Page 36 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 36
By Marisa Garcia, senior contributor Aerospace & Defence
The wrap-around shield, which could be filling the objective of creating an isolated
made of a transparent material, is one of volume around the passenger in order to
his year’s Aircraft Interiors Expo the more compelling design elements. It avoid or minimize contacts and inter-
Tin Hamburg, which was originally would adequately buffer passengers from actions via air between passenger and
each other.
passenger, so as to reduce the probability
scheduled for the first week of April, was Aviointeriors has also considered of contamination by viruses or other,”
cancelled due to the corona virus pandem- airline’s needs for existing aircraft seats Aviointeriors stated.
ic. But that hasn't stopped the industry and is offering a shield which can be fitted Airlines could choose to install these
from thinking of solutions that might help onto conventional seating. The ‘Glassafe’ hoods on seats rather than maintain
passengers fly again safely. kit would create a cocoon around each social distancing measures for empty
Aviointeriors SpA has released two de- passenger so that passengers might be seats, assuming that regulators would
signs, the first of which features a middle seated together. allow it.
seat turned backward and surrounded ‘Glassafe’ is made of transparent mate- “‘Glassafe’ is supplied in various execu-
by a plastic shield, which would give rial to make the entire cabin harmonious tions with fixing systems to the seat that
all passengers better social distancing and aesthetically light, but perfectly ful- allow easy installation and removal. The
and would give middle seat shield is shaped in such a way
occupants more room. The as to leave complete accessibil-
Italian aircraft seat manu- ity to the accessories normally
facturer dubbed the seat installed on the back, such as
Janus, after the two-faced tables, magazine pockets, coat
Roman god. hooks or other,” the manufac-
“‘Janus’ is a two-faced turer stated.
seat, in fact this arrangement “‘Glassafe’ can be supplied in
allows all three passengers opaque material or with differ-
to be separated with a shield ent degrees of transparency, all
made of transparent material easy cleaning.”
that isolates them from each The company has already
other, creating a protec- patented both of these product
tive barrier for everyone. proposals and said it is ready to
Each passenger has its own go into production.
space isolated from others, There are still a few details
even from people who walk for the airline industry to
through the aisle,” Aviointeri- sort out before a relaunch
ors stated. of service. The greatest
Although Aviointeriors challenge will be to reach a
stated that the Janus seat uniform agreement with the
could use the same cabin world’s governments and
footprint as ordinary seats, regulators on service require-
the forward/aft configuration ments. But it is likely that air
raises questions as to whether travel mid-and post-corona
it would increase difficulty of virus will require greater some
food-service in-flight as well level of protection of passen-
as evacuation in an emergen- gers from potential viral trans-
cy. Greater row separation mission and some level
could address these ques- of separation.
tions, and give passengers Aviointeriors’ proposals are
more legroom. not the only way to address
Airlines might embrace that these needs, but they do give
prospect more readily now, airlines and other manufac-
since they could still have turers something to think
higher load factors with this about. And they might be a
approach - eliminating one boon to passengers - offering
or two rows to compensate a comforting bubble of silence
- than they would have with in the cabin and providing a
social distancing configura- good excuse to avoid awkward
tions that leave each middle conversations with chatty seat
seat empty. neighbours. Q
World Airnews | June 2020
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