Page 56 - World Airnews Magazine May Edition 2021
P. 56


                                   HOW AIRBUS A320S LAND ON ICE

                                   IN ANTARCTICA

                                                                                        By Justin Hayward

                                                              tanks for extra range. The higher range is also the main reason
                                                              that only the A319 is used, rather than a higher capacity A320.
         Antarctica today is more accessible than it has ever been.   Flights operate from Hobart (or Christchurch) to Wilkins and
          Gone are the days when only heavy, ski-equipped aircraft could   return immediately without refuelling. According to the Australian
          land on the ice. With several runways that are suitable for   Antarctic Program, this is close to a 4,000 nautical mile round trip,
          commercial aircraft, access to the continent is changing. We take a   easily handled by the A319-115LR’s 5,000 nautical mile range.
          look here at the A320 family aircraft that are used to fly there.  The passenger capacity is only up to 38, and they have a
                                                              more spacious 2-2 layout than is usual. They also have a flexible
          THE A319 IN ANTARCTICA                              cargo conversion, being used to transport equipment as well as
          The A320 family has been in use for Antarctica flights since
          November 2007. This first flight saw an A319, from the Australian   LANDING ON BLUE ICE
          Antarctic Division, fly from Christchurch to the US Antarctic base
          at McMurdo. Since then regular flights have taken place between   Antarctica has opened up to commercial aircraft such as the A319
          Hobart, Tasmania and the Australian base at Wilkins.  following the development of improved runways. Many bases now
                                                              have added ice (or compressed snow) runways that can handle
           These are mostly for crew transfer and supplies, operating   the landing of wheeled aircraft, not just ski-equipped aircraft as
          during the Antarctic summer season from October to the end of   before.
          February (although it closes for six weeks at the height of summer
          due to sub-surface melt).                            The runways Wilkins and McMurdo where the A319 has
           The aircraft has recently been used out of season as well,   operated are blue ice runways. These are essentially compacted
          operating a winter flight to McMurdo to assist with a medical   ice runways, able to support wheeled aircraft landing. They
                                                              are located in areas of Antarctica with no net annual snow
          emergency. This took place in March 2020.           accumulation.
                                                               Blue ice occurs only in a few parts of Antarctica, and such areas
          AIRCRAFT OPERATED BY SKYTRADERS                     were first discovered in the 1950s. In these areas, snow does not
          Today there are three A319 aircraft used for these flights, leased   build up, usually due to wind action, resulting in a pure ice surface
          and operated by Australian company Skytraders, for the govern-  that is much stronger. Such areas appear blue, unlike the pure
          ment’s Australian Antarctic Program. Skytraders acquired its first   white of the rest of the continent, (and can be seen as such from
          A319 in 2007, and has since added two more.  When not in use for   above) due to the different reflections of light from the water and
          summer Antarctic flight, they are available from Skytraders for   trapped ice in the surface.
          other charters. It currently operates (according to Planespotters.  Before blue ice was used for landing aircraft, aircraft had to land
          net):                                               on snow-covered surfaces, usually using skis. Of course, transport
           •   VH-VHD – its first aircraft, acquired in February 2007 from   by ship (and possible transfer inland using smaller aircraft such as
               Air France                                     the Twin Otter was also possible). Reaching areas further inland
           •   VH-VCJ – added in December 2012 (previously operating   with blue ice runways has opened up new options for transport
               with Lufthansa, Olympic Air and Aegean Airlines)  and supply; and even tourism.
           •   VH-VHP – added in April 2019 (previously with Tigerair and
               Scoot)                                         LANDING ON BLUE ICE
                                                              Landing on ice is possible with standard wheeled commercial
           There are A319-115LR aircraft, modified with additional fuel   aircraft, but still not easy. The first consideration is that the runway

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