Page 41 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 41

UAS              UAS

 FIRST FLIGHT   satellite coverage can be coupled with   early signs of forest fires and provide moni-  will provide the technological and project
           In surveillance, for example, global

                                             toring to support fire-fighters.
                                                                                management expertise needed to make

         regional HALE UAV coverage and long-en-  High-resolution, multispectral imaging   PHASA-35 available on the market.

         durance UAVs to provide practical, flexi-  provides the speed, quality and coverage   BAE Systems Air Sector Strategy Direc-
         ble operations.                     needed to enhance precision agriculture,   tor Michael Christie said, "Prismatic is
           Small satellites and regional or local HALE   which aims to optimize cultivation by   a fast paced and forward-thinking com-

 he first successful flight of a   UAV coverage provides rapid and flexible   incorporating satellite, remote sensing and   pany and PHASA-35 is a great example

 Tsolar-powered High Alti tude, Long   communications that cannot be obtained   proximal data technologies in the approach   of what the team can achieve in a short

 Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (HALE   with existing geostationary satellites.  to farm management.  space of time.”

 UAV) called the PHASA-35 has taken place.  For environmental monitoring, solar-elec-  He said, "We were keen to invest in
 Expert in the design and development   tric, emission-free UAVs and satellites that   THE FUTURE OF PRISMATIC AND   the programme as part of our long-term

 of innovative aerospace products, the   do not need to be launched, operated or   BAE SYSTEMS' PARTNERSHIP  strategy to explore new technologies and
 company responsible for this feat is called   recovered in sensitive environments pro-  Prismatic will now continue its collabo-  solutions in air and space. I look forward

 Prismatic Ltd.   vide the perfect platform.  ration with BAE Systems, with the next   to working with the team and I'm sure the

 Standing for Persistent High-Altitude   In regions lacking infrastructure,   phase including further flight trials that will   collaboration will add further strength to

 Solar Aircraft or PHASA-35 could provide   the deployment of solar electric UAVs   enable the evaluation of longer endurance   both ourselves and Prismatic."

 a year-round, cost-effective service across   to augment satellites can provide   and other payloads.  Further tests have been scheduled for lat-
 a range of operations, including envi-  information and communications for disas-  Internationally, BAE Systems has patents   er this year, with the PHASA-35 potentially

 ronmental monitoring, defence, remote   ter support.  and patent applications for around 2,000   being made available to clients for opera-

 sensing, security, resource management,   Wide area surveillance helps identify   inventions. In partnership with Prismatic, it   tions within 12 months of the trials.  Q

 surveillance, and communications to

 remote areas.
 Running on solar energy to power the
 aircraft during the daytime and to charge

 batteries for night time flying, solar HALE   FAA CUTS CONTROL TOWER

 UAVs provide a much more cost-effective

 alternative to conventional satellite sys-
 tems. The electric aircraft uses ultra-light-  SERVICE TO 100 US AIRPORTS

 weight solar panels and long-life batteries

 to power flying operations that can last for

 up to one year.  operations taking place in the United States   vehicle is 35 m. The lifespan of the integrat-

 The main features of the PHASA-35   and the UK.  ed airframe is three years.
 are the efficient aerodynamics, propul-  Engineering Director for BAE Systems, Ian   The solar electric aircraft's battery

 sion and power systems that keep the   Muldowney, referred to the results of the   technology ensures an airborne operation   he FAA has reduced air traffic control services

 solar electric aircraft at high altitude   PHASA-35 flight trial as "outstanding" and   of one year before any maintenance is   Tat 100 airports around the United States as the

 for long periods, while only requiring   said that to go from design to flight in less   required, and the efficient, light-weight   corona virus crisis has made a significant impact on the

 minimal power.  than two years demonstrates the pace that   design enables a flying altitude of up to   volume of air traffic at secondary and tertiary airports

 During this first flight trial, which was   can be achieved when the best of British   70,000 ft.  across the nation.

 conducted at the Royal Australian Air   capabilities are combined.  With its integrated dihedral roll rudder,   “To ensure the continued resiliency of the air traffic

 Force (RAAF) Woomera test range in   Also commenting on the project, Founder   the tail design supports smooth and contin-  control system amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the FAA

 South Australia, aerodynamics, propulsion   and Managing Director of Prismatic, Paul   uous flight control.  is planning to temporarily adjust the operating hours

 and power efficiency were all found to   Brooks, said PHASA-35 could revolutionise   Solar panels powering the aircraft during   of approximately 100 control towers nationwide,” the

 meet the full range of function and perfor-  the way we think about Beyond Line of   the day are positioned on the surfaces of   regulatory body wrote in a statement.

 mance standards.  Sight (BLOS) communications:   the wings to ensure a maximum amount of   The changes were implemented on 27 April.

 Furthermore, the completely autono-  "It's great to have the support of a world   energy is harnessed and also absorbed for   The impacted facilities “have seen a significant

 mous flight control ensured the robust   leading technology company like BAE Sys-  storage in Lithium-ion batteries that fuel   reduction in flights, especially during the evening and

 aircraft landed where intended in the   tems. I'd like to extend a huge thank you to   the vehicle during the night. Two electric   night time hours, since the pandemic began”. Tower

 presence of significant side winds.  the team who have worked tirelessly over   motors paired with high-altitude propellers   operations at the sites will be reduced to core daytime

 Prismatic said that the successful launch,   the past two years to develop PHASA-35   ensure a flight speed of up to 78 kt.  hours when traffic tends to be highest, the FAA said.

 flight, landing and overall performance   as a proven, cost effective and reliable   BAE Systems states that, once coupled   As many states implemented stay-at-home orders

 of the system was precisely in line with   system."  with other technologies, the PHASA-35   and air travel started to crumble about six weeks ago,
 design expectations.   could offer capabilities not seen with      traffic requiring control services sharply declined. Flight

 This showed that the PHASA-35 has the   PHASA-35 DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN   current air and space platforms and that it   schools closed, business aviation activity slowed and

 potential to provide year-round ser-  AND FEATURES  could be used for disaster relief and border   airlines reduced operations to skeleton schedules.

 vices for 90% of the world's population   Initial flight tests for the PHASA-35 were   protection operations at a significantly   “Adjusting the operating hours will further protect our

 and provide global services for major   performed in 2017 and 2018 using a   cheaper cost compared with satellites.  employees and reduce the possibility of temporary tower
 applications such as precision agriculture,   quarter-scale version of the system called   closures from COVID-19 exposures by ensuring enough
 resource management, wildfire early   the PHASE-8. These tests demonstrated the   APPLICATIONS OF PHASA-35  controllers are available to staff the facilities during peak

 detection and mapping.  vehicle's performance characteristics, such   Some examples of PHASA-35's services   hours,” the FAA stated. It will continue monitoring vol-

 as the strength and stiffness of the wing   include:

 A COLLABORATION PROJECT WITH   structure.  •  Surveillance         umes at the airports and reassess as necessary.
 BAE SYSTEMS  Following successful completion of the   •  Communications  In mid-March, the FAA shut several control towers,

 Prismatic designed, developed and   tests and the subsequent collaboration   •  Remote sensing  including those at Las Vegas McCarran international
                                                                    airport and Chicago’s Midway International airport, after

 delivered PHASA-35 in collaboration with   agreement between Prismatic and BAE   employees tested positive for corona virus. A supervisor

 BAE Systems as part of a joint development   Systems, the resulting PHASA-35 incorpo-  •  Resource management  at Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Centre also tested

 agreement made between the two   rates a structure comprised of carbon-fi-  •  Environmental monitoring  positive, causing an evacuation and requiring rerouting of

 companies in May 2018.   bres-composite (CFC) materials and carries   •  Disaster relief

 BAE Systems is one of the world's largest   a payload of more than 15 kg.   •  Early forest fire detection  aircraft above a wide swath Ohio and West Virginia. Q
 defence contractors, with its largest-scale   Weighing just 150 kg, the wingspan of the   •  Improved precision farming
 World Airnews | June 2020                          World Airnews | June 2020
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