Page 62 - World Airnews Magazine May Edition 2021
P. 62
by Erika Gibson
Last line of defence: Putting out the fire on Table Mountain and surrounds was particularly difficult
because of the gale-force winds that raged. Only by the next day were Huey and Oryx helicopters
able to work in tandem to drop water bombs to douse the flames. (David Harrison/M&G)
to continue flying. quickly when the wind changed direction
The Western Cape government in a to a full-blown southeaster. “That is why
When the world-renowned Jagger statement said an Oryx - being a stronger UCT was engulfed so fast,” said Abrahams.
machine - has the capacity of dropping
Library at the University of Cape Town 2 000 litres at a time - more than double Students were evacuated with only
(UCT), with its priceless collection of that of a Huey. what they could grab and carry from the
African literature, went up in flames, the The restaurant at the Rhodes Memorial residences closest to the fire.
Thick eucalyptus and pine trees on the
South African Air Force had only one of its was largely gutted and Mostert’s Mill, mountain slopes close to the university
powerful Oryx helicopters available for fire South Africa’s oldest working windmill, fuelled the fire even faster. Residents
duties. And only for two hours. built in 1796, also went up in flames. have resisted the cutting down of the
To save what possibly could have been According to Abrahams, WOF was trees in the past, which has added to
saved depended on the water drops alerted about the fire at about 9.00am on the devastation wreaked over days of
performed by four Huey helicopters Sunday morning, when it started close to smouldering timbers. The heat of the fire
belonging to Working on Fire (WOF) and the M3 highway that connects downtown causes the trees’ crowns to pop, spreading
more than 200 firefighters on the ground. Cape Town to the southern suburbs. burning embers in all directions, said
James Styan, the spokesperson for A strong northeaster of 40km/h per hour SANParks fire manager Philip Prins.
the Western Cape department of local caused the fire to spread and cross the M3 The next day (Monday) began with the
government, confirmed the South African highway. southeaster raging much more forcefully
National Defence Force (SANDF) was “One of the contributors to the rapid than the day before. The Mail & Guardian
approached for aerial assistance on the rate of spread was the very old pine trees understands from air force sources that
Sunday. and their debris,” South African National its mechanics worked through the night to
When only one Oryx was available, Parks (SANParks) said in a statement. have two Oryx helicopters ready to fly the
it was ‘saved’ for possible emergency Abrahams said WOF’s four helicopters next day.
rescues of hikers or runners trapped on started fire-bombing runs at 10.15am. A The Western Cape government said in
the mountain, while WOF continued with spotter plane was also deployed. a statement that, “The SANDF has put its
the water-bombing. The spotter’s crew were in contact with available air resources in Cape Town on
According to Trevor Abrahams, director the fire chief on the ground to direct the standby for assistance with the ongoing
of WOF, the Hueys dropped 30 loads of helicopter to the hotspots at which the wildfire on Table Mountain National Park.”
water on the UCT buildings alone. That drops of 900 litres at a time were needed The air force gave the assurance that
amounted to 27 000 litres of water, but most. the two Oryxs would be able to provide
it did not save the library nor the other When Newlands seemed to be in the 25 flying hours for fire duties, but then the
historical buildings in the path of the path of the fire just before noon on unpredictable “Cape Doctor” had other
runaway fire. Sunday, plans were underway for the plans.
A total of 456 loads were dropped on the emergency services to begin evacuating One of the Oryxs tested the winds
Sunday until nightfall made it impossible people from this area. But things changed where the fire, by Monday morning, was
World Airnews | May Extra 2021
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