Page 39 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 39


                                   THE 2020 KATHARINE

                                   WRIGHT TROPHY RECIPIENT

                orothy Cochrane has been selected by the National Aero-

        Dnauti c Associati on as the recipient of the 2020 Katharine
         Wright Trophy.
           The trophy was established in 1981 and is awarded annually
         to an individual who “… has contributed to the success of others
         or made a personal contribution to the advancement of the art,

         sport, and science of aviation and space flight over an extended

         period of time.”

           Cochrane is being recognised for “devoting over 40 years as
         a curator at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum,

         collecting and preserving historical aviation artefacts that educate

         and inspire the general public about the importance of flight.”

           Cochrane joined the Smithsonian Institution in 1977 as one of
         the first female curators.  She oversees the collections of general

         aviation aircraft, flight material, aerial cameras, and the history of
         general aviation and women in aviation.

           Throughout her career, Cochrane has become most notable for

         her acquisition of priceless aviation artefacts as well as the cre-

         ation of entire galleries in the aeronautics department.

           As the curator responsible for the Barron Hilton Pioneers of

         Flight Gallery as well as the General Aviation, Business Aviation,

         Aerobatic Aviation, and Aerial Camera exhibit stations and cases,

         Cochrane has acquired at least a dozen aircraft for the Smithsonian

         collection including a Fleet Model 2, Cirrus SR-22, Grumman AgCat,
         Beechcraft King Air, and Cessna 152 Aerobat.

           Her acquisitions also include aircraft seen by millions of air show

         spectators including Patty Wagstaff’s Extra 260 and Bob Hoover’s

         Shrike Commander.
           Cochrane was also responsible for the restoration of Betty
         Skelton’s Pitts, “Little Stinker”, which is the first aircraft seen by
         visitors as they enter the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Centre in Dulles.
         This restoration was made possible due to Cochrane’s efforts in
         finding volunteers and the exact parts necessary to complete
         the restoration and her vision to locate the aircraft in such a
         prestigious area.

           Not only does Cochrane preserve aviation history through the   with the collection of important artefacts, she works hard to tell

         procurement and display of aviation artefacts, she also communi-  the stories of the people and events behind them, and to use those

         cates it artfully.  Her encyclopaedic knowledge is sought after the   stories to educate and inspire countless people around the world.
         world over through media interviews and speaking engagements.  To receive this award one must not only show excellence in their

           She also serves as the aeronautics liaison for the museum’s   work, but must also have reached beyond to make others better

         General Electric Aviation Lecture Series as well as the Charles A.   as well.  Dorothy’s whole life and career, as one of the selection

         Lindbergh Memorial Lecture and is the museum’s leading scholar   committee members said, ‘embodies what this award is all about.’”
         on Anne Morrow Lindbergh as well as Amelia Earhart’s life and   “I am deeply honoured to receive this trophy,” said Cochrane.

         disappearance.  Recently, Cochrane was the primary investigator   “Working at the National Air and Space Museum has been amazing

         for the Military Women Aviators Oral History Initiative, which   and has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people in aero-
         conducted and archived oral and video interviews of 15 trailblazing   space and in general.”
         retired and active duty military women pilots.         Members of the 2020 Katharine Wright Trophy Selection

           Cochrane currently oversees the creation of a pair of new galler-  Committee included: Darby Becker, GE Aviation; Denise Jennings,

         ies as a part of the National Air and Space Museum’s seven-year   The Ninety-Nines; Major Chrystina Jones, 2017 Katharine Wright

         revitalization and transformation project that will inspire a new   Trophy Recipient; Pat Prentiss, The Ninety-Nines and NAA Board

         generation of aviation and space pioneers.            Member; Barbara Walters-Phillips, 2019 Katharine Wright Trophy

           “We at the National Aeronautic Association are pleased to   Recipient; and Clyde Woltman, Leonardo Helicopters USA and NAA
         present the 2020 Katharine Wright Trophy to Dorothy Cochrane,”   Board Member.
         said NAA President Greg Principato.  “We often take the National   The Katharine Wright Trophy will be presented on a date and

         Air and Space Museum for granted, but it wouldn’t be the national   location to be determined.  For more information or to view a com-

         treasure it is without Dorothy.  She sees her work only beginning   plete list of previous recipients, please visit Q
                                                    World Airnews | June 2020
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