Page 37 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 37


                                   5TH GENERATION  SYSTEMS

               AFAEL Advanced Defence Systems
        Rwill equip Leonardo’s M-346FA

         light combat aircraft with its fifth-genera-

         tion Litening-5 and RecceLite systems.

           This is the first integration of fifth-gen-

         eration EO pods to Leonardo’s M-346FA

         platf orm.
           Multi-role combat variant of the aircraft

         is an advanced jet trainer. It has been de-
         signed for a wide range of training capabili-
         ties, long-term reliability and cost-effective

         operations.                         electro-optical / infra-red (EO/IR) design   interpretation ground station.

           The M-346FA variant can be operated   are claimed to enable reliable operation at   It also uses algorithms for detection,

         as a multi-role tactical aircraft and has the   significant stand-off ranges.  tracking, and sensor-to-shooter closure.
         capability for air-to-surface, air-to-air and   Furthermore, the system permits the   The system achieves optimal data-exploita-

         tactical reconnaissance missions.   operation of all kinds of air-to-surface   tion at the ground station in real-time due to

           Following the integration, the jet will   smart weaponry, including laser-guided,   the use of advanced ISR, image processing
         now include stand-off capabilities using the   GPS-guided and EO/IR imaging-guided   and AI.

         multi-spectral airborne pod.        muniti ons.                          Delivered to 13 customers globally,

           Currently, the pod is used by 27 air forces   The pods have completed over two mil-  RecceLite has been integrated onto aircraft

         and carried over by 25 platforms world-  lion flight hours of operations worldwide.  that include F-16, F-18, Jaguar, AMX, Tor-

         wide.                                Equipped with the RecceLite ISR system,   nado, Typhoon, Gripen, Heron TP, Reaper

           Litening 5 provides real-time, for-  the integrated aircraft can perform target   among others.
         ward-looking infrared (FLIR+SWIR) and day   search, by making use of advanced AI,   It is in service with the air forces in Eu-

         HD colour camera imagery. Its sensors and   automatic target recognition (ATR) at the   rope, the Far East and South America. Q

                                                    World Airnews | June 2020
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