Page 80 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
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cabin, the carrier has laid out strict rules on ger cabin to date and the cargos that most
the kind of cargo that can be flown on the frequently gets priority to be loaded on the
n the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, seats and the overhead bins. For example seat and in the bins are medical supplies
Icountries around the world have wit- cargo containing liquids and valuable cargo that are required urgently to fight against
nessed an increase in the demand for essen- are some of the goods that are not allowed Covid-19. We continue to transport an im-
to be loaded on the passenger seats and
tial commodities such as personal protective overhead bins. Most perishables such as portant quantity of items such as face masks
equipment and medical devices. However, fruits and vegetables also have to still be and shields, gloves, visors, protective suits
and other similar items for individuals and
with limited air cargo capacity available due loaded in the belly hold of the aircraft. healthcare workers across the world. These
to suspension of the majority of passenger However some exceptions include cut and are also items that lend themselves to being
flights, air cargo carriers have had to innovate preserved flowers and plants and dry and packaged in boxes that can be easily loaded
to optimise capacity on cargo flights. non-smelling fruits and vegetables which and secured on seats and in the bins," said
Since mid-April, Emirates SkyCargo has can be carefully packaged and loaded on Henrik Ambak, Emirates senior vice presi-
been transporting cargo on the seats and seats or in overhead bins inside the aircraft. dent, cargo operations worldwide.
the overhead bins inside the passenger Any cargo that is loaded inside the pas- Some of the other interesting and unex-
cabin of its Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. senger cabin has to be packaged inside a pected items that have been transported
Placing cargo inside the aircraft cabin al- suitable external container such as a plastic inside the cabin of the Emirates Boeing
lows Emirates SkyCargo to transport more or cardboard box in accordance with the 777-300ER aircraft include garments and
goods per flight, helping urgent cargo reach latest regulations outlined by IATA. clothing, sporting goods, children’s toys
their destinations faster and allowing for In addition, Emirates SkyCargo requires without batteries, empty soap dispensers,
more efficiency of flight operations. that all packaging must be able to contain bottle caps for personal care products, den-
However, Emirates SkyCargo also places any damage to the cargo and include an tal supplies and even dry food and spices
utmost importance on safety and in order internal absorbent layer. such as pine nuts and cardamom in some
to continue safe cargo operations even "Emirates SkyCargo has operated close to instances helping keep the global conveyor
with cargo being loaded inside the aircraft 150 flights globally with cargo in the passen- belt for goods and supplies running. Q
World Airnews | July 2020
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