and Workforce Singapore (WSG). “The safety and well-being of all attendees
a third Growler as a mission Boeing and the Navy the op- Over the course of four has the potential to increase new-comers like Equatorial Space Industries, This edition aimed at assisting with the was our priority, and we remained alert and
prepared to implement further enhanced
controller for the other two. portunity to analyse the data flights, 21 demonstration mis- survivability as well as situa- Smartflyer and the more established firms recruitment of Singaporeans into aviation measures as required by the authorities.”
The flights, conducted during collected and decide where sions were completed. tional awareness.” Q like Airbus, Boeing, Embraer and Thales. companies and so WSG was able to start an Singapore’s travel restrictions and stricter
initiative to match jobseekers looking for a
The second edition of the What's Next @ mid-career change with companies such as company policies on non-essential employ-
RISE OF DREAMLINER’S Singapore Airshow presented an expanded ATR, Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce ee travel during the period resulted in the
AIRSHOWS pool of over 60 companies from 10 countries and SIA Engineering – for the first time. withdrawal of approximately 8% of overall
who pitched revolutionary technologies that
will disrupt, and potentially transform the Meetings with human resource representa- participating companies. The presence of
key industry players including ATR, Airbus,
tives at SAAC took place on 14 February.
SECOND LIFE face of the aerospace sector. Start-ups with In partnership with Kallman Worldwide, Boeing, Israel Aerospace Industries, Pratt &
less than five years of operations -
Whitney, Rolls-Royce, ST Engineer-
the undisclosed customer is looking for full- seats in its business class, and 272 Recaro including CargoAI, NEO Aeronautics, ing and Thales underscored the stra-
Foresky, Silver Wings, Transkinect
fledged cabin refurbish and configuration. CL3710 in economy. It also removed one – went up against each other for po- tegic significance of the Singapore
ith the first Boeing 787-8 Japan’s All Nippon Airways (ANA) is the galley and removed seatback monitors, tential customers and partners. New Airshow among businesses.
Wexpected to return from launch customer of the 787-8 and con- opting for WiFi IFE instead. The LCC’s to this edition was the participation of SUPPORTING A SUSTAINABLE
lease soon, Boeing is forecasting an influx ducted the first commercial flight of the president, Shingo Nishida said the total corporate accelerators such as Airbus FUTURE
of Dreamliner refurbishments as the air- 787-8 on 26 October 2011. Both ANA and modifications shaved 500kg from the air- BizLab and SIA KrisLab who show- In support of the global movement
craft enters its second life. Ihssane Mounir, Japan Airlines (JAL) are the largest lessees craft, making it about 29% lighter than its cased their start-ups and innovations. towards mitigating the effects of
JAL counterpart.
senior VP commercial sales and marketing, of the 787-8, at 31 and 28 aircraft on lease “The Singapore airshow has climate change, Singapore airshow 2020
ZipAir will begin its inaugural To-
said there will be more clients repurposing respectively. kyo-Bangkok service on 14 May, followed grown in influence in facilitating the held a fully solar-panelled roof for the
the aircraft. Mounir was speaking in a panel at the by Tokyo-Seoul on July 14. It will begin transformation of Asia Pacific’s avi- first time in its history. The total of over
“Boeing Global Services (BGS) is filling up Singapore Airshow with JAL and its new LCC transpacific routes once it attains ETOPS ation industry,” said Leck Chet Lam, 15,000 solar panels were fully installed
in modifications. We have been doing a lot venture, ZipAir. certification. Nishida said ZipAir has been managing director of Experia events on the roof of Changi Exhibition Centre
of smaller seat mods but what you will see ZipAir engaged BGS to modify two ex-JAL able to use the expertise of JAL in-flight and organiser of Singapore Airshow produced almost 8,000 megawatt
going forward is bigger seat mods.” 787-8s, refitting the aircraft from 206 seats management and maintenance in the certi- 2020. “It is a powerful marketplace hours of power annually, providing
He also revealed that the first lease return to 290 seats into two classes. fication process, and the last step to ETOP where the industry’s leaders met renewable energy to power the
is expected to come in within the year and ZipAir will have 18 JAMCO Venture lie-flat is the certification of its pilots. Q for strategic dialogues, shared ideas, Singapore Airshow 2020. Q
World Airnews | March 2020 World Airnews | March 2020
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