Page 43 - World Airnews Magazine April 2021
P. 43
leaving the continent in a complicated Africa. People who sacrifice everything and develop more healthy and prosperous
environment in which to chart its own they have to help others, from the humble
course. village to the highest positions in the land, societies. So, logically, as an industrialist
and social entrepreneur I am always on the
That is why I have substantially increased there are so many thousands we never hear lookout for opportunities to do just that.
my efforts to assist governments in about. That is what humbles me deeply. Perhaps I should just say I am wired that
providing security for their citizens, through I am privileged to have the opportunities way.
the supply of equipment and world-class that millions of others do not have. I try to Africa provides many such
training across a wide range of disciplines. do my best with these opportunities, and opportunities for those willing to
This is critical if the African Union’s goal find myself honoured for doing so. I much listen and learn from the people in
of “Silencing the Guns” by 2030 is to be appreciate it, but in my heart of hearts I
achieved. Without peace and security no know there are so many others who are local communities, and in national
governments. With this in mind, I think
socio-economic development is possible, much more deserving than I am. Africa is the most exciting continent to
and accordingly that has to be the starting live and work in.
point in bringing greater stability to the IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT YOU HAVE
in environmental and wildlife protection, OF AFRICA A PRIORITY IN YOUR FOUNDATION COMMISSIONED A
to mitigate some of the effects of climate BUSINESS LIFE AND THIS ALIGNS STUDY OF THE CONTINENT’S YOUTH.
change, and to ensure that forests and land WITH THE SAME ETHOS OF WORLD CAN YOU TELL ME A BIT ABOUT HOW
are conserved for food production for a AIRNEWS MAGAZINE. CAN YOU YOU WENT ABOUT COLLECTING THE
To satisfy my own curiosity, and to YOU TARGET AND WHAT SOME OF
demonstrate to the doubters, I also I think I have already answered this, at THE STATISTICS?
commissioned the first Africa Youth Survey least partly. I am by nature an optimist, We surveyed 14 Sub-Saharan countries
to see if my optimistic view of the continent and that makes me an Afro-optimist. interviewing more than 4200 18-24 year
would be backed up by the science. I come from a background that sees olds.
This was a major undertaking, and I am the building of commercial enterprises as We commissioned an international
delighted by the results. a social good: the creation of economic research and polling company, PSB
activities that serve the needs of The ground-breaking Mwari –
WHAT IS YOUR REACTION TO THE communities; provide jobs, training, and Research to conduct the research through an advanced high-performance
NEWS OF THE AWARD? incomes to people who otherwise would in-depth face-to-face interviews. This is the reconnaissance light aircraft
Much as it is an honour, of course, I am have few prospects to better their lives; most comprehensive research of Africa’s
youth to date.
motivated by the many unsung heroes of help countries to rise up the value chain
downturn in aircraft production, disruption We had to concentrate on the well-being
of supply chains, difficulties experienced by of our employees, the interests of our
AGAIN WHY DID YOU EMBARK ON customers, and the multiplicity of unprec- suppliers and customers, and be guided
SUCH AN UNDERTAKING AND WHAT edented challenges reminded us every by the understanding that we were all in
DO YOU PLAN/HAVE DONE WITH day that we were in uncharted territory. this together, and had to work together
THE FINDINGS? Nobody alive today had ever experienced to ensure that we could emerge on the
The purpose of this study is to empower; anything remotely on this scale: there was other side of the pandemic with a coherent
to change the stereotypes about Africa - no reference point to guide us in trying to industry intact and ready to rebuild.
through irrefutable quantitative data that is make rational and responsible business I am immensely proud of our Paramount
then subjected to proper academic rigour. decisions. people; they understood the challenges,
We want to help African countries It was similar with the training of pilots accepted them in good spirit; and gave
understand their future leaders and have and technicians, land systems and maritime their all to overcome each and every obsta-
the power to address their own problems; operators and maintenance crews. The cle in their way.
we want to let today’s youth know that closure of borders and cancellation of We have always talked about Para-
they are not alone, that their brothers and commercial aviation, with no indication mount’s “can do” spirit, and this has
sisters in other countries share the same of when these would reopen, rendered been demonstrated over and over again
hopes and fears. it impossible for our personnel to travel throughout the years, but never have we
Most of all, we want to replace the to where they were needed, or to rotate been tested like this before. Perhaps I
assumptions with verifiable data – informa- teams of specialists and students enrolled should not be surprised, because I know
tion that has not existed before. in our training courses. these people and have worked with them
In a globalised world, and especially an
NOW ONTO AVIATION – AS THIS industry as integrated across the world as for a long time.
But even so, I take great pride in the
IS ONE OF THE SECTORS OF THE aviation, it really stretched our Paramount way they took to their tasks with deter-
BUSINESS THAT PARAMOUNT IS teams to the limit. mination and enormous resilience, and
BEST KNOWN TO OUR READERS. proved that even a global pandemic was
THE COVID-19 CRISIS HAS CAUSED WHAT CHALLENGES HAS not going to get the better of them. It
The N-Raven family of PANDEMONIUM THROUGHOUT PARAMOUNT HAD TO FACE takes special people to respond in this
autonomous, multi-mission THE AVIATOR SECTOR? HAS AGAINST THE BACKDROP OF way, and we are privileged to have such
aerial vehicles featuring next PARAMOUNT FELT THE EFFECTS THE COVID-19 CRISIS AND WHAT people in Paramount Group.
with pinpoint precision, debuted SUPPLY SECTORS? THIS? PLANNED AFRICAN AEROSPACE
at the 2021 International Defence In dealing with these issues we had to ask AND DEFENCE EXHIBITION?
Exhibition and Conference (IDEX You are absolutely right. Covid-19 has ourselves some very basic questions: like, Certainly! Paramount Group is a major
2021) held in Abu Dhabi caused pandemonium throughout the why are we in this business? What are we feature and sponsor of AAD, and we will
aviation sector, and Paramount has not striving to achieve? definitely be front and centre at the next
escaped some of the serious consequences. We had to remind ourselves of our basic one. Q
On the manufacturing side the global values, our business and life philosophy.
World Airnews | April 2021 World Airnews | April 2021
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