Page 44 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 44


                                  COMAIR ENTERS BUSINESS


                                             “These extraordinary circumstances have   The business rescue process will build
                                           completely eroded our revenue base, while   on Comair’s turnaround plan, to preserve
             outh Africa’s Comair Group, which   we are still obliged to meet fixed overhead   cash, cuts costs, dispose of non-performing

       Soperates LCC and        costs. The only responsible decision is to   assets and strengthen the balance sheet.
        franchise flights for British Airways, has   apply for business rescue.”  Comair said it is in constructive talks

        entered business rescue after learning that   Business rescue is a South African process,   with a consortium of banks over bridg-

        South African flight groundings may contin-  similar to administration, where external   ing finance and looking at various other

        ue until November.                 “practitioners” are brought in to restructure   equity options. The airline’s shares were
         Privately owned Comair had been prof-  a company. Shaun Collyer and Richard Fer-  suspended following the business-rescue

        itable every quarter for 73 consecutive   guson have been appointed as Comair’s joint   announcement.

        years. However, the business reported a   business rescue practitioners.  Stander said Comair “remains solvent”
        R564 million (US) $30.6 million loss for the   Two other notable South African airlines   but business rescue is “necessary” for a
        six months ending Dec 31, 2019, after costs   - South African Airways (SAA) and South   quick and focused restructuring. The airline

        rose 14% and revenues grew by only 3%.   African Express (SAX) - are also in the midst   still plans to resume operations once the

         On March 23, Comair announced that it   of business rescue. The South African gov-  government lifts flying restrictions.

        had initiated Section 189 redundancy pro-  ernment plans to revive SAA in a new form,   “Through this process we intend to right-

        ceedings as part of a financial recovery plan.  while state-owned SAX is being liquidated.  size our operations to be more efficient,

         With the onset of the COVID-19 crisis,   Comair has historically been more stable.   agile and customer-centric. This includes,

        South Africa then mandated a halt to all   The company went into decline after being   but is not limited to, reconfiguring our

        flights on March 26 and Comair has not op-  hit by a series of exceptional items, including   network and fleet mix, reviewing portfolios

        erated any passenger services since then.  the Boeing 737 MAX grounding, set-up costs   and joint ventures, increased digitisation

          The country is planning a phased relax-  linked with a major maintenance transition   of the business and new product develop-

        ation of the flight ban, starting with restricted   and South African Airways’ (SAA) entry into   ment and delivery,” Stander said.

        air travel at COVID-19 ‘Risk Level 3’ and then   business rescue, which halted payments from   Comair has already axed its planned R75

        moving to allow full domestic air travel at   a legal settlement between the two airlines.   million ($3.9 million) acquisition of Star Air

        ‘Risk Level 2’ once the threat has diminished.   Comair had already begun implementing a   Maintenance and Star Air Cargo. It is also dis-
        When ‘Risk Level 1’ is reached, regional and   turnaround plan before COVID-19 took hold.  posing of Course restaurant and closing urban

        international flying will be permitted again.   “While we had started making good prog-  business-lounge brand “SLOW in the City.”

         “Now that the phased lockdown has been   ress to fix the financial situation six months   Meanwhile, talks are underway with
        extended, the grounding is likely to endure   ago, the crisis has meant we have not been   Boeing to cancel the airline’s 737 MAX 8

        until October or even November,” Comair   able to implement it as we intended,”   order and secure compensation related to
        CEO Wrenelle Stander said.         Stander said.                       the type’s ongoing grounding. Q
                                                   World Airnews | June 2020
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