Page 57 - World Airnews Magazine March 2020 Edition
P. 57


 controls, the insurgents can count on   spotted in Pemba, capital of the Cabo   territory.   AVIATION EVENT IN EUROPE
 further support from friendly elements   Delgado province. They were supplied

 who can easily infiltrate southwards across   from South Africa on a three-month trial   •  The use of fixed-wing aircraft for

 unpatrolled rivers in any one of thousands   by Durban-based Umbra Aviation.   reconnaissance, interdiction and close   Join thousands of business leaders, government officials, manufacturers, flight
 of small boats and pirogues.   Having been supplanted by Russia, Prince   air support to ground forces.
 The country’s vast shoreline is just as   withdrew the helicopters he had deployed   •  The use of helicopters for the day/  department personnel and all those involved in business aviation for the European
 vulnerable: the Mozambique navy rarely   in mid-September.  night any weather deployment and re-  Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2020), which will take place
 patrols a coastline that extends southwards   It is interesting that initially, Prince’s   covery of ground forces, as well as the   at Geneva’s magnificent Palexpo from 26 to 28 May. This is the perfect venue for

 more than 2,400 kilometres from the Tan-  Dubai-based Lancaster Six Group (L6G)   recovery of any operational casualties.

 zania border.   private security firm had been in com-  •  Target acquisition, identification and   investors considering aviation as a business opportunity; companies thinking of

 There are several other reasons why Rus-  petition with Russia’s Wagner Group and   destruction using ground and air   using an aircraft for business; and flight departments who have long used aircraft as

 sia’s Wagner Group pulled back to Nacala.   Eeben Barlow’s South African Specialized   assets.

 While the move might not be permanent   Tasks, Training, Equipment and Protection   •  Combined air and ground operations   a valuable business tool. Visit the website to learn more and register today.
 and could be a simple re-assessment of the   International (STTEP) for security con-  with other government forces.

 situation prior to heading back into action   tracts in Cabo Delgado. Prince promised   •  The ability to transport ground forces

 (though satellite images suggest that all its   to eliminate the terrorists in three months   without detection into and out of

 helicopters have returned there) it did not   in return for a share of oil and natural gas   mission areas.   REGISTER NOW  |
 come as a complete surprise.     revenues.  •  The collection, assimilation and dis-

 Earlier, the mercenary leadership had   Since then, AFM has acquired details   semination of operational intelligence

 given the Maputo government notice that   linked to the submission made by the   when and where required.

 conditions in the north were “unsustain-  Dubai-based OAM International private
 able”, though a reliable South African source   military company that would involve   The Headquarters Element is detailed

 indicated that there have been serious   ground as well as air elements to be fielded   as a “mobile organistion and will de-
 differences between Wagner’s command   in northern Mozambique should Wagner   ploy to wherever the tactical situation

 structure and the Mozambique Defence   withdraw.   requires offensive operations against the
 Armed Forces (FADM) in the region.  Comprising a comprehensive 12-page   enemy.”
 As a consequence, OAM International,   document, the proposal covers both   Similarly, the Aviation Element “must

 the Dubai-based private military company   ground and air operations envisioned to   be able to simultaneously deploy four
 that originally tendered for the security   neutralise what is recognised as an effi-  teams consisting of 12 x fully armed
 contract (and were superseded by the Wag-  cient and highly motivated Islamic force.  combat soldiers with aerial assets for a

 ner Group), resubmitted their application in   The 12-month contract, priced at US   radius of action of 200 Kks from the base
 Maputo in December.   $35.4 million, would involve a total   of operations.”
 What is peculiar though is that both   ground and air force of 166 combat
 the Mozambique government and the   personnel, of which 100 would be of   THE UNIT’S AVIATION ELEMENT
 Russians have been unusually secretive   selected Mozambican military qualified   REQUIREMENTS ARE:
 about Wagner’s role.   personnel.   •  1 x Antonov AN-72 or Antonov 26
 For instance, while nobody could miss   The main focus would be on what is   transport aircraft for the transport of

 what the Wagner Group has been doing,   termed a Tactical Air and Ground Assault   personnel, equipment and para-drop-
 Maputo’s ministry of national defence   Unit (TGAU) with the ability to perform   ping of men and equipment.
 declared that it knew nothing about the   such operations.

 matter.  •  1 x light aircraft (PC-6 Pilatus Porter)
 for reconnaissance, ‘sky shout’ and
  Contacted by Carta de Moçambique,   medevac support.
 Custódio Massingue, the ministry’s   OTHER DETAILS INCLUDE WHAT ARE
 spokesperson said it was a novelty that   TERMED ‘REQUIRED CAPABILITIES’  •  4 x MD600N or similar light gunship
 helicopters for fire support and medi-

 the country received Russian military   •  Specialised ground combat troops   cal evacuation.

 support, in spite of enormous shipments   capable of operating day or night and

 of weapons and helicopters arriving in   in any weather deep inside enemy   •  4 x Mi-171 or UH-1 transport helicop-
 Nacala by sea and by air.  ters for the deployment of
 Neither the Wagner Group   ground forces and equipment.
 nor OAM International are the   •   Qualified and opera-

 first to have attempted to aid   tional air and ground crews

 Mozambique in its fight against   in order to accomplish the
 insurgents.   required tasks. Q
 Among those previously
 involved were Cape Town
 resident Lionel Dyke who   * Note to readers:  At the
 has been operating a private   time of going to press this
 military company for several   article represented the
 years, as well as Erik Prince,   situation on the ground as
 the American founder/owner   best as the author could
 of the now defunct Blackwa-  manage given the current
 ter Group (of Iraqi notoriety).   control of media by the
 One of his companies,   government. The author
 Frontier Services Group (FSG)   and the publication cannot
 chartered two unmarked Ga-  be held liable for any
 zelle helicopters painted in   subsequent changes in a
 military camouflage last Au-  WAGNER GROUP FIGHTERS, SOME SAID TO BE   shift of power or situation
 gust and were subsequently   on the ground.
 World Airnews | March 2020                         World Airnews | March 2020
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