Page 52 - World Airnews Magazine May Edition 2021
P. 52


                                   ZIMBABWE AIR RALLY PLANS

                                                                                        By Wallace Mawire

         Organisers of Zimbabwe’s air
          rally have reported that they have had an
          incredible response with over 30 entries.
           According to Chris Sheppard and Marion
          Kalweit this will be the 46th air rally and
          will be a test of navigational and flying
           Kalweit said the field is full and entries
          are now closed.
           The format for the Air Rally to take
          place in 2 - 8  June will be followed is a set
          course given to the teams who will choose
          a speed at which they wish to fly.
           No GPS or other artificial navigation
          aids are allowed to be used except for
          the air speed Indicator, artificial horizon,
          altimeter and compass.
           The aircraft leave the starting point at
          two-minute intervals, with the fastest
          planes going first.                 Getting ready for the mini rally this month. No water at the hangers so a quick
                                                  rinse for ZU-ICL near Puma; photo courtesty Facebook and Chris Sheppard
            “The idea is to fly the course on track,
          on time, all the time, it is not a race. It is
          all about hitting each marker at the exact   And if a competitor feels they are lost and   The last air rally was held in 2019 and
          plotted time,” according to Sheppard.  wishes to return to base using GPS they   participants came from Zambia and South
           He said that points are deducted if   simply call on the radio that they are out   Africa although in the past teams from
          points (called gates) are missed or passed   of the rally and climb to 6000m and fly   Switzerland and Malawi also took part.
          at incorrect times, either too fast or too   directly to the airfield.  The Zimbabwe air force usually enters a
          slow.                               Scoring is done digitally using a logger   team
           The main rally is held over two days and   which is placed in each plane before take-  The organising committee said that
          runs over approximately 250nm/day.   off. The loggers are returned to the scorers   it awaits direction from the ministry of
                                                                               health and child care as far as Covid-19
           “Slower planes will take longer, faster   on completing each day's competition.   protocols are concerned. The rally falls
          planes quicker. Once flying in the rally   Data is retrieved and the scores are   directly under Civil Aviation Authority of
          participants are not allowed to circle   made available as soon as possible to the   Zimbabwe (CAAZ).
          back or deviate more than 30 degrees off   contestants.
          course for safety reasons,” he said.   The organisers said that the rally route    * However before the June rally takes
           Competitors are encouraged to fly the   this year will take  them from Harare to   place - a mini rally is to be held on 15 May
          rally at 1,000 metres above ground level.   Kariba and then on to the Victoria Falls.  at the Charles Prince airport in Harare with
                                                                               the first plane taking off at 9am. Q


                                   AN-124 MINING EQUIPMENT


                                                               The flights were chartered by  Skyair Chartering and Antonov
                                                              said they needed to be completed in a short time frame.
          Antonov Airlines has transported 14 pieces of mining   The airline made a single technical stop in Algiers, Algeria
           equipment, weighing 216 tonnes in total, on two AN-124-100   for the 103 tonne Burkina Faso-bound cargo and two stops in
           flights from Istanbul, Turkey to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and   Casablanca, Morocco and Diass-Thies, Senegal for the journey to
           Monrovia, Liberia.                                 Liberia to refuel and provide crew rests.
            “These two flights from Turkey to Africa were meticulously   Antonov Airlines added that it has seen an increase in charters
           planned and both flights were completed with maximum   for mining projects since the beginning of the year and just
           payloads on each route,” said Eugene Kiva, commercial executive   last month completed three flights of equipment weighing 370
           at Antonov Airlines.                               tonnes to Latin America from Australia. Q

                                                   World Airnews | May Extra 2021
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