Page 26 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 26

MANUFACTURER                                                                                                             MANUFACTURER

                                  AIRBUS SEES MORE PAIN IN                                                                                          THREE BOEING DREAMLIFTERS

                                  COMMERCIAL MARKET

                                             During the first quarter, Airbus delivered   First-quarter net orders for the A320

                                           122 airliners to 49 customers. This was 40   stood at 248 and the backlog at 6,220 units.

               irbus does not expect to have   fewer than in the first three months of last   According to Airbus, the narrowbody
                                           year and 60 aircraft could not be delivered

       Aclear visibility of the full short- to   due to order deferrals or because airlines   family has increased its market share from
        medium-term impact of the Covid-19 crisis   were physically not able to take delivery.   58 to 60 percent.
        until June.                        Faury indicated that most of the suspend-  Responding to analysts’ concerns about

         In a briefing for financial analysts recently   ed deliveries were for operators in China   the condition of the aerospace supply
        to announce first-quarter results for 2020,   and Europe, where government-imposed   chain, Faury acknowledged that many

        the European aerospace group indicated that   restrictions impeded operations.  companies will suffer a big drop in cash

        it will likely defer decisions on steps to right-  In view of the continued uncertainty over   flow through the second and third quarters

        size the business for another two or three   market conditions, Airbus said that it will   of this year.

        months to allow more time to reassess the   continue to withhold financial guidance on   He said that Airbus is working with

        situation of its airline customers and also to   prospects for 2020. Faury said that he ex-  national industry associations to try to
        get more complete guidance from govern-  pects the third quarter to mark a low point   sustain the supply chain, adding that the
        ments on steps to ease lockdown restrictions.  in terms of deliveries for this year, adding   most urgent cases are companies that

         According to Airbus, its first quarter   that, in some cases, rates will depend on the   entered the crisis in a weak position,

        results only partially reflect the impact so   outcome of on-going discussions over possi-  including those who have lost income

        far of the pandemic. The group’s adjusted   ble government relief for individual airlines.  from the grounding of Boeing’s 737

        operating profit was down by 49 percent   Gross airliner orders for the first quarter   Max aircraft.                                                                         converted Boeing 747-400 large cargo freighter - the medical cargo

        compared with the same period in 2019 at   stood at 356, which was reduced by 66   This year, Airbus now intends to reduce                                                    was transported in the lower lobe of all three aircraft, while 787
        €281 million or (US) $305 million on reve-  confirmed cancellations to a net rate of   capital expenditure by around €700      oeing has completed another set of COVID-19 airlift mis-  component parts were flown in the main deck cargo hold.

        nues that were 15 percent down at €10.6   290, leaving the backlog at 7,650 units. The   million or (US) $761 million to €1.9 billion   Bsions and deployed three Dreamlift er aircraft  to transport   Boeing donated the cost of the mission transport, with Atlas Air
        billion or (US) $11.5 billion.     cancellation rate for the first quarter was   (US) $21 billion by suspending or defer-  more than 150,000 protective eye goggles and face shields from   operating the flights on behalf of Boeing. Boeing has scheduled ad-

         Its cash flow for the quarter took an ex-  actually lower than that of last year.  ring activities deemed not to be critical.   China to the United States.                  ditional flights, to deliver a total of 400,000 units of PPE to MUSC,

        ceptional hit from the €3.6 billion (US) $3.9   “The industry is now facing the gravest   However, Faury said that the group will   Boeing worked in partnership with the Medical University of South   in the near future. Q

        billion penalty the company paid to settle   crisis in its history and we have a strong   continue to spend on priority research   Carolina to deliver the personal protective equipment to frontline

        corruption charges imposed last year.  focus on matching production to demand   and development areas, including the    health care professionals in the MUSC system.

         Group CEO Guillaume Faury told analysts   and also cash containment,” Faury said.   “decarbonisation” of aviation, digital   "This delivery puts essential personal protective equipment in the

        that the greatest Covid-19 impact so far has   “In the long-term, we are convinced that   technology, and robotization in the pro-  hands of South Carolina's frontline health care professionals and   PRECIOUS SLUNG

        been on its commercial aircraft business. Its   people will still need and want to fly. We   duction process.           helps MUSC further support the community during the COVID-19

        short-term reaction has been to scale back   believe we have the right product port-  Earlier this month, Airbus announced that   pandemic," said Boeing president and CEO Dave Calhoun.   CARGO...

        production rates by around a third to 48 units   folio and a strong position with the A320,   it is tapping government-backed payroll

        per month, including 40 A320s, six A350s,   including the development of the new   protection support schemes. This has   "I am incredibly proud of our Boeing team members throughout   Insure now with

        and two A330s. The A220 production line in   longer range XLR model. We expect the   resulted in around 3,000 workers being   the world for their work to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and   DJA Aviation.
        Canada is expected to return progressively to   narrowbody sector to recover before the   furloughed on close to full pay in France   thankful for our government and industry partners that have joined
                                                                                                                                us in the pandemic response."
        a monthly output rate of four aircraft.  widebody market.”             and a further 3,200 in the UK. Q                   The MUSC health team will use the PPE as they support the revital-

                                                                                                                                isation of the economy and ramp-up COVID-19 community outreach

                                                                                                                                efforts, including diagnostic testing and antibody testing, across

                                   STILL FLYING HIGH                                                                            South Carolina. MUSC Health, under the guidance of the South Car-
                                                                                                                                olina legislature and in partnership with South Carolina department
                                                                                                                                of health and environmental control has established mobile screen-

                                                                                                                                ing and collection sites in rural and underserved areas. The mobile
                                                                                                                                setup allows health care providers to rotate sites, reaching people   DJA Aviation is the longest-established aviation insurance
                                                                                                                                experiencing barriers to health care access for COVID-19 screening.   broking specialist in the South African insurance market and a

                                                                                                                                Rural and underserved communities have experienced disparities in   market leader in developing customised insurance products for

                                                                                                                                access to COVID-19 screening, testing, prevention and treatment in   the aviation industry. We employ more than 30 staff and utilise

                                                                                                                                South Carolina and across the U.S.                         this great depth of aviation insurance knowledge, skill and
                                                                                                                                                                                           expertise to manage our clients’ aviation insurance portfolios.

                                                                                                                                  The MUSC health team leading this effort were the first in the US

                                                                                                                                to launch a combined virtual urgent care platform and drive-through

                   This Motor Sich Antonov An                                                                                   specimen collection site. They are now bringing a version of this

                    12 was a welcome visitor at                                                                                 successful model to the communities that need it most.

                     Luqa airport. It arrived for                                                                                 "On behalf of our entire MUSC family, I'd like to extend a heartfelt

                     a crew rest on May 5 from                                                                                  thank you to the Boeing team for helping to make this critical PPE

                       Abuja in Nigeria before                                                                                  shipment possible," said MUSC president David J. Cole.         PROUD SUPPORTER OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                THE SOUTH AFRICAN

                    continuing with its flight to                                                                                 "These goggles and face shields will allow us to continue to   GUIDE-DOGS ASSOCIATION
                   Amman, Jordan. The aircraft                                                                                  expand our ability to test and monitor for COVID-19 as business-

                       is a real flying dinosaur                                                                                es and communities start to move forward. Boeing and MUSC    Defining the Right Approach to Aviation Insurance
                    having been manufactured                                                                                    have a longstanding partnership, and this delivery is yet another
                      way back in 1969. Photo                                                                                   example of two great South Carolina institutions coming together | Tel: 0800 FLYING
                           by Rowen Aquilina.                                                                                   in support of our local community."                        An Authorised Financial Service Provider FSP No. 15808

                                                                                                                                  Similar to previous airlift missions flown by the Dreamlifter - a
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