Page 29 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 29


                                   THE UPWARD SLOPING REAR


                                                                The modified BLADE test aircraft Airbus A340 outer wing
                                                                    section show cased at the ILA Berlin Air show in 2018

                                                                                          By Jake Hardiman

                                             also saw the topic discussed in greater   Particularly in the current aviation
                                             detail on Quora.                   climate, where more and more passenger

               he Airbus A340 has several features                              aircraft are being used as ‘preighters,’ this
         Tthat make it an instantly recogniz-  NOT EXCLUSIVE TO THE A340        is a handy feature. Maaz added that the

         able aircraft. For example, it is a rarity in   The sloped rear windows are, in fact,   feature also “[reduced] design cost, and

         being a four-engine widebody airliner with   a feature that can be found on more   most importantly it gave the aircraft an

         only one passenger deck.            Airbus aircraft than just the A340. Indeed,   increased cabin space.”
           This places it in contrast to the dou- user ‘bohica’ states that it is   This was because the slope meant that

         ble-decker Boeing 747 and Airbus A380   an aspect commonly found among Airbus   “the entire passenger cabin floor did not
         ‘superjumbo.’                       widebodies. Furthermore, the Quora   have to be raised.”

           Furthermore, the A340-600 variant is   thread title discussing the topic acknowl-  The Airbus A340 is also well known
         strikingly long and thin in its design, to an   edges that this curious slope is present on   among avgeeks for its long and shallow

         almost disproportionate extent.     the A300, A310, A330, and A340.    take-off runs.
           However, there is another feature that   REASONS FOR THE SLOPE         As such, Quora user and commercial pilot
         sets it apart, namely its upwards-sloping   There are practical reasons why the A340’s   Eric Larsen states that this is also a factor in

         rear windows. However, what is the reason   rear windows and fuselage floor slope   the type’s sloped rear fuselage design.

         for this design quirk?                                                   As such, “the aircraft shape is made to
                                             upwards towards its tail. user   reduce the possibility of an expensive tail
         A LONG-DISCUSSED DESIGN ASPECT      ‘bohica,’ for example, states that the slope   scrape.” Larsen also adds that there are

         The Airbus A340 was launched commer-  is “only one degree, but it is noticeable.”   aerodynamic advantages to the design.

         cially by Lufthansa in March 1993, and 2021   It apparently reflects Airbus’s desire “to   This is because it produces less drag than a

         will mark the 30th anniversary of the type’s   maintain cargo space” below the cabin.   conventionally-shaped fuselage.

         first test flight.                   User ‘United1’ backs this point up. They   All in all, the Airbus A340’s numerous

           Admittedly, the discussion concerning its   state that the design quirk results from   design quirks render it to be a particularly

         upwards-sloping rear windows hasn’t been   “the positioning of the cargo/baggage   iconic airliner. However, its future is uncer-

         raging on for quite so long. Nonetheless,   containers in the hold.”   tain. Production ceased in 2011, and the

         this aspect has still been a topic of online   On Quora, Airbus A320/321 pilot Anas   drop in passenger demand caused by the
         discussion forums for several years.  Maaz details further the fact that the raised   ongoing coronavirus pandemic has caused

           A quick search reveals that users on   cabin floor functions like a ramp. This, in   increasing retirements among the type.
, for example, were pondering   turn, “[accommodates] for more ULDs (Unit   Here’s to hoping we can continue to see
         the reason for the sloped windows as early   Load Devices), which [increases] the cargo   its sloped rear fuselage in the skies for

         as 2009. More recently, September 2020   capacity of the aircraft.”    many years to come. Q
                                              World Airnews | November / December 2020
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