Page 18 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 18


        in the cockpit with no flight plan because   only to find a barrier in my way,” he said.   have to re-apply.”

        you don’t have a destination. You don’t   “Either I don’t have the rating or due to   “The best thing is the lawyers involved

        know where you are going or how you are   Covid-19 pandemic pilots are being laid off     in the process have applied for Employ-
        going to get there”. She said part of her is   and nobody is hiring. I have tried to apply   ment Equity over-ride which means that
        grieving because Covid-19 hit so quickly   for computer programming position but   besides EE they will have the last say as to

        with no chance of closure.         my experience is a bit out-dated now as   who gets this position. It’s just disgusting.

         “I love aviation but things have drastically   the world has moved on since I was last in   The airline is finished and what the hell do

        changed in the industry and we’ve all had   this field.”               I do?” he said.
        to figure out new career paths but because   Luckily his wife has retained her work   Some pilots have taken Voluntary Sever-

        we’re trained to be resilient, whatever we   so at least there is one income. They have   ance Packages but, said Matthew, SAA did

        do will become a success,” she said.  been able to live on savings and are being   not offer any “sweeteners” to the deal so a

        HE HAS GOOD DAYS AND               helped with grocery vouchers paid for by   lot of us did not take up this offer and are
                                           other members of the family.

                                                                               rather waiting to be retrenched. So, with
        DARK DAYS                            “I have good days and I have dark days. I   this process unresolved we sit in limbo –

        He came into aviation after starting out   know there are others worse off than me. I   unable to access our pension or provident

        learning how to do commuter program-  just loved working at SA Express it was like   funds. Think about it! I have not received a
        ming. He used the money he earned here   a family. Everyone knew everyone. I just   salary since April. I just wish that the mat-

        to pay for his studies in aviation, complet-  don’t know what I am going to do?  ter could be resolved. Either way though

        ing his PPL, getting his night rating CPL and   As a 57-year-old captain Andre is busy   the government has to come up with the
        instructors. It was his dream to fly.  facing a future where his chances of get-  finances. If they don’t’ then liquidation is

         Andre (not his real name) began his   ting an aviation position are few and   the only other option. If that happens our

        career flying the 402 and Seneca but   far between.                    pay-out will be minimal.

        always wanted to fly for the commercial                                 “I am really struggling trying to come to
        airlines, His break came when an opportu-  HE IS ANGRY AND FRUSTRATED   terms with what is happening. I still can’t be-

        nity opened up at SA Express and he rose   Matthew (not his real name) is really angry   lieve it. I feel isolated and angry with what is

        to the position as training caption on the   with what has happened to him. He is in his   going on,” he said having spent almost two

        Dash Q400.                         early forties with a wife and two children.   decades involved in the aviation world.

         “I had just done a stint training on the   Up until this year he was flying the A330   He said he had heard that Tito (Mboweni)

        sim in Ethiopia. I came back for two weeks   and A340 widebody aircraft across the   Minister of Finance is expected to make

        leave and was on stand-by to return when I   African continent and beyond.  some announcement in his mid-term bud-

        received the news,” he said.         But even before Covid-19 hit, he and his   get speech at the end of October but even
         SA Express had gone into liquidation.   colleagues got wind that the national car-  if funds made available these will likely only

        Since February this year, Andre has not   rier was in distress. At first, Matthew said,   come available in February next year – an-

        received a salary. He also battles with the   everything seemed fine. “The Business   other wait for the next four to five months.

        same questions all pilots are facing: what   Rescue Practitioners were appointed and   Matthew said he holds the department of

        now? where to next?                plans were in place. Then lockdown hap-  public enterprises, the incompetent man-

         “This was a dream of mine and I don’t   pened and all the operations were scaled   agement of SAA and corruption by the ANC

        want to give up on it. I can’t tell you how   down and now I hear that there is only   government officials as having contributed
        many times I have tried to apply for a job   place for 88 pilots and we are all going to   to the demise of the national carrier. Q

                                             World Airnews | November / December 2020
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