Page 59 - World Airnews Magazine May Edition 2021
P. 59
“Along with state-of-the-art
avionics and survivability
A Boeing-led industry suite, the new F-15EX includes
almost 3 miles of high-speed
team has officially delivered a digital data bus to enable open
second F-15EX fighter aircraft to architecture, which will keep it
the US Air Force earlier than the evolving ahead of threats for
contract requirement. decades.”
The result of a collaboration The second F-15EX arrived at
across industry, the U.S. Air Eglin Air Force Base to begin
Force and the Air National testing with the first EX that
Guard, the F-15EX is a ready- was delivered last month.
now replacement for the F-15C In July 2020, the US Air Force
that includes best-in-class awarded Boeing an Indefinite
payload, range and speed Delivery/Indefinite Quantity
and an all-new digital contract for up to 200 F-15EXs
infrastructure. to replace the undefeated but
“Moving from contract aging F-15C.
award to delivery in a matter The Air Force has announced
of months enables the U.S. Air initial basing locations in Florida
Force to get a head start on and Oregon.
flight testing and demonstrates “Delivering the F-15EX to
our commitment to exceeding defend our freedom is a source
expectations,” said Prat Kumar, of intense pride for the Boeing
Boeing vice president and F-15 and industry team,” said Kumar.
program manager. Q
manufacturing for the innovative the coming weeks, in what is one of the
all-electric air racing series. most highly anticipated and significant
History will be made in July 2021 as The dedicated team at Air Race events in the ongoing preparation and
an all-electric racing aircraft takes to the E, including engineers, pilots, development for Air Race E.
skies for the very first time - a landmark manufacturers, partners and teams Jeff Zaltman, CEO of Air Race E said,
moment for Air Race E, its partners and have been working tirelessly in the “We are extremely proud of all the
the aviation industry as a whole, said Air build-up to this historic event, which talented and experienced experts and
Race E CEO, Jeff Zaltman heralds a significant breakthrough in air pioneers in the Air Race E family that
Air Race E - the world’s first racing, electric transport and aerospace have come together in this project, to
all-electric air race series - will get engineering. drive forward innovation and make this
underway in 2022 with many of the The test itself will put the electric historic moment in electrification and
world’s top pilots going head-to-head at racing aircraft through its paces, aerospace happen.
a number of high-profile events around concentrating on airworthiness and “This milestone in the evolution of Air
the globe. The aircraft will race just ten safety during its initial runs. Race E is pivotal and further establishes
metres above the ground at speeds Further trials over subsequent weeks us at the leading edge of the industry
of up to 450km/h (280mph), and this and months will then focus on fine- alongside our visionary partners. Many
latest development represents a huge tuning the high-performance aspects of other exciting moments await us as we
milestone for the pioneering series. the aircraft, ensuring it is ready to race work together towards the first ever
This inaugural flight is the culmination in 2022. electric air race next year.”
of months of planning, designing, The date, location and the crew Article courtesy: http://www.automobil-
concept developing, testing and members involved will be released over
World Airnews | May Extra 2021
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