Page 23 - World Airnews Magazine March 2020 Edition
P. 23





 Stability and Protection (H-ESP), dedicated   useful during taxi and take-off.

 return-to-level (LVL) mode, hover assist, as   Garmin H-ESP helps the pilot remain within

 well as over speed and low speed protection.  a safe flight envelope when hand-flying the

  The GFC 600H requires the Garmin   helicopter. H-ESP works in all modes - even
 G500H1 or G500H TXi flight display and   when the system is not engaged - and can be

 offers integration with compatible instru-  manually disabled to allow for manoeuvring
 ments and navigation sources.     flight. The GFC 600H also features a dedicated

 With its advanced AHRS technology and   level mode that can be engaged by the pilot to

 redundant, cross-checking sensors, the GFC   return to straight-and-level flight, helping to

 600H was designed for smooth handling.   avoid a potential loss-of-control scenario.
 The GFC 600H provides inputs to help sta-  For enroute and approach navigation, the

 bilise the helicopter while hand-flying.  system uses guidance from a compatible

 The stability provided by the GFC 600 H sys-  Garmin navigator, such as the GTN 750Xi/GTN

 tems offers significant workload reduction and   650Xi or GTN 750/650 series, to automati-

 benefits helicopter operators by maintaining a   cally fly approaches and search and rescue

 commanded attitude. Designed with the pilot   patterns. Additional vertical and lateral modes

 in mind, its cyclic-mounted trim controls allow   include altitude hold, altitude select, vertical
 for seamless interactions without taking a   speed, indicated airspeed and heading select.

 hand off of the helicopter flight controls during   The GFC 600H features a stack-width mode

 basic operations, including system initialization   controller with push-button controls and a

 of ATT mode, adjustments of the pitch and roll   night vision goggle (NVG) compatible display.
 trim, and much more.  Its robust architecture supports a three-axis

 While flying with ATT, pilots can easily   configuration to provide the features and han-

 “fly through” the flight control inputs for   dling characteristics needed for a helicopter.  ALL NEW GI 275

 smooth manoeuvres beyond the preset   Integrated ‘smart’ servos provide pitch

 armin has received Federal Avia-  trim condition.   and roll inputs as commanded by the
 Gti on Administrati on (FAA) Supple-  Hover assist mode is capable of auto-  system, and the available third servo and   Electronic Flight Instrument

 mental Type Certification (STC) for the GFC   matically detecting a hover condition and   collective sensor provide yaw axis control

 capability and smooth flight control adjust-

 provides flight control inputs to help maintain

 600H helicopter flight control system in the   position over the ground. With the optional   ments when the pilot moves the collective.

 AS350 B2/B3.  yaw axis control, the GFC 600H will also hold   Digitally controlled, high-torque servos   REPLACE ANALOG GAUGES WITH ELECTRONIC

 The attitude-based (AHRS-derived) flight   heading while in a hover. In addition to hover   allow for faster, crisper, more powerful

 control system boasts a number of helicop-  assist mode, groundspeed hold2 is also avail-  response, which enables the GFC 600H

 ter-tailored safety features, including attitude   able and allows the pilot to input a forward or   to perform with smooth efficiency and    TOUCH DISPLAYS FOR THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS

 hold (ATT), Garmin Helicopter Electronic   sideways command, which can be particularly   advanced capability. Q

                                    - Attitude Indicator (AI/ADI)
                             - Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
                              - Course Deviation Indicator (CDI)

 extremely professional evaluation, Pilatus   competitors. This result is proof that, with

 beat several prestigious competitors to win   our PC-21, we can deliver the very best
 he Spanish Air Force, Ejército del   the tender with the PC-21.   training system in the world.”  - Multi-function Display (MFD)
 TAire, is the third European air force   The contract, which is worth over   PILOT TRAINING STARTS IN 2021
 to opt for the Swiss-produced PC-21, the   200 million Euros, was signed with the
 The PC-21 will provide Spain with the
 Next Generation Trainer. Pilatus has commit-  Spanish Dirección General de Armamento   most advanced training system cur-

 y Material (DGAM). Comprising an inte-
 ted to delivering a total of 24 PC-21s to Spain.   grated training system, the order includes   rently on offer, and will also deliver a    - Engine Indication System (EIS)

 The single-engine turboprop trainer   simulators developed and produced by   cost-effective, ecologically viable training

 aircraft will replace the Casa C-101 jet   Pilatus, spare parts and logistics support   platform. Experience with existing PC-21

 trainers used since 1980.  in addition to the PC-21 aircraft.  customers has shown that the cost of

 The Ministry of Defence was looking for   Oscar J. Schwenk, chairman of Pilatus, is   training for a military pilot can be re-

 a new, highly efficient training platform   enthusiastic about this major order from   duced by over 50 percent with the PC-21.

 to provide advanced training for Spain’s   Spain: “As a small Swiss aircraft manufac-  These single-engine turboprop aircraft   KCAA    AMO: F|144

 future military pilots tasked with protect-  turer I’m delighted at our repeated success   require much less fuel than any compa-  SA CAA    AMO:0003

 ing future generations. After a long and   in winning through over large, international   rable jet trainer. Q  DCA    AMO: MI|414|2016

                       SADO   D688
                                                                                      CAAB    AMO: B|1A|F30
 World Airnews | March  2020  NCAA    AMO:FSS|AMO|C3610  World Airnews | March 2020    CAAZ    AMO: 176|128
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