Page 47 - World Airnews Magazine May 2020 Edition
P. 47
THE MAN WHO WANTED would expand NASA's portfolio of vehicles to
explore other worlds.
And partly because there have been so
TO FLY ON MARS many challenges along the way, it's a testa-
ment to the dedication, vision, persistence
and attitude of Balaram and his colleagues
that the Mars Helicopter concept was
funded, planned, developed and built and
is heading to the Red Planet this summer.
ven before this interviewer can "Bob is the inventor of our Mars Helicop-
Efi nish the questi on, "Did anyone ter. He innovated the design and followed
ever tell you this was a crazy idea?" Bob up on that vision to its fruition as chief
Balaram jumps in, "Everyone. All the time." engineer through all phases of design,
This "crazy idea" is the Mars Helicopter, development and test," said project man-
currently at Kennedy Space Centre waiting ager Aung. "Whenever we encountered a
to hitch a ride to the Red Planet on the technical roadblock - and we encountered
Mars Perseverance rover this summer. many roadblocks - we always turned to
Although Balaram probably didn't know it at Bob, who always carries an inexhaustible difficulties, the science-gathering mission of sage. There's also his very supportive wife,
the time, the seed for an idea like this sprouted set of potential solutions to be considered. the Perseverance rover won't be affected. Sandy, who bears a title within the team
for him in the 1960s Apollo era, during his Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever Balaram points out that in addition to the and her own acronym - CMO, or Chief Mo-
childhood in south India. His uncle wrote to seen Bob feeling stuck at any point!" usual "seven minutes of terror" experi- rale Officer. She has regularly baked cakes,
the US consulate, asking for information about THE HOME STRETCH TOWARD MARS enced by the team on Earth during a Mars pies and other goodies for Balaram to share
NASA and space exploration. The bulging The main purpose of the Mars 2020 mission landing, once the helicopter is on Mars and with his colleagues for sustenance during
envelope they sent back, stuffed with glossy attempting to fly, "This is the seven seconds the long process.
booklets, entranced young Bob. His interest is to deliver the Perseverance rover, which of terror every time we take off or land." And he has high praise for his teammates
in space was piqued further by listening to the will not only continue to explore the past Does Balaram worry about all this, even on the Mars Helicopter project, saying
Moon landing on the radio. "I gobbled it up," habitability of the planet, but will actually a little? "There's been a crisis every single the people attracted to it are agile and
search for signs of ancient microbial life.
he said. "Long before the internet, the US had It will also cache rock and soil samples for week of the last six years," he says. "I'm fast-moving. "It's a great team, determined
good outreach. You had my eyeballs." pickup by a potential future mission and help used to it." to dare mighty things - that's the fun part,"
His active brain and fertile imagination fo- pave the way for future human exploration Balaram sheds any stress that may crop Balaram says. His take on daring mighty
cused on getting an education, which would use of drones and helicopters. Charles Elachi, for communications. "You can't just throw of Mars. Even if the helicopter encounters up through backpacking, hiking and mas- things: "Good ideas don't die - they just
lead him to a bachelor's degree in mechan- then director of JPL, attended that session. mass at it, because it needed to fly," he said. take a while." Q
ical engineering from the Indian Institute of When he returned to JPL, he asked It dawned on Balaram that it was like build-
Technology, a master's and Ph.D. in comput- whether something like this could be used ing a new kind of aircraft that just happens to
er and systems engineering from Rensselaer on Mars. A colleague of Balaram's men- be a spacecraft. And because it is a "passen-
Polytechnic Institute, and a career at NASA's tioned his previous work in that area of ger" on a flagship mission, he says, "we have
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern Cali- research. Balaram dusted off that proposal, to guarantee 100% that it will be safe."
fornia. That's where he has remained for 35 and Elachi asked him to write a new one for The end result: a 4-pound (1.8-kilo-
years as a robotics technologist. the competitive call for Mars 2020 investi- gramme) helicopter with two pairs of light
Balaram's career has encompassed robot- gation payloads. This sped up the process counter-rotating blades - an upper and
ic arms, early Mars rovers, technology for a of developing a concept. lower pair, to slice through the Martian
notional balloon mission to explore Venus Balaram and his team had eight weeks atmosphere. Each pair of blades spans 4
and a stint as lead for the Mars Science to submit a proposal. Working day and feet (1.2 metres) in diameter.
Laboratory entry, descent and landing night, they met the deadline with two Once it was built, Balaram says, the
simulation software. weeks to spare. question was, "How do you test this beast?
Although the helicopter idea was not
CUTTING THROUGH OBSTACLES, selected as an instrument, it was funded There's no book saying how." Because there
is no easily accessible place on Earth with a
RED TAPE AND THE MARTIAN for technology development and risk re- thin atmosphere like the one on Mars, they
ATMOSPHERE duction. Mimi Aung became Mars Helicop- ran tests in a vacuum chamber and the 25-
As with many innovative ideas, it took a ter project manager, and after the team foot Space Simulation Chamber at JPL.
village to make the helicopter happen. In the worked on risk reduction, NASA decided to About two-and-a-half months after land-
1990s, Balaram attended a professional con- fund the helicopter for flight as a technolo- ing at Jezero Crater, the Mars Helicopter
ference, where Stanford professor Ilan Kroo gy demonstration. team will have a window of about 30 days
spoke about a "mesicopter," a miniature to perform a technology demonstration
airborne vehicle for Earth applications that BUILDING AND TESTING A BEAST in the actual environment of the planet,
was funded as a NASA Innovative Advanced So then the reality set in: How does one starting with a series of vehicle checkouts,
Concepts proposal. This led Balaram to think actually build a helicopter to fly on Mars followed by attempts of first-ever flights in
about using one on Mars. and get it to work? the very thin Martian atmosphere.
He suggested a joint proposal with Stan- No easy feat. Balaram describes it as a Despite best efforts and the best tests
ford for a NASA Research Announcement perfectly blank canvas, but with restrictions. available on Earth, this is a high-risk, high-re-
submission and recruited AeroVironment, His physics background helped him envision ward technology demonstration, with
a small company in Simi Valley, California. flying on Mars, a planet with an atmosphere Balaram saying quite frankly, "We could fail."
The proposal got favourable reviews, and that is only 1% as dense as Earth's. He com- But if this "crazy idea" succeeds on Mars, it
although it was not selected for funding at pares it to flying on Earth at a 100,000-foot will be what Balaram describes as "kind of a
that time, it did yield a blade-rotor test un- (30,500-metre) altitude - about seven times Wright Brothers moment on another planet"
der Mars conditions at JPL. Other than that, higher than a typical terrestrial helicopter - the first time a powered aircraft will have
the idea "sat on a shelf" for 15 years. can fly. Another challenge was that the flown on Mars, or any planet besides Earth,
Fast forward to a conference where the Uni- copter could carry only a few kilogrammes, for that matter. This potential breakthrough
versity of Pennsylvania presented about the including the weight of batteries and a radio could help pave the way for future craft that
World Airnews | May 2020 World Airnews | May 2020
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