Page 13 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 13


         “Good” on YouTube). It’s time   and fulfils you. If you pivot on the
         for you to start owning your own   outer circle (‘what you do’), as
         passion and courage.          you turn, you’ll lose sight of the
           Passion and courage are like   inner ‘why’ and you may not be as
         muscles, they need exercise to   successful as you think.
         grow. I listened to an inspiring   Once you understand what

         talk by Lewis Pugh (endurance   motivates you, don’t listen to the
         swimmer and ocean advocate);   naysayers.
         he’s someone who has faced real   It doesn’t mean you can ‘plug and
         fear and is inspiringly hum-  play’ into another industry over-
         ble about managing it. Using a   night but it does mean that once
         metaphor learned from a tribe in   you’ve learned the ropes in a new

         Greenland, Lewis explained that   role that an effective pilot has the

         in every person’s mind exists a   potential to apply a wide range of
         good wolf and a bad wolf. The bad   highly developed, high performance
         wolf believes you will fail, you are   skills into a business.
         not good enough and that there   Every person on this planet needs
         is little hope of success. The good   to read Carol Dweck’s book ‘Growth
         wolf believes in your ability to   Mindset.’
         learn new things and find a way   The fixed mindset belief is that

         to achieve your goals. The wolf   your skills and talent are inherent
         you feed the most is the one that   and given to you by your genes,
         will survive. Every day, condition   your education and upbringing.

         yourself to feed the good wolf and   Don’t listen to the politicians

         achieve your goals. You won’t get   offering an easy way out, the old

         rid of the bad wolf, just make sure   school examiner waving a stick, the

         you feed the good one more.   parent that said you’re limited or a
           When you have to pivot in your   colleague that said you just haven’t      Who is David Doull?
         career it’s important to under-  got what it takes. They’re all just
         stand what it is that motivates and   projecting their own fixed mindset   David spent 9 years in the emergency

         fulfils you.                  on you, and they’re influencing you   medical services as a paramedic and the

           That’s something only you know   to stop trying. Take a growth mind-  last 17 years in the aviation industry as a
         and you have to go through a   set into your career and into your   pilot with the last 10 of them at SAA. He

         process of asking yourself “why?”   relationships with people, it may   holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Emergency
         until you can’t go any further.   just change your life.         Medical Care from the Durban University
         Simon Sinek’s ‘Start with Why’ is a   I watched a great discussion     of Technology, a Master Degree in
         practical way to do this. There will   recently between Tom Bilyeu and   Human Factors in Aviation from
         be core passions that you need   Vusi Thembekwayo. They were        Coventry University (UK), an ATPL and
         to understand about yourself in   discussing creating momentum       around 9000 flying hours. He worked
         order to pivot successfully. Sinek’s   and Vusi gave an analogy of a car   in various leadership and management
         golden circle concept is that your   breaking down, yet you need to   positions within both industries, more
         career operates on the three lev-  keep moving. The hardest part    recently as the CRM Training Manager
         els; what we do, how we do it and   is pushing the car those first   and as a Safety Incident Investigator
         why we do it. ‘Why’ is in the inner   few metres, once it is moving it   at SAA. David is now a Human Factors
         circle of the three. To pivot means   has its own momentum and the    Specialist and managing partner at
         to turn on a point, like putting a   pushing becomes easier. Why is   the Human Factor Hub. He is currently
         stick in the ground and turning on   this important? Because there’s    undergoing certification to apply
         it. If you pivot on the inner circle   more power in your uniqueness   systems theory to accident investigation
         of ‘why,’ then your ‘how’ and   and what you have to offer to the          and risk management through
         ‘what’ may change but you will   world that you haven’t discovered     Stamp Engineering Services (USA).
         never lose sight of what motivates   yet. Get moving. Q

                                                     The Human Factor Hub:
                  The Human Factor Hub team is passionate about unlocking the potential for

                   high performance within people. Our vision is for people and organisations

                   to adapt and grow so that they may advance into the future with resilience

                     and flexibility. We achieve this by focusing on people, using cutting-edge

                    sciences of systems engineering and human factors to understand, design
                      and improve how things are done as well as integrate new technologies
                    that distribute awareness. We believe one of our greatest strengths lies in
                 delivering on what we say; to this end trust, learning, bespoke design and an
              openness to change are among our highest values. To get in contact go to www.
         or send an email to

                                              World Airnews | November / December 2020
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