Page 33 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 33

JETS             FEATURE



                                                 How one man’s work of art opened a military base

                                                                                             By Pieter Cronjé

                          The culmination of Tiro’s travel to Russia – the handover of his painting of the Tu-95 to the Museum in
                            Ryazan. Father Konstantin who played a pivotal role in arranging the handover is in the black cloak

                                             was there not just as an individual artist, but   to go ahead. I knew the aircraft well, but

                                             as a proud South African, former Air Force   did additional research and drawings

                 rt can open doors. A painting by   member and member of the renowned   before starting on the canvas in January

 The SpaceJet has been under develop-  about ¥130 billion. In the year before that,   ASouth African aviati on arti st, Tiro   American Society of Aviation Artists (ASAA).”  2019. My plan was to donate the painting

 ment since 2008 by Mitsubishi Aircraft,   the loss was ¥85.2 billion.  Vorster (ASAA), opened significant and mem-  Tiro, former, decorated flight engineer on   to Russia in the hope of seeing the Tu-95

 itsubishi Heavy Industries has   which is majority-owned by MHI. The type   The company has been spending on build-  orable doors in Russia: The Ryazan Air Base   the Alouette and Shackleton, veteran of ten   close-up and meeting its crew. Of course I

 Msuspended development of   was at first called the MRJ.   ing additional prototypes and flight testing.  and Museum for Long Range Aviation.   operational tours of duty, is an internation-  would give all my paintbrushes for a flight

 the M100 version of the SpaceJet regional   The MRJ90 - seating 88 in an all-economy   MHI has closed the purchase of Bom-  His gift of a painting of the iconic Russian   ally recognised aviation artist.  As a Life   in one of them!” he quips.

 jet as one measure in stanching the cash   arrangement - became the M90 in June   bardier’s CRJ programme, not including its   Tupolev Tu-95 (NATO code name: “Bear”)   Member of ASAA, he may use this abbrevi-  It was a painstaking labour of love. For

 bleed from the programme.  2019, when the former 76-seat MRJ70 was   production facilities.  gave him access to an inner aviation sanc-  ation behind his name on paintings. https://  aviation artists, lovers and collectors every

 SpaceJet losses drove the whole MHI   dropped and replaced by the 84-seat M100.  Earlier the company said it would in   tum, not seen by Western civilians or mili-  military, technical and historical detail of

 industrial group into loss for the fiscal   In its results announcement, MHI seemed   fiscal 2020 write down ¥50-70 billion of   tary before. He received a hero’s welcome.  tirovorster. He has also received recogni-  the aircraft must be one hundred percent

 year beginning April 2019, according to its   to hint at the possibility of deliberately   goodwill, assets and liabilities acquired in   Back in South Africa where the SA Air   tion from the SAAF http://www.pilotspost.  correct even before the background, natu-

 annual report.   stretching out the program. As one of   the transaction. The CRJ programme will   Force, the second oldest in the world,   com/arn0000397  ral, aerial or battle setting comes into play.

 MHI expects in fiscal 2020, further Space-  its responses to the COVID-19, it listed   become part of a SpaceJet marketing and   celebrates its centenary, Tiro ticked off a   “During my art exhibition at Air Force   While Tiro was painting, planning started

 Jet losses will offset profits from all its   “continuing detailed review of the SpaceJet   support unit.  major bucket list item. A two-year dream   Base Ysterplaat in Cape Town in 2013, I met   for the trip to Russia and the handover.

 other operations, which range from space   schedule in view of the severe market con-  The interruption of flight testing at Moses   had become reality. The Russian corner in   Elina Komarova-Tagar, a medical doctor   Efforts to gain the support of the South

 launch to nuclear power to rail systems.  ditions facing commercial aviation and test   Lake came just as the programme’s crucial   his house in Van Riebeeckshof, Cape Town,   involved with reconciliation work with vet-  African Government through the Depart-

 Deliveries of the first SpaceJet version - the   flight-related setbacks.”  sixth prototype became available.  is displayed with gifts he brought back from   erans and member of the Russian Club in   ments of Defence, International Relations,

 M90- will begin in fiscal 2021 or later, the   It did not detail those setbacks, but the   This aircraft conforms to the new, cer-  Russia and will forever remind him of the   Cape Town. I told her of my love of Russian   and Arts and Culture came to naught, even

 company said, repeating the wording it used   pandemic has interrupted work at the pro-  tifiable design - the result of changes that   adventure.  aircraft. We became close friends.  She was   though the request was not for money, just

 three months ago when announcing the   gramme’s flight-testing base at Moses Lake,   Mitsubishi Aircraft realised in 2016 was   Tiro is drawn to classic aircraft, especially   involved in the journey of my next three   endorsement. The South African Embassy

 latest delay to the protracted programme.  Washington.  necessary. Mitsubishi Aircraft has expected   military, but also civilian. His works include   paintings of an Augusta Westland Lynx   in Moscow was immediately supportive.

 MHI chief executive Seiji Izumisawa an-  Another response to the pandemic will   this aircraft to carry most of the burden of   American, British, German, South African,   helicopter, a PV Ventura from World War 2   Tiro eventually joined a tour group

 nounced suspension of work on the M100   be “setting an appropriate budget consid-  remaining flight testing, with two more air-  French and Russian subjects.  and a C 130 parachuting special forces over   to Russia and simply paid his own way.

 during a briefing on the results. Plans for   ering challenging financial headwinds for   craft of the same design to be used mainly   “This oil painting, entitled ‘The Mighty Bear   Langebaan in South Africa.  “When I boarded the aircraft it needed

 the version will be reconsidered during the   MHI Group.”  for ground testing.  on Patrol’ has realised one of my greatest   She introduced me to her Russian network.   some very smooth talking to get the care-

 suspension, he said.  The company expects to lose ¥110-130   These and the first five prototypes are   ambitions in life. To see and touch the aircraft   She brought Father Konstantin Tatarinchev   fully wrapped panting accepted as cabin

 Intended for the North American market,   billion ($1-1.2 billion) on the SpaceJet in fis-  all built to the M90 standard. The type   and the best of Russian military innovation   to my house. A former Tupolev Tu-22 pilot   luggage. One misstep on the boarding steps

 the M100 was designed to offer an optimal   cal 2020. Since the programme will be earn-  is powered by the Pratt & Whitney   and design in long-range bombers, to speak   himself, he became a priest and today heads   could have scuttled the whole mission. As I

 combination of range and seating within   ing little or no revenue, that figure should   PW1200G engine. Q  to high-ranking Russian Air Force officers   up the worldwide outreach of the Russian   sat down, there were no firm arrangements

 the weight limits that big U.S. airlines’ pilot   be close to the cost of development for the   who have flown and still fly them, their warm   Orthodox Church for military veterans.  in place for the handover.”

 contracts impose on aircraft operated by   year. In fiscal 2019, the loss was ¥263.3 bil-  Article courtesy:   reception and appreciation of my art was an   “Two years ago the dream to paint the   It was to be Father Konstantin

 outsource carriers.  lion, but that included impairment losses of  absolute highlight in my career as an artist. I   Tu-95 started. In December 2018 I decided   and dr Komarova-Tagar who  To page 34

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