Page 31 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 31


                                   MADAGASCAR DRONE


                                                                                     By Rivonala Razafison

                o achieve its ambitious large-scale
          Treforestati on goals, Madagascar is
          turning to the sky. The country will use drones
          to plant trees in isolated areas. The plan is to
          drop up to 400,000 tree seeds per day.
           In a speech to the senate recently prime
          minister Christian Ntsay mentioned the ac-

          quisition of 10 drones to augment manual
          tree-planting efforts by enabling coverage

          of difficult-to-access areas. The purchase

          will take place sometime this year.
           The country aims to produce an average
          of 60 million young seedlings per year,
          focusing on native and threatened precious

          wood species, such as rosewood and
          ebony. It will also consider fast-growing
          trees like paulownia and acacia, as well as
          bamboo, according to Ntsay.        with the more typical methods of plant-  seed dispersers such as lemurs and certain

           The government will engage citizens in   ing saplings by hand and dropping seeds   endemic bird species. For millions of years,
          growing and manually planting trees at the   from planes. The prime minister’s June   these species, the majority of which are now

          district and municipal level.      announcement of the drone acquisition   threatened, have helped forests reproduce

           Since 2000, Madagascar has lost 23% of   signalled this would become reality.  without human intervention.

          its forests. In total, 3.89 million hectares (9.6   “I sincerely think that it is an excellent and   In terms of soil quality, Ratsimbazafy of
          million acres) were lost between 2001 and   praiseworthy initiative,” said Laza Randriam-  GERP said he’s not very optimistic. Accord-

          2019, or nearly 205,000 ha (506,000 acres)   ifidimanana, an entrepreneur and founder   ing to him, in many places Madagascar’s

          per year, according to Global Forest Watch.  of Threeshells Madagascar, an Antananarivo   soil, besieged by fires for years, is poor in

           Conservationists fear that if the destruc-  firm specializing in cutting-edge technol-  the nutritive elements necessary for seed

          tion continues at this rate, Madagascan   ogies. He said he had experimented with   growth. “The success of reforestation is not

          forests won’t survive longer than a few   using drones for small-scale reforestation, as   measured by the numbers planted, but by

          more decades.                      a matter of personal interest. “The advan-  the number of living trees,” he added.

           “For we conservation professionals,   tage of drones is that we have much more   Similarly, Lily-Arison René de Roland,

          to hear that Madagascar will once again   feedback from testing and improvement.”  national director of the US-based Peregrine

          become a green island is one of the   Although the government has not made   Fund’s Madagascar project, said follow-
          encouraging pieces of news,” said Jonah   public the model of drone it will purchase,   ing up on plantings was of paramount

          Ratsimbazafy, a primatologist and general   the ones best known for tree-planting were   importance. This includes monitoring and

          secretary of the Madagascar Primate Study   developed by the UK-based start-up Den-  maintaining seedlings and constructing

          and Research Group (GERP).         dra Systems (formerly known as BioCarbon   firebreaks around reforested areas, he said.

           In March 2019, President Andry Rajoelina   Engineering). This system, used in Myan-  Bushfires are a major factor in the destruc-

          announced the goal of reforesting 40,000   mar since 2018, launches seed missiles into   tion of Madagascar’s forests.

          ha (99,000 acres) per year over five years.   isolated areas lacking trees.  Ratsimbazafy warned against the planting

          The programme aims to reconstruct the   According to the news site Turfu, these   of eucalyptus, which are notoriously wa-
          island’s green architecture and restore   drones first fly over the target area to map   ter-intensive, and pines, which he said can

          ecological balance to a country confronted   it and collect data on soil conditions and   block development of young saplings and

          by the challenges of climate change and   topography. Analysis of the data informs   “condemn” soils. For decades, people have
          development.                       development of the interventions and con-  planted these trees across Madagascar for

           Last year, the country planted 41,065 ha   figuration of the drones for aerial seeding.  construction material, firewood and char-

          (101,000 acres): 38,609 ha (95,000 acres)   In Madagascar, conservation experts   coal. They represent an economic asset but

          on land and 2,457 ha (6,000 acres) of   remain on guard. “The approach requires   are colonizing many wooded areas, even
          mangroves.                         rigorous sorting of the seeds according to   conservation sites. This is also the case

           After having experimented with drones   the characteristics of the soil,” said Mamy   with grevilleas, planted by aerial seeding in

          to help with relief efforts during natural   Rakotoarijaona, director-general of Mada-  the late 1980s to reverse deforestation and

          disasters and to deliver medical supplies in   gascar National Parks, a quasigovernmental   prevent soil erosion.
          remote regions, Madagascar is now turning   agency responsible for managing many   At the time of this story’s original publi-

          to drones for the environment.     of the country’s protected areas. “Those   cation, the MEDD had not specified which

           In January last year, during the official   adapted for low-altitude regions will never   tree species would be planted by aerial

          reforestation campaign launch, the govern-  give the yields expected at high altitude.”  seeding or where the drones would be

          ment announced it was exploring the use   Rakotoarijaona said that today mechanical   deployed, nor provided details on the mon-

          of drones in difficult-to-access areas, along   planting techniques are replacing natural   itoring of reforestation by drones. Q
                                              World Airnews | November / December 2020
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