Page 30 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 30


                                  SINGLE PAIR ETHERNET

                                  FOR AVIONICS SYSTEMS

                                                                                            By Frank Wolfe

               he ARINC 854 Cabin Equipment
         TNetwork bus specifi cati on re-
         leased earlier last month will set a stan-
         dard that will help to open the doors to
         single pair ethernet.

          The specifications were due to be

         released by the Airlines Electronic Engi-
         neering Committee or (AEEC).

           Russ Graves, TE Connectivity's global
         aerospace business development
         manager, said "TE is involved with the

         implementation of the physical layer of
         this standard,"
          Graves said. "We believe that this
         will establish Ethernet as a common
         bus system throughout the aircraft,
         as it's being used today. This will offer
         significant savings in regard to installa-  The company said that Mini-ETH is   atively short so, to me, this Ethernet
         tion, weight, and space associated with   qualified for 200 MHz and 100 Mbps   over Single Pair solution would be very
         moving from eight-wire and four-wire   operation at 15 m (49 ft) link lengths   suitable for cockpit applications."
         solutions to a two-wire solution - lower   and that the company has a roadmap   Single Pair Ethernet is needed to ac-
         the complexity. Currently, we are   to support 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps data   commodate the ever increasing number
         implementing this over 100Base-T1   speeds at 40 m (131 ft) link lengths   of screens, sensors, data hubs, switches,
         [100 megabits per second-Mbps], but   and frequencies over 750MHz, as well   solid-state drive (SSD) arrays, comput-
         we're provisioning our components   as new connector designs to support   ers, IFE servers, and other electronics on
         to be able to stretch to the ultimate   higher frequencies and speeds.  aircraft, according to a TE Connectivity

         goal within the ARINC standard to   The use cases for 100Base-T1 Single   white paper called ‘Advancing Aircraft

         achieve 1000Base-T1 [1 gigabit per   Pair Ethernet provided by the AEEC cabin   Connectivity with a Single Pair Ethernet

         second-Gbps]. It is compliant with the   systems sub-committee are to include   Solution’. Without Single Pair Ethernet,

         EWIS [Electrical Wiring Interconnect   cabin lighting control and passenger   excess wiring ends up affecting aircraft

         System] standards."               seat applications in bringing data to the   performance and the environment, the

          While airline passengers and crews   screen or data to the passenger.  white paper said.
         demand higher capabilities from in-  "Certainly, we expect that further use   "All those electronics require a lot of
         flight entertainment (IFE), security   cases will be defined, as we move to a   wiring," the white paper stated.

         monitoring, and other aircraft electron-  1000Base state and applications that   "Excess weight significantly affects fuel

         ics, designers are unable to meet such   we could envision that would go outside   performance. For example, consider a
         demands with the current Ethernet   of the cabin which would require some   Boeing B747-400 wide-body aircraft fly-

         physical layer standards, according to   further ruggedisation of our offering in   ing a 5,000 nautical-mile average stage

         TE Connectivity.                  those applications," Graves said.   length for 3,000 flight hours per year.

          The automotive sector recently re-  "Potentially, you could also implement   Carrying the weight of wiring and con-

         leased its t00Base-T1 standard for Single   this with 1000Base architecture over   nectors (1,814 kg/4,000 lbs) consumes
         Pair Ethernet - a standard to be refer-  slightly longer distances than what we   nearly 60,000 gallons of jet fuel every
         enced in ARINC 854.               envisioned in the 100Base standard so   year. The annual cost for that amount of
          TE Connectivity said that it has   we are looking at new applications that   fuel comes to nearly (US) $115,800. The

         developed its Mini-ETH Single Pair   would take this into other areas of the   CO₂ emitted by burning that much fuel

         Ethernet interconnection system to   cabin and the aircraft. I'm seeing that   amounts to 2,785,200 kg (1,266,000 lbs.)

         comply with the ARINC 854 standard for   some of the emerging applications in   annually - equivalent to the emissions

         100Base-T1.                       aerospace, including unmanned aerial   from 124 passenger vehicles. To be more

          David Procter, a product manager for   vehicles, could be an excellent fit for   sustainable, the aircraft cabin network

         TE Connectivity, said that "the availabili-  this technology."      has to evolve - becoming smarter while

         ty of ready to install, plug and play Mini-  Cockpit avionics are likely in the mix   growing lighter." Q
         ETH assemblies fully tested to meet the   as well. "The ARINC cabin systems
         ARINC 854 requirements would offer a   group is focusing inside of the cabin,   Article courtesy: https://www.

         number of advantages, as well as cost   and certainly avionics in the cockpit

         savings over traditional custom design   would be part of that," Graves said.   standard-to-open-the-doors-to-single-

         cable assemblies."                "The distances in the cockpit are rel-  pair-ethernet/
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