Page 18 - World Airnews Magazine May 2020 Edition
P. 18
fundamental principles of the Red Cross, total of 74 Covid-19 patients. Most of these
their services geared to the needs of the operations were secondary transports;
ince the beginning of the Coro- Swiss population and financed by private patients are transferred from one hospital
Sna pandemic, Swiss Air-Rescue, funding, with donations received from to another.
more than three million Swiss “patrons”
re-named “Rega,” helicopter crews have (donations received from the populous). Although the transport of highly infec-
flown a total of 74 Covid-19 patients, most This enables them to operate inde- tious patients is part of Rega’s normal
via interfacility transfer. pendently in the service of their patients. range of applications, the crews had
For example Rega has also supported The emergency missions and other opera- specifically prepared with extra training in
nearby countries such 19 French Covid tions are carried out on behalf of the gen- February in anticipation of an increase in
patients who were flown from Alsace to eral public are not conditional on whether patient call volume.
German hospitals. the ensuing costs will be covered. SPECIAL INTENSIVE CARE
Swiss Air-Rescue (Rega) is a unique Rega has experienced significantly lower TRANSPORTS WITH MOBILE
non-profit organisation. It operates from helicopter deployment stake since the VENTILATOR
12 strategically-located bases that enable start of the pandemic, which is due to the
Rega crews to reach any location in Swit- changed leisure behaviour of the Swiss About two-thirds of these secondary
zerland, except for the canton of Valais, population. transports were intensive care special
within 15 minutes by air. transports of artificially ventilated Covid-19
Rega rescue helicopters are most fre- ESCALATING COVID FLIGHTS patients.
quently dispatched for medical emergen- The first transport for a patient suffering During the transfer the patients are
cies, to deal with winter sports, as well as from Covid-19 on board a Rega helicopter connected at the ICU bedside area to
road, occupational and alpine accidents. took place on March 11, in Ticino. The Rega’s mobile ventilator, which ensures
Transfer flights from one hospital to patient was flown by the crew of Rega Base uninterrupted oxygen supply for the entire
another are also an integral part of Rega’s Locarno from Mendrisio to Locarno. transport period.
services. Almost 25% of all Rega helicopter The number of operations related to the All Rega helicopters are equipped with
missions take place at night - a challenging corona virus increased significantly after state-of-the-art mobile ventilators that
task for their highly-trained crews. that first flight: Between March 11 and Sat- meet the latest standards and are specially
Rega’s rescue activities are based on the urday, April 11, the helicopter crews flew a certified for use in rescue helicopters. Q
apan’s largest Super Puma opera-
Jtor, Japan Coast Guard (JCG), has
ordered two H225 helicopters - this follow
on order brings JCG’s Super Puma fleet to
15, comprising two AS332s and 13 H225s.
The new helicopters will be utilised
for territorial coastal activities, security
enforcement, as well as disaster relief
missions in Japan.
“We thank the Japan Coast Guard for
its continued confidence in the H225,”
said Guillaume Leprince managing direc-
tor of Airbus Helicopters in Japan. The JCG’s H225s are covered by pilot precision, the all-weather capable
“The H225 is well regarded as a refer- Airbus’ HCare Smart full-by-the-hour H225 offers outstanding endurance and
ence in search-and-rescue operations and material support. This customised fleet fast cruise speed, and can be fitted with
security enforcement, and we are certainly availability programme allows JCG to various equipment to suit any role.
happy to see these helicopters effectively focus on its flight operations whilst In Japan alone, a total of 28 helicopters
deployed in Japan through the years. We Airbus manages its assets. from the Super Puma family are currently
have delivered three new H225 to JCG in The 11-ton-category, twin-engine flown by civil, parapublic operators, and
the recent months, within schedule, and are H225 is the latest member of Air- Japan’s Ministry of Defence for various
committed to fully supporting its existing bus Helicopters’ Super Puma family. search and rescue missions, offshore op-
fleet, as well as its upcoming deliveries, Equipped with state-of-the-art elec- erations, VIP, fire-fighting, and passenger
ensuring high availability for its operations.” tronic instruments and renowned auto- and goods transportation. Q
World Airnews | May 2020
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