Page 35 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 35
Tiro was the only South African artist Aviation art demands all the “regular”
to be invited to display eight of his elements such as perspective, colour, scale, TIRO VORSTER: CHILDHOOD
paintings at the US “Centenary of Flight” contrast, texture, lighting, brush technique. DRAWINGS TO INTERNATIONAL
celebrations at Dayton Ohio in 2003. His Aviation artists have to master still life RECOGNITION
painting of a Spitfire in a hangar was the (aircraft in hangar or on runway), landscape
cover of the official invitations. At the (aircraft over mountains, oceans, desert, in • Tiro Vorster is self-taught. As a
largest military aviation museum in the clouds), battle positions, light, reflection, child, he drew pictures on soap
world (150 aircraft displayed indoors) camouflage and precise historical, military wrappers.
the military band played South African and technical detail. One mistake detracts • Today, he is internationally
songs in Tiro’s honour. from the merit of the work. Tiro had the recognised as an aviation artist
His photo albums record all these memo- advantage of a day at the office in the air and Life Member of the American
ries. There are logbooks from an era when over many decades. Society of Aviation Artists. (ASAA)
flight engineers without computer help had On his walls, in collectors’ homes and • As a veteran flight engineer in
to calculate, takeoff weight, fuel supply, military bases hang his beloved Shackle- the South African Air Force and
speed and many other figures to ensure ton, Spitfire, Mustang P51, Bristol Beau- eternal student, he studies the
safe takeoff, mission and landing. fighter, Cheetah, English Electric Lightning, historical, military and technical
He flew many search, rescue and patrol Lockheed Constellation, Junkers, Rooivalk, detail of every aircraft he paints.
missions over the oceans, the desert Wasp, Albatross, Kittyhawk, Focke Wulf • He was invited to display eight of
and in guerrilla wars in Namibia, Angola and more. his oil paintings at the official Unit-
and former Rhodesia - nine tours of duty Tiro and his wife, Hannatjie, a former ed States celebration of “A Century
of ten weeks each. He lost comrades teacher, have a daughter, Tihanna, a former of Flight” in 2003 to commemorate
and had close shaves: doing emergency South African 400 metres athletics cham- the Wright brothers’ first flight in
repairs to a helicopter under enemy fire pion, musician, now physiotherapist in 1903. His Spitfire painting was used
and insisting on being on board for the Mossel Bay. They are just as proud of her as as the cover for formal invitations.
flight back to base. she is of her parents and her artist father. • Tiro traveled to Russia and
In 1968 his pilot does an emergency “As I reflect on my life, there is nothing through a network of Russian
landing at night on the edge of a cliff. His I would do differently. My family, good friends presented a painting of
helicopter draws fire in 1976 and they just friends and art have enriched my life and I the Russian “Bear” to a restricted
manage to land the now unserviceable am truly grateful for that. My Tu-95 has a airbase and museum.
craft. The Pro Merito medal for “excep- place of honour in Russia.” Q • The painting has a place of
tionally meritorious service and particular honour, Tiro received a hero’s
devotion to duty”, The Military Merit * This article was written by Pieter Cronjé welcome, gifts and shown a rare
Medal for editing SAAF’s Nyala magazine a friend of Tiro who loves aircraft, is a collection of Russian post World
and other decorations on his wall tell their journalist and international advisor War 2 bombers.
own story.
Tiro, a Russian Air Force officer and Lt-Gen. Michael Oparin (right) in front of the
Tupolev Tu-95 with its massive, powerful contra-rotating propellers
World Airnews | June 2020
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