Page 40 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 40


                                  FIRST FLIGHT

             he first successful flight of a

       Tsolar-powered High Alti tude, Long
       Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (HALE
       UAV) called the PHASA-35 has taken place.
         Expert in the design and development
       of innovative aerospace products, the

       company responsible for this feat is called
       Prismatic Ltd.

         Standing for Persistent High-Altitude

       Solar Aircraft or PHASA-35 could provide

       a year-round, cost-effective service across

       a range of operations, including envi-
       ronmental monitoring, defence, remote
       sensing, security, resource management,
       surveillance, and communications to

       remote areas.
         Running on solar energy to power the

       aircraft during the daytime and to charge

       batteries for night time flying, solar HALE

       UAVs provide a much more cost-effective
       alternative to conventional satellite sys-

       tems. The electric aircraft uses ultra-light-

       weight solar panels and long-life batteries
       to power flying operations that can last for

       up to one year.                     operations taking place in the United States   vehicle is 35 m. The lifespan of the integrat-

         The main features of the PHASA-35   and the UK.                       ed airframe is three years.
       are the efficient aerodynamics, propul-  Engineering Director for BAE Systems, Ian   The solar electric aircraft's battery

       sion and power systems that keep the   Muldowney, referred to the results of the   technology ensures an airborne operation

       solar electric aircraft at high altitude   PHASA-35 flight trial as "outstanding" and   of one year before any maintenance is

       for long periods, while only requiring   said that to go from design to flight in less   required, and the efficient, light-weight

       minimal power.                      than two years demonstrates the pace that   design enables a flying altitude of up to

         During this first flight trial, which was   can be achieved when the best of British   70,000 ft.

       conducted at the Royal Australian Air   capabilities are combined.       With its integrated dihedral roll rudder,

       Force (RAAF) Woomera test range in    Also commenting on the project, Founder   the tail design supports smooth and contin-

       South Australia, aerodynamics, propulsion   and Managing Director of Prismatic, Paul   uous flight control.

       and power efficiency were all found to   Brooks, said PHASA-35 could revolutionise   Solar panels powering the aircraft during

       meet the full range of function and perfor-  the way we think about Beyond Line of   the day are positioned on the surfaces of

       mance standards.                    Sight (BLOS) communications:        the wings to ensure a maximum amount of

         Furthermore, the completely autono-  "It's great to have the support of a world   energy is harnessed and also absorbed for

       mous flight control ensured the robust   leading technology company like BAE Sys-  storage in Lithium-ion batteries that fuel

       aircraft landed where intended in the   tems. I'd like to extend a huge thank you to   the vehicle during the night. Two electric
       presence of significant side winds.  the team who have worked tirelessly over   motors paired with high-altitude propellers

         Prismatic said that the successful launch,   the past two years to develop PHASA-35   ensure a flight speed of up to 78 kt.

       flight, landing and overall performance   as a proven, cost effective and reliable   BAE Systems states that, once coupled

       of the system was precisely in line with   system."                     with other technologies, the PHASA-35
       design expectations.                                                    could offer capabilities not seen with

         This showed that the PHASA-35 has the   PHASA-35 DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN   current air and space platforms and that it
       potential to provide year-round ser-  AND FEATURES                      could be used for disaster relief and border

       vices for 90% of the world's population   Initial flight tests for the PHASA-35 were   protection operations at a significantly
       and provide global services for major   performed in 2017 and 2018 using a   cheaper cost compared with satellites.
       applications such as precision agriculture,   quarter-scale version of the system called
       resource management, wildfire early   the PHASE-8. These tests demonstrated the   APPLICATIONS OF PHASA-35

       detection and mapping.              vehicle's performance characteristics, such   Some examples of PHASA-35's services

                                           as the strength and stiffness of the wing   include:
       A COLLABORATION PROJECT WITH        structure.                           •  Surveillance
       BAE SYSTEMS                           Following successful completion of the   •  Communications

       Prismatic designed, developed and   tests and the subsequent collaboration   •  Remote sensing

       delivered PHASA-35 in collaboration with   agreement between Prismatic and BAE

       BAE Systems as part of a joint development   Systems, the resulting PHASA-35 incorpo-  •  Resource management
       agreement made between the two      rates a structure comprised of carbon-fi-  •  Environmental monitoring

       companies in May 2018.              bres-composite (CFC) materials and carries   •  Disaster relief

         BAE Systems is one of the world's largest   a payload of more than 15 kg.   •  Early forest fire detection
       defence contractors, with its largest-scale   Weighing just 150 kg, the wingspan of the   •  Improved precision farming
                                                   World Airnews | June 2020
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