Page 25 - World Airnews Magazine May 2020 Edition
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         unmanned systems should even be consid-  ship) arrives to lift them to safety.  batteries are prepared), and many don’t

         ered as useful tools in the marine environ-  •  Legislation: The legislative process to-  require extensive and complex preventive

         ment, let us look at some of the pros and   wards the obtaining of a Remote Oper-  maintenance. This makes response times

         cons of this technology.               ating Certificate (ROC), which legalises   – especially in the event of a crisis or di-

         Disadvantages                          commercial drone operations in South   saster – short and can significantly speed-

         •  (Potentially) High initial outlay: Drone   Africa, is a long, tedious and expensive   up the commencement of a mission.

            systems consist of more than just the   process. Current indications are that   •  Persistence: The monotony of many
            frame -  this is true for airborne or   it could take up to (or even in excess   tasks associated with the marine

            water-borne systems. In addition to   of) two years to obtain an ROC, which   environment, plus the huge expanse of

            the aircraft, boat or submersible, initial   also implies no legal operations for two   ocean to be covered at times, requires
            outlay also includes the control and te-  or more years, while the process runs.   persistence and endurance. Humans
            lemetry systems, launch and recovery   This, unfortunately, incurs expenses on   are not always ideally suited to either,

            systems (design-dependent), storage,   the part of the applicant, potentially   which is why many specially-designed

            transportation (size-dependent) and   with zero income (depending how the   maritime aircraft are large enough to

            other support systems. A complete   company’s business is structured) until   accommodate sleeping berths, kitchens,
            Drone system can be costly to acquire,   the ROC has been issued and the drone   rest areas, lavatories and other items to

            but once it has been purchased and   can be operated for profit.       help prolong such missions. Drones do

            integrated, it can be very affordable   The South African aviation legislator is   not need any of this, and personnel on

            to operate.                         said to be streamlining the ROC process   the ground involved in such endeavours

         •  Bad weather operations: Drones, by   towards faster results, but at the time   can be rotated easily and frequently to
            nature of their design, tend to weigh   of going to press this was hearsay only.   ensure that alertness is maintained.

                                                Potential commercial operators of

            less and be comparatively smaller                                      Drones (if so designed) could potentially

            than manned counterparts of similar   drones in the SA marine environment   stay aloft for days, and human inter-
                                                will have to be prepared for a lengthy

                                                                                   action could be further reduced if it is
            performance and mission capability.
 DRONES IN THE MARINE   Small and/or light aircraft (and surface   administrative process to enable them   equipped with smart sensors to help

                                                to become legal drone operators.
                                                                                   automatically locate ‘objects of interest.

            vessels) do not normally fare well in bad
            weather, particularly if strong wind or   Advantages                •  Portability: Small drones can be

 ENVIRONMENT  gusts prevail, or during periods of major   •  Affordable to operate: Once pro-  man-portable and even at times hand-

                                               cured and integrated, drones are very

                                                                                   launched. This could be useful if the
            swells or strong wave action. Drones

            earmarked to operate in such condi-  affordable to operate. Obviously this   area from which it is to be flown or re-

            tions will have to be designed from   is a factor of its design, and how it is   covered is inaccessible by vehicle or if it

 ACTIVITY  USERS/BENEFICIARIES  the outset to literally and figuratively   employed, but compared with manned   has to be launched or recovered on-sea.

            be able to weather the storm and be   aircraft of equal performance, size and   Mid-sized drones could be ship-borne

 his is the second and final part of a   Long Range Maritime SAR  DOT, SAMSA, NSRI, DOD, commercial shipping  capable of competing tasks.  mission, a drone would in most cases   and launched and recovered from a

 T two-part series about drones in the   Coastal SAR  NSRI, SAPS, tourism  On the flipside, manned aviation is also   not be more expensive to operate.  large boat, something not readily possi-

 South African marine environment. Com-  prone to being affected by inclement   •  Flexibility: Drones are very flexibly,   ble with a manned asset. The aforemen-

 piled by Andre P. Meredith, Adrian Niken   Coastal and Marine Surveillance  DOT, SAMSA, DAFF, DEA (SANParks), DOD  weather, and all aircraft have specific   and many types can be refitted with   tioned is largely design-dependent, but

 and Hannes van Wyk this article focuses on   Maritime Security  SAPS, DOD, DAFF  operating limits regarding bad weather   different payloads and be utilised for   the general size and weight of small to

 the advantages and disadvantages of these   operations. Drones, however, are de-  multiple types of work. This reduces ac-  medium sized drones makes this com-

 incredible unmanned aircraft.  Commercial Fisheries  DAFF, DEA, SAMSA, fishing industry  void of on-board crews and other per-  quisition cost, and maximises the fleet   pletely feasible, and can be a significant

 So why should we make use of drones   Recreational Fishing  General public  sons, potentially giving operators the   for optimal use.  asset to a ship or a boat.

 in the marine environment? This is a   EEZ Patrol  DOD, DAFF, commercial shipping  edge if they need to ‘push the envelope’   •  Reduced risk: Removal of a pilot and   In addition to these operational advan-

 good question. Why spend money   to get a critical mission completed; loss   other crews from the airframe or vessel   tages, drones can also be an important

 on a fairly new technology when   Marine Mining Support  DMRE, mining sector, energy sector  of the airframe under such conditions is   reduces risk, particularly where the drone   educational tool (as a frontrunner

 manned aviation could potentially   Recreational Photography  General public, tourism  simply a material loss, without addition-  needs to be sent into dangerous weather   within the 4th Industrial Revolution and

 provide the same solutions? Realistically   al human casualties.  conditions or out over vast ‘marine des-  Industry 4.0), showcasing the tech-

 unmanned aviation will, in all probabil-  Professional Photography  DAC, tourism, media, real estate  •  Marine SAR Limitations: Most un-  erts’ many miles from the nearest land. If   nologies to young minds and thereby

 ity, never completely replace manned   Climate, Weather and Sea State  DAFF, DEA (SAWS), SAMSA, DST  manned aircraft employed for maritime   a mechanical or environmentally-induced   stimulating novel ideas to catalyse

 systems. For certain tasks a manned   SAR missions will inevitably only be able   failure does occur, and the drone cannot   technological advancement.
 asset will always be required, or be the   Disaster Management  SAPS, DOD, DEA, DAFF, emergency services  to perform searches, and not be able   be saved, it incurs only material losses,   Drones can also be an essential tool to

 better option.   Coastal Populace Monitoring and Development  DHS, DTI, Stats SA, industry, business sector  to actually rescue someone (physically   and not losses to human life.  entities involved in marine research,

 But in many cases unmanned systems   lift someone from the sea or off a ship).   The marine environment is also an ideal   providing access to otherwise inacces-

 can complement the work being per-  Medical Support  DOH, emergency services, pathology, shipping  This is obviously design-dependent and   place to experiment with the concept   sible or hostile environments. Examples

 formed by manned aviation -  and in some   Commodities and Logistics  DOT, DAFF, commercial shipping, fisheries  future M-SAR drones having hover capa-  of a ‘unified airspace’ where drones and   include the various unmanned airborne,

 instances could even replace manned   Wreck Surveillance  DAC, DEA, SAMSA  bility may be able to provide a way to do   manned aviation can co-exist. The air-  water-borne and underwater vehicles be-

 systems altogether.  this – but current, proven manned heli-  space above our maritime claims and ter-  ing utilised by the Institute for Maritime

 Education  DBE, DHET, schools, tertiary institutions  copters or tilt-rotor systems already have   ritories are fairly ‘barren’, especially when   Technology (IMT) for research and data

 USERS AND BENEFICIARIES  this ability. In addition, having someone   compared with the overland regions.  collection using side-scan technologies,

 The general public aside (in respect   Marine Research  DST, DOD, tertiary institutions  on-board to assist with the hoisting   This provides a near-sterile airspace to   tethered flight, low-light optical payloads,

 of personal use), there are potentially   TABLE KEY  operation simplifies this segment of a   test the concept in, especially when con-  counter-drone technologies and many

 many hundreds of commercial and   DOT  Department of Transport  SAMSA  South African Maritime Safety Agency  rescue, and an unmanned hoisting op-  trolled by test authorities. In addition,   other forms of sea and sub-sea research.

 government users of and beneficiaries   NSRI  National Sea Rescue Institute  DOD  Department of Defence  eration may prove too ‘impersonal’ for   having a zero-population-density count

 for this technology. The list below is   SAPS  South African Police Services  DAFF  Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries  most SAR operators to consider.  below the flight path of the drone (with   SELECTING A DRONE

 certainly not conclusive, but provides   DEA  Department of Environmental Affairs  DMRE  Department of Mineral Resources and Energy  A SAR drone can, however, be   the exception of occasional shipping)   So which drone do I select? This is another

 a clear indication of the extent and   DAC  Department of Arts and Culture  SAWS  South African Weather Services  equipped with an air-deployable   further reduces risk to third parties, in   tough question to answer. The short

 potential widespread impact (a positive   survival canister containing, amongst   the event of a critical system failure.  answer is that the type of

 one, at that) the employment of drone   DST  Department of Science and Technology  DHS  Department of Human Settlement  others, a life raft. This will afford   •  Response time: Small drones can often   drone to be selected would

 technology in the marine environment   DTI  Department of Trade and Industry  DOH  Department of Health  survivors at sea the chance to re-  be deployed quickly, at short notice,   be predominantly task-

 might have.  DBE  Department of Basic Education  DHET  Department of Higher Education and Training  move themselves from the sea, until a   requiring very little preparation. Electric   dependent, i.e. selected

 To get a clearer understanding of why   Potential Users and Beneficiaries from Drones in the Marine Environment  manned rescue platform (helicopter,   versions require no refuelling (providing   based on the task   To page 24
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