Page 45 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
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lbit Systems has introduced a unique
Elife saving capability to its Hermes
900 maritime patrol unmanned aircraft
Integrating detection and identification
capabilities, onboard inflated life-rafts,
and precision dispatch capability, enables
the UAS to perform long-range maritime
search and rescue missions. Such a con-
figured Hermes 900 Maritime Patrol UAS
was recently delivered to an undisclosed
customer in South-East Asia.
Adverse weather conditions and short
endurance significantly degrade the search
and rescue capabilities of manned aircraft,
often preventing them from executing their
missions. Capable of more than 24 hours of
continuous flight, the Hermes 900 maritime grated on its wings. Using an onboard mari- initiated after dispatch and is completed
patrol can operate in adverse weather time radar the UAS detects survivor situations. upon landing.
conditions in both day and night. Equipped Upon detection the UAS electro-optic or The Hermes 900 medium altitude long en-
with the new search and rescue capability infra-red payload is deployed to provide durance UAS is operational with the Israeli
the UAS can increase the number of such visual identification and a rapid calculation air force since 2015 and was selected by
missions that can be safely executed and of the drop-point is performed, enabling numerous customers including Switzerland,
improve the safety and effectiveness of the UAS to dispatch life rafts from a low-al- the UK, Brazil, Mexico, and Chile, the EU and
maritime response. titude of 600ft to a pin-pointed location the UN, and countries in South-East Asia.
The Hermes 900 maritime patrol can carry at a safe distance from the survivors. A For additional information, visit: https://
up to four, six-person life-rafts that are inte- gradual inflation process of the life-rafts is Q
By Adam Gavine
covery. To be successful, the public must must work quickly and methodically to
be confident that they can fly with us deploy a measured approach to Covid-19
he National Air Carrier Asso- without risking infection from Covid-19.” testing in airports that utilises the latest
Tciati on (NACA) in the USA has SAFETY is an acronym, referring to: technologies for both screening (e.g.,
issued an initial set of principles that it Safety: Every effort must be taken to non-contact temperature scanning and
has recommended for the resumption of ensure that passengers, crews and those effective antibody testing) and cre-
regular commercial flight operations in working on aircraft are protected from dentialing (biometric or tamper-proof
the wake of Covid-19. further exposure to the Covid-19 virus identification systems) for those safe to
Named ‘SAFETY’, the plan outlines ac- Access: Access to air travel- and the fly and interact with others
tions that NACA believes must be taken resulting consumer spending at hotels, You: The most critical element in re-
to ensure that the US airline industry can restaurants, resorts and retail estab- turning to the skies is you, the passen-
restore public confidence and be a safe lishments - will be a critical element of ger. More than anything else, aviation
catalyst for economic recovery. economic recovery cares about passenger health and safety
“The SAFETY principles are a critical Flexibility: Airlines must have the flexi- and helping us all return to better days.
first step in what we believe should be a bility to shift aircraft and routes to meet “America’s economic recovery will
collaborative planning process between demand as it ebbs and flows during the require enormous, coordinated efforts
the federal government and industry recovery. from governments, industries and peo-
stakeholders for US airlines to resume Economic viability: Restrictions on air ple across the nation,” Novak said.
normal flight operations when it is safe travel cannot be so stringent that pas- “We look forward to working with
to do so,” said NACA president and CEO, sengers can’t fly easily and affordably, all stakeholders to plan for resuming
George Novak. and airlines can’t return to profitability regular activities and hope the SAFE-
“The US airline industry will be a vital and protect jobs TY principles serve to kick-start those
component of America’s economic re- Testing: The federal government discussions.” Q
World Airnews | June 2020
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