Page 63 - World Airnews Magazine March 2020 Edition
P. 63

SPEED             SPEED
 RALLY             RALLY

 weather guru, confirmed it would swing

 but ever so slowly. By 9h30 the wind
 started to die down and it was decided

 to continue.

 Scrutineers Chareen, Lizelle, Karen, Ar-
 dyn and Alex then sealed up all portable
 GPS capable devices, and handed out
 papers, and checked the fuel tanks were
 full. A Grand Prix style flag was used to re-

 lease the aircraft line up with Christian du

 Plessis doing the honours. Everyone was
 under starters orders from Mark Clulow.
 Each team received their envelopes
 with their loggers at 20 minutes prior

 take-off time. Then they had to taxi to

 the starting line within 10 minutes of
 take-off time. First take-off was at 09h56

 for the slowest aircraft and last take-off

 at 10h40, with planned arrival at 11h30.

 With all the competitors off towards

 the northwest, the route had a mix                                                          MARGA LOMBAARD –
 of easy and challenging turn points,                                               NAVIGATOR AND FIFE DELPORT
 especially TP 1 and 6 which required a                                                – PILOT – IN A SLING  ZU-STT
 descent into the Loskop valley, and then
 some hard to spot turn points 7,8 and 9   Race master le Roux and main sponsor   For the handicap results, a double win   winning school being the Mach 1 Training
 in amongst the mielie and coal fields. The   Franz Smit from Pilot Insure handed out the   for Hendrik and Jandre Loots, in second   School who are becoming consistently bet-

 wind had also picked up in the interim   trophies. First up was the winners of the   place was Piet Meyer and Adrienne Visser in   ter at improving their results at each event.

 starting to favour those already heading   most accurately flown with father and son   their Jabiru ZU-DUU and in third place was   This weekend’s overall results has ZU-IHK

 in the westerly direction. Just before   team and that went to Hendrik and Jandre   Michael Blackburn and Steve Briggs in their   in the lead followed by ZU-DUU and ZS-FVV.

 11h30 the first aircraft over the line was   Loots in their Sling ZU-IHK, in second place   Sling ZU-IBM.   The overall season points standing has
 a Sling ZU-IHK. The landing sequence was   was another Sling ZU-JAR with David Ross   For the GPS event the winner was Witbank   ZU-IHK in the lead followed by ZU-FVV and
 fairly easy to do with everybody joining   and James Braid, and in third place son   crew Chris and Adriaan de Beer in their   ZU-JAR.
 right hand down wind onto Rwy 22 with   and father team Quintin Kruger and Johan   C182RG ZS-KUN. The club trophy was

 good spacing.   Whiteman in their Cherokee 235 ZS-FVV.  handed to chairman Fife Delport, with the   Our next speed rally event will be in Beth-

 After all teams returned, the scoring                                          lehem on March 22. Q
 team then analysed the results, with the
 tracks for a number being quite accurate.
 Some had wobbles with only two who got
 a bit lost.
 With the changes in the scoring system
 MARY DE KLERK – NAVIGATOR   there were some gremlins that had to
 AND PHIL WAKELEY – PILOT   be fixed and that required extra time.

 – IN A CESSNA 210 ZS-CNY  Eventually at 4pm the results were


 World Airnews | March 2020                         World Airnews | March 2020
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