Page 34 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 34

FEATURE                                                                                                                  FEATURE

                                           ultimately made the break-          machine detail on soap wrappers.                   Tiro was the only South African artist   Aviation art demands all the “regular”

                                           through. Tiro used one of his tour days to   “I scoured the library for books about air-  to be invited to display eight of his   elements such as perspective, colour, scale,   TIRO VORSTER: CHILDHOOD

                                           break away.  He was met at his Moscow ho-  craft.  I walked to the railway station to draw   paintings at the US “Centenary of Flight”   contrast, texture, lighting, brush technique.   DRAWINGS TO INTERNATIONAL

                                           tel and driven to Ryazan, 200 km south east   locomotives and went to the agricultural   celebrations at Dayton Ohio in 2003. His   Aviation artists have to master still life   RECOGNITION

                                           of Moscow, by Father Konstantin, dr Yuri   show to draw farm machinery. Technical de-  painting of a Spitfire in a hangar was the   (aircraft in hangar or on runway), landscape   •  Tiro Vorster is self-taught. As a

                                           Skubko, political economist and art expert   tail fascinated me. I also developed a great   cover of the official invitations. At the   (aircraft over mountains, oceans, desert, in   child, he drew pictures on soap

                                           from the Institute for African Studies, Rus-  interest in performance cars. I saw my first   largest military aviation museum in the   clouds), battle positions, light, reflection,   wrappers.

                                           sian Academy of Sciences and Lt-Col. Igor   large aircraft at age sixteen and knew what   world (150 aircraft displayed indoors)   camouflage and precise historical, military

                                           Zhdarkin, military interpreter and member   I wanted to do - I joined the Air Force and   the military band played South African   and technical detail. One mistake detracts   •  Today, he is internationally

                                           of the Angola Veterans’ Union.      notched up 4 5000 hours of flying.”              songs in Tiro’s honour.             from the merit of the work. Tiro had the   recognised as an aviation artist

                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Life Member of the American
                                                                                                                                                                    advantage of a day at the office in the air

                                             En route Lt.-genl. Michael Oparin,   Son of a watchmaker and gunsmith                His photo albums record all these memo-  over many decades.               Society of Aviation Artists. (ASAA)

                                           former commander of Russian Long-range   father and a bookkeeper mother, Tiro        ries. There are logbooks from an era when

                                           Aviation, chairman of the Veteran’s Society   dreamt and drew. He built, painted and   flight engineers without computer help had   On his walls, in collectors’ homes and   •  As a veteran flight engineer in

                                           and vice-chairman of Tupolev’s construc-  flew model aircraft with friends. He drew   to calculate, takeoff weight, fuel supply,   military bases hang his beloved Shackle-  the South African Air Force and

                                           tion division joined them. A large party   a yellow Caterpillar for a school inspec-  speed and many other figures to ensure   ton, Spitfire, Mustang P51, Bristol Beau-  eternal student, he studies the

                                           at the Ryazan Air Base and Museum for   tor, Ms. La Grange as a 9 year-old. He still   safe takeoff, mission and landing.   fighter, Cheetah, English Electric Lightning,   historical, military and technical

                                           Long- range aviation, the museum director,   keeps her handwritten thank you letter    He flew many search, rescue and patrol   Lockheed Constellation, Junkers, Rooivalk,   detail of every aircraft he paints.

                                           flight crew of the Tu-95, other aircraft and   dated 1953.                           missions over the oceans, the desert   Wasp, Albatross, Kittyhawk, Focke Wulf   •  He was invited to display eight of

                                           officers welcomed them.              His childhood books about aircraft              and in guerrilla wars in Namibia, Angola   and more.                        his oil paintings at the official Unit-

                                             “This kid from Middelburg in the Cape   are in his home library together with      and former Rhodesia - nine tours of duty   Tiro and his wife, Hannatjie, a former   ed States celebration of “A Century
                                           saw museum displays no Western eyes   memorabilia, autographs, gifts and             of ten weeks each. He lost comrades   teacher, have a daughter, Tihanna, a former   of Flight” in 2003 to commemorate

                                           had seen before. I felt at home sitting in   personal messages from famous pilots,   and had close shaves: doing emergency   South African 400 metres athletics cham-  the Wright brothers’ first flight in

                                           front of the cockpit instruments of the   commanders, generals, comrades and         repairs to a helicopter under enemy fire   pion, musician, now physiotherapist in   1903. His Spitfire painting was used

                                           Tu-16 “Badger”.                     captains of industry. Tiro Vorster’s avia-       and insisting on being on board for the   Mossel Bay. They are just as proud of her as   as the cover for formal invitations.

                                             The painting was unveiled in the Museum   tion art opened doors to many shielded   flight back to base.                she is of her parents and her artist father.    •  Tiro traveled to Russia and

                                           for Long-range Aviation. Then Tiro and   by protocol and high office. He became        In 1968 his pilot does an emergency   “As I reflect on my life, there is nothing   through a network of Russian

                                           company were taken to a collection of   a silent ambassador for South Africa and     landing at night on the edge of a cliff. His   I would do differently.  My family, good   friends presented a painting of

                                           Russian post-World War 2 bombers, next to   the SA Air Force, behind iron curtains and   helicopter draws fire in 1976 and they just   friends and art have enriched my life and I   the Russian “Bear” to a restricted
                                                                                                                                                                                                            airbase and museum.
                                                                                                                                                                    am truly grateful for that.  My Tu-95 has a

         Tiro dwarfed by the tail section of the   the museum, representing the innovation,   despite military sanctions.       manage to land the now unserviceable   place of honour in Russia.” Q

        Bear showing the rear gunner position  design and ingenuity of Russian military   “Art gave me wonderful opportunities.   craft. The Pro Merito medal for “excep-                                 •  The painting has a place of

                                           aviati on.                          In 1984 I sent the Chief of Staff the US Air     tionally meritorious service and particular                                 honour, Tiro received a hero’s

                                             “It’s a humbling experience. Everything I   Force a print of a Mustang P51, without   devotion to duty”, The Military Merit   * This article was written by Pieter Cronjé    welcome, gifts and shown a rare

                                           had read or seen on television became real.    permission from my superiors and against   Medal for editing SAAF’s Nyala magazine   a friend of Tiro who loves aircraft, is a   collection of Russian post World

                                           I was talking to the pilots who, through   military protocol.  I still have the handwrit-  and other decorations on his wall tell their   journalist and international advisor  War 2 bombers.

                                           the interpreter, enthralled me with the   ten thank you letter from General Charles   own story.

                                           aircrafts’ features, performance and their   A. Gabriel. I met my role model, US aviation

                                           experience flying them.  This is simply heav-  artist Keith Ferris, after seeing his famous

                                           en for an aviation artist!”         mural at the Smithsonian Institute and met

                                             Heavy traffic on the way back to Moscow   senior Pentagon officers.

                                           almost made Tiro miss his train connection   Generals and top aviators supported him
                                           to St Petersburg. He boarded with minutes to   and thanked him for his art: Generals Dennis

            His paintings start with a detailed   spare, but elated at how well it had all turned   Earp, Roelf Beukes, Willem Hechter, Jan van
                  pencil drawing such as this  out.                            Loggerenberg and Fred du Toit, Air Vice Mar-
                                           HOW IT ALL STARTED                  shal Johnnie Johnson, top Royal Air Force
                                                                               pilot in WW2, Bob Hoover, pilot of the chase

                                           As a young boy in the small town of   plane for Chuck Yeager’s first ever super-

                                           Middelburg, Tiro started drawing planes,   sonic flight and Oberst Wolfgang Zebrowski,
                                           locomotives, tractors and anything with   Luftwaffe hero and FW 190 pilot.

                                              A MIGHTY AIRPLANE, 64-YEAR SERVICE RECORD

                                              •  The mighty Tupolev Tu-95, Russian strategic bomber, missile platform and mari-

                                                time reconnaissance aircraft had always fascinated Tiro.

                                              •  The four mighty Kuznetsov NK-12 engines with contra-rotating propellers each

                                                produces almost 15 000 shaft horsepower (11 000 kW). (Comparison: A C130

                                                Hercules engine produces 4 590 shaft horsepower).

                                              •  It is one of the loudest military aircraft as the tips of the eight propellers move

                                                faster than the speed of sound.
                                              •  It has a range of 15 000 km range (9 300 miles, 8 100 nautical miles), a top

                                                speed of around 830 kph (520 mph, 450 knots) (close to the speed of commer-
                                                cial jet airliners) and 35 degree swept-back wings.

                                              •  A “timeless” design, it entered service in 1956 and with upgraded engines,
                                                weapon platforms, avionics and electronics it is set to continue service until

                                              •  It is the only propeller-driven strategic bomber still in operational use.

                                              •  A feature of the Cold War, some Bears were in the news recently when British

                                                Typhoon fighters intercepted them north west of Scotland and forced them to                                        Tiro, a Russian Air Force officer and Lt-Gen. Michael Oparin (right) in front of the

              Tiro behind the gunner controls                                                                                                                                 Tupolev Tu-95 with its massive, powerful contra-rotating propellers

                                                   World Airnews | June 2020                                                                                               World Airnews | June 2020
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