Page 71 - World Airnews Magazine March 2020 Edition
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 Garmin has announced the addition
 of new features within the Garmin pilot
 app that incorporates professional IFR
 navigation tools found within Garmin
 Pilots can experience a near-seamless
 transition between Garmin avionics and the
 app when performing common functions,
 such as loading and activating instrument
 approach procedures, departures and
 arrivals within the Americas.
 Additional features such as a visual proce-
 dure selector, custom holding patterns
 and more, give pilots convenient access to        FILE PHOTO                                               FILE PHOTO
 advanced tools all within a mobile app.
 “We’re excited to bring this game-chang-  Cessna Citation 550
 ing update to Garmin Pilot customers,” said
 Carl Wolf, vice president of aviation sales
 and marketing.
  “This upgrade gives pilots the ability to
 load complex routes and procedures into
 the app just as they would within a Garmin
 integrated flight deck, offering added
 convenience, time savings and confidence
 when transitioning between multiple
 Garmin products in the cockpit.”

 PROFESSIONAL IFR NAVIGATION   Unpublished holds or those assigned by
 TOOLS  air traffic control are easily created and
 Within the latest upgrade, pilots have the   VISUAL PROCEDURE SELECTOR   displayed to simplify the process.
 option to load or activate departures,   With this feature pilots can now more
 arrivals and instrument approach proce-  easily visualise departures, arrivals and   WORLDWIDE ROUTE DATA PACKAGES
 dures. Published holds that are included as   instrument approach procedures prior to   Route data packages within Garmin Pilot   Bombardier Challenger 601
 part of the missed approach is also added   a flight. This new selector allows pilots to   help to ensure pilots have downloaded
 to the flight plan.  simultaneously view departures, approach-  all of the data required for a flight plan.
 When pilots activate a procedure with   es or arrivals on a map alongside a flight   Once a flight plan is entered, pilots can
 published altitude constraints, those   plan so it’s easier to visualise and select the   review the data that is downloaded to their
 altitudes are automatically incorporated   most appropriate procedure based on a   mobile device. If information is missing for
 into a flight plan within the app. Pilots   flight plan and intended direction of flight.   a particular flight, Garmin Pilot displays an
 can also choose to manually add altitude   option to download additional data.
 constraints into a flight plan. Approach   Route data packages are also available
 procedures with radius-to-fix (RF) legs can   worldwide to help ensure pilots have all
 also be activated.  CUSTOMIZED HOLDING PROCEDURES  of the data they need prior to every flight.
 Using the vertical planning feature,   Pilots now have the flexibility to easily   Databases that are included within the
 pilots can more easily input and adhere to   build customised holding patterns. These   worldwide route data packages include
 crossing restrictions in a flight plan. For ex-  holds may be created over an existing fix   navigation data, instrument approach
 ample, pilots can manually input a crossing   or over a user-defined waypoint and then   procedures, SafeTaxi, terrain, obstacles and
 restriction over a specific navigational aid   inserted into a flight plan. When creating a   more.
 or GPS waypoint. With these new features,   hold, pilots can easily input an inbound or   The newest release of Garmin Pilot on   FILE PHOTO  FILE PHOTO
 pilots can optimise their flight planning and   outbound course, select left or right turns   Apple mobile devices is available immedi-
 fuel calculations.   and specify leg length in time or distance.   ately. Q
                           Subject to prior sale or withdrawal from the open market
 World Airnews | March  Extra 2020                World Airnews | February Extra 2020
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